Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Earache Remedies for Pain Relief

| Modified on Jul 16, 2024
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jules (Denver, Colorado) on 09/30/2010

Here's a twist, two plus days ago I dropped hydrogen peroxide in my ear because I thought it needed to be cleaned. There was no popping or fizzing and when I tried to drain it, nothing came out. Now my ear is aching, my glands are swollen, can't hear a thing and my ear feels full of water. I've tried to drain it; jumped around, alchohol, heat, antihistamines, oral acv, gse... Anyone have some advice? I'm in so much pain and can't hear a thing but the inside of my head!! :(

Oil Pulling
Posted by X-microbiologist (Right Here, Usa) on 11/18/2017

Editor's Choice I currently have one of the worst ear infections ever, -and I am usually not prone to them! Being a diehard fan of Earthclinic (and the fact that it was 2 in the morning when my symptoms kicked into high gear) I read through and tried nearly every remedy listed with only marginal success. It was maddening! So I looked at a diagram of the ear and realized that every "Cure" I'd tried involved placing salt/alchohol/vinegar/oil etc. INTO the ear itself, hoping that the medicinal agent would get into the problem area and fix things. But if the problem was lower down -say lower middle ear or even in my eustachian tube, that pathway is unlikely to be effective. And believe me, it wasnt effective, -I was hurting continuously!

That's when I thought about oil pulling. The mouth is yet another pathway into the ear and, when using a truly antibacterial oil like coconut or garlic-infused olive oil, should be relatively quick and effective way to clear up deep ear infections.

So I figured I'd give it a try, -certainly it was better than waiting for morning! I took Coconut oil and put in a little natural sea salt, placing a tablespoon of the concoction in my mouth. Then, I laid down to further facilitate getting the stuff to my tubes (you dont have to do this, but I was also exhausted, so I had double incentive! ) After five seconds, I finally had sustained, sweet relief! The pressure subsided, no more pain, -I'm still a little clogged, but I'm decidedly feeling BETTER! I swished for about 15 minutes overall. I'm also going to alternate the salted coconut oil with garlic-infused olive oil to make sure I don't have any little infectious nasties left. But I just wanted to post my success here because I read several other posts from people who were in the same boat as I was last night, -tired, desperate and out of luck. In fact, if I could just make a blanket recommendation, maybe trying the oil-pulling FIRST before putting anything into our ears? Membranes are delicate things and once they're damaged, it tends to be permanent. Oil pulling is a pretty non-invasive procedure to try FIRST if you've got a raging ear ache and it wont hurt you in any way. And, if it doesn't work, you've ruled out the lower tubes of your ears as infection sites, -so win/win!

Anyway, -God's blessings to all! I hope this is a help to others!

Castor Oil
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/18/2018

I had a bad earache tonight that been coming on for a few days. I prayed and saw myself using a q -tip with castor oil on it ....rubbed it in there and pain started to subside. I love castor oil for many things, especially pain. It's also called the palm of Christ. Not sure if it is supposed to be used in the ear but I know it can be used in the eyes.

Posted by Steph C. (Missouri) on 03/07/2017

Editor's Choice Garlic for Earache:

This is what I do for my kids. Garlic clove crushed and warmed in olive oil. Once the oil smells garlicky I let it cool a bit and then place in the ear and have them lay down with a cotton ball in the ear for as long as they can (usually lasts 10 minutes before they get impatient). I usually do both ears for prevention. I will say I have only ever had to do this application once per complaint because it is so effective. My kids are very compliant with this treatment, also, because they know it is fast relief.

Posted by Evash (Uk) on 11/30/2014

I feel emotional - after trying everything to no avail in resolving uncomfortable itchy ear, I tried the olive oil and garlic ---- what can I say - it stopped immediately. And I want to give this a thumbs up. Thanks for sharing, now I feel better too.

Black Pepper
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 11/30/2020

Black Pepper for Earaches: I was blown away when it worked! To took about 20 minutes to start working.

I found this recipe from the book: One Thousand and One Useful Recipes, Edited by Ewell's Dairy Milk Bottle Company Published in 1890.

Earache Recipe from 1890:

Take a piece of cotton batten, put in a pinch of fresh ground black pepper, tie it up, dip it in sweet oil, insert in the ear canal. Place a hot water bottle over ear to keep warm.

Note: Cotton batting definition, absorbent cotton pressed into pads or layers for use in dressing wounds, filling quilts, etc.

So here is the 2020 recipe:

Wrap fresh ground black pepper (I use a pepper grinder) in a clean white thin cloth, like a handkerchief or a strong paper towel is what I use, making a little ball, about the size of the tip of your thumb. Use a rubber band or string to tie it. Dip into warm olive oil (also heard hot coffee works too), squeeze excess out, then cool enough not to burn. Insert this into the ear for pain relief. Special thanks to Rev. Alex for his input.

Why fresh ground black pepper? Fresh peppercorn have essential oils inside such as piperine, an amine alkaloid, which gives strong spicy pungent character and medical properties but, it disappears after 3 months after grinding, so the pre-ground stuff setting on the store shelf is all dried out.

Why put it in a cloth? This is to prevent the small particles of pepper from getting into the ear canal that can get lodged in there and cause problems down the road.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mundaring (Perth, Western Australia) on 11/20/2012

Thank you EC community for helping me discover remedies I had no idea about. Had an excruciating earache which doc prescribed antibiotics for. No thanks! Checked EC to discover Hydrogen Peroxide may kill the little gremlins causing my earache. YES! Happily dipped the "cottonbud" (Aussie for Qtip) into H2O2 3% and dripped a drop or three into the ear, tilted head while it bubbled for a few seconds. Repeated a few hours later and went to bed. VOILA! Woke up 6 hrs later and.... THANK GOD... no earache. Shalom.

Posted by Lyn (Indialantic, Florida/ Usa) on 08/31/2012

Yea thank you. My daughter called me from college in excrutiating pain and of course the student health clinic was closed and a holiday weekend. She had been to the clinic the day before for a severe sore throat and fever. They swabbed her and told her it was a virus..... She tried the crushed garlic in the olive oil heated and three drops in the ear, Fantastic within ten minutes the pain is almost gone, I can't thank you enough for this assistance as I am three hours distance from the school. Thankyou thankyou thankyou

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt
Posted by Dolphina (Christiansburg, Va. ) on 01/15/2009

I am replying to the submission on apple cider vinegar for the cure of plugged up ears.

I have had reoccuring bouts with this problem due to sinus infections and some strange buildup of wax clogging the eardrum leaving me nearly 50% loss of hearing when I have these occurences.

Usually, squirting the ear drum out with a syringe and hydrogen peroxide, followed after 15 minutes of letting the solution bubble in the inner ear, washing out with warm tepid water will do the trick. However, this time, in the past four days, the problem seemed more severe. I have seen a doctor regarding this in the past, and the diagnosis is due to sinus infection complications with a chronic buildup of weird wax. His best solution was just what I described, yet he and his assistant actually could guide the problem along. If there is obvious infection, they generally prescribe an antibiotic and Zyrtec D. That is the best way to resolve the problem, if nothing else works, but now with the clinics charging close to $90 just for an office visit and without having insurance, this seems prohibitive.......I have always tried the natural remedies first and foremost.

So, here is my suggestion. Do try over the counter ear drops first , 2 times a day with 5 drops in each ear. After about 8 hours, make a tepid solution of warm water(1 cup) and Natural sea salt(1 tsp) to rinse out the ear...test the solution on your wrist first as you would do for a baby....your eardrums are very sensitive and delicate....never put hot water, hot oils into the ear canal...only warm or tepid. Or you can use the hydrogen peroxide method or Organic apple cider vinegar(make sure it is free of pulp)followed by the sea salt solution. You will need to tilt your head to "bubble" the freeing agent. Then, you will hold your head over the sink so that the ear can drain and all debris fall into the sink when you do the syringe forcing of the saltwater solution. Now, here's the gross part, the "Shrek" wax will come out and it is gross, you will feel a little light headed and sort of faint......so keep doing this until you feel that the ears have "popped" and all debris is out. Then clean the outer ear gently with tissue and hold a towel next to the ear to keep it warm. I also just wear ear muffs/knit cap for about one hour after if the climate is cold, this is better so that you do not catch another cold or infection does not set in. I have also been taking a natural antibiotic(Grapefruit Seed Extract-for price of $7.99) from the start of this last episode. It generally takes a couple of days and of course a regiment this way, but so far I have been successful. Just make sure that you are gentle with your inner ears......don't want to hurt the ear drum or Eustachian tubes. Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt combined cures so many things including gout........This is an age old rememdy and we need to pay attention to all that is out there.........that is what it is all about, don't support a failed Medical Society/Health Care System that does not support the general public with their needs for a reasonable and ethical cost!

