Nausea Remedies

Baking Soda
Posted by Brenda H. (Scotland, UK) on 08/28/2022

Cure for indigestion, nausea

After reading all the cures for flu! Using bicarbonate of soda, I wanted to add, that whenever I have bad indigestion or feeling nauseous, I take 1/4tspn bicarbonate soda dry on tongue, and swallow with cold water....cures these things within 20 dad told me of this years ago! Great cure!

Baking Soda
Posted by Bob. S. (USA) on 11/21/2020

For nausea, try a capsule of baking soda - sodium bicarbonate this you can take with you & a easier way to take it, tastes nasty in water.

It helps with Diarrhea and real fast to. For the nausea try CBD capsules either type will work, no need for full spectrum. I use this for it.

Baking Soda
Posted by Lisa Romie (A) on 01/28/2017

1/8 tsp of Baking soda in a small cup with warm water worked to rid the nausea I have had for a 5 day.. Much better and easier than OTC medications.

Baking Soda
Posted by Marcie (Hastings, East Sussex) on 11/21/2015

I was bed bound with nausea until I sipped on 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda in 2 cups of water 3 times a day and was cured. Thank you for this site.

Baking Soda
Posted by Donna Mae (Clovis, Nm) on 03/12/2011

Thank you so much! I wish I had read this two days ago. I have been battling a head cold along with puking and pooping. I have two babies, an 8 month old and a 23 month old, which were the source of my illness, and my husband is gone for a couple of weeks. I thought I had gotten too dehydrated because I wasn't being able to even sip water without having a gag reflex. I was about to send them to a babysitter and check myself into the emergency room to get an IV because I've gotten so weak and was afraid I would not be able to care for my little ones. I put 1/8 tsp of baking soda in a mug and added warm water as recommended. I felt better within five minutes as promised. I am now able to drink water with no issues. Thank you so much... I was really worried.

Baking Soda
Posted by Romanbreeze (Sugarcreek, Ohio Usa ) on 01/26/2011

Editor's Choice My grandma had used this remedy in her house for decades. I still use it to this day. I use a shot glass and put enough baking soda in it to cover the bottom of glass, add some room temperature water, stir, plug my nose and take my shot of baking soda. I have found it works if I ate something that didn't agree with me, but not when I had the flu. I just found out that I am pregnant so I'm sure I will find out soon if it works for morning sickness, as long as it's safe for baby. :-)

Baking Soda
Posted by Liz (Melbourne, Florida USA) on 04/30/2009

I have been dealing with SEVERE nausea since starting chemo treatments for leukemia in 2005. I stopped all chemo meds in 2006 but the nausea has stuck around since then. I have tried EVERYTHING that the doctors have given me. I finally got tired of putting chemicals into my body and started searching for natural remedies. I found this website through a cancer community and it has been a GODSENT! I tried the baking soda for nausea and within 5 minutes, my nausea is almost completely gone. It would have taken Phenegren over an hour to help. Thanks SO much for this website!

Baking Soda
Posted by Luba (Toronto, Canada) on 11/23/2008

it worked right away for me!! i had a horrible nausea the whole day and finally tried some baking soda in a glass of water. instant relief!

Baking Soda
Posted by Cory (West Hurley, NY) on 10/10/2008

I usually add 1/8 teaspoon to half a glass of water and take small sips you should feel better within 5 minutes or so. Make sure the baking sooda is completely diluted and mixed well before drinking...Hope this helps.

Baking Soda
Posted by Cory (West Hurley, NY) on 01/05/2008

I have used baking soda for over 20 years for nausea and it works every time. if I eat greasy foods or just a stomach virus. I would be lost without it.

It also works great for UTI's. It makes the shaking icky feeling go away.
