I found that when I would use a q-tip, I had to twist it or the wax would get pushed into the ear canal to where it felt like I was deaf. Yay for the curette.
Ear Pick
Yes, I'm a believer in the ear pick. I HATE Q-tips. They just push the wax in, and it causes irritation, and more wax build up along with itchiness. The Ear pick actually pulls the wax out, but I have caused my ears to bleed before, and other problems,and that was scary. Now, I'm much more gentle and cautious about it.
The best thing to do is irrigate with a warm, purified water/hydrogen peroxide solution with a bulb syringe. Water is the best thing for your ears.
Ear Pick
I clean my ears every so often with a medical instrument called an ear pick, curette or ear wax scoop. About 25 years ago I did this but did not know the hazards of doing it without sterilizing the instrument. I got a severe ear canal infection which I got treated. Since then I have made it a routine to wipe off the ear pick with a tissue and then clean it with alcohol each time I use it. I haven't had any problem with it 25 years since even with regular usage. The other caution is do it gently, and to be sure to be away from any distractions (like children) where damage could be done to the ear drum by accidentally pushing it too far in. Those who say "nothing smaller than your elbow should be inserted in the ear" I'm sure mean well, but I find to be being unnecessarily overcautious assuming one takes the normal precautions with ear cleaning. Nothing else has worked like this, especially Q tips, which I found to aggravate the blockage. Ear picks can often be found at oriental markets.