Vapor Rub
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/10/2022

It is a common misconception that Vicks VapoRub (or its generic, which I use) is just for colds and coughs. In fact, Vicks as a topical application can be used as an effective remedy against various ailments like pain, sore throat, and for earache.

Its main ingredients menthol, camphor, thymol, turpentine and eucalyptus oil can relieve congestion in the body. It also acts as an effective topical analgesic that relieves pain.

How I use it for Earaches – In most cases, Vicks for earache relieves pain. All you need to do is rub a generous amount on a cotton ball and put it into either one or both ears overnight for relief from pain and discomfort. Also, rub it around the outside of the ear too.

If I want to put it on without wearing a cottonball in my ear during the day. I use one of those fuzzy Q-tips sold at Dollartree called a “Safty Swab”, roll it around in the Vapor Rub, wipe off any excess and swab it around inside my ear canal. Oh, it feels sooo good!

Posted by Gerber (Tucson, Az) on 07/23/2017

What I have done is take out the oil from two garlic cloves and dilute with olive oil and take a cotton ball and put one or two drops in my ears and bingo. I then put the piece of cotton and leave for a while or over night. Ear infections are gone with no antibiotics. It really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (San Diego, Ca) on 07/02/2011

ACV also works great when getting an earache. My ENT told me to put some in the ear at the first sign of trouble, leaving it there for a minute then letting the ACV run out the ear... Repeat one more time 12 hrs. Later. This has worked for us!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jack (Toledo, Ohio) on 05/06/2006

If you suffer from sinus headaches, this will give relief in 30 secs to 5 minutes depending on how long you've had it. it will also stop an asthma attack; take 2, 8oz glasses, fill one with cool to cold water the other with no more warm to hot water you can swallow in one gulp. in the hot water, put 1/8 to 1/4 level teaspoon of "cayenne powdered red pepper", mix very well, then pick up both glasses, down the hot water and red pepper in one gulp "quickly". as soon as you've done that, put the cold water into your mouth and rinse vigorously and swallow, repeat the rinse with cold water until your mouth is warm to hot, quit rinsing, fill your lungs with all the air they can hold, and hold your breath for as long as you can, then let the air "slowly out your "nose" repeat the breathing exercize 4 to 5 times, by the fifth time your pain will be gone!! if your eustacian tubes are plugged up they will open in a few minutes, and you'll feel your sinuses draining down yr throat, you'll need to blow yr nose because this will drain your sinuses. this will also give up to 32 hours of asthma relief as well as cleans your blood of impurities while you sleep.

Baking Soda
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/27/2021

Baking Soda is one of the simplest home remedies for ear issues. I have used this with good results.

Sodium bicarbonate ear drops “made at home” can be safely used to soften and dissolve earwax build-up and ear infections. Sodium bicarbonate ear drops also can be used to keep your ear canal dry, which helps prevent outer ear infections. The most common form of sodium bicarbonate for home use is baking soda. A baking soda solution is safe and effective to use as ear drops.

Health Benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate:

With its natural pH neutralizing effects, baking soda serves a variety of purposes. The compound is effective for reducing pain, eliminating infection and treating inflammation.

Putting baking soda on your skin creates an alkaline pH which creates an inhospitable environment for the bacteria as staphylococci prefer a neutral or acidic pH.


One study found that baking soda helped kill Candida cells, which are the fungal cells responsible for yeast infections. Fungal infections of the skin and nails, such as onychomycosis, have been shown to improve when soaked in a solution of baking soda and water.


Baking soda is also an antiseptic that kills the infection-causing microbes. Sodium bicarbonate was assessed against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, poliovirus, vancomