Nausea Remedies

Alcohol Swabs
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/04/2021 489 posts


A heads up on the alcohol swabs for nausea:

I was out of swabs - which were 70% - so just took a whiff of bottled alcohol but it was 91%. That was not pleasant. It DID fix the nausea but YIKES! So, don't do that. I cut it half and half with filtered water since it was just the very last of the bottle. I only ever used it to clean nail clippers, pruning shears and things like that but I just plain drank WAY too much coffee and yuck! So I drank a glass of water, which helped somewhat, but jumped on here to see what "The Awesomeness" had to say about nausea and discovered the alcohol swab solution! Except, I was out of swabs so...I had no idea there was such a difference between 91% and 70%. Of course, I'd never actually sniffed it on purpose I checked the swabs and it's much milder so...if you use it out of the bottle and it's 91%, you're going to want to cut it with some water first.

Alcohol Swabs
Posted by Kristie (Peoria, Illinois) on 01/16/2011

I've been suffering from nausea and vomitting all day from a hangover and was desperate for help. I tried the alcohol swabs and while it didn't entirelly cure my nausea, it helped immensely. Thank you.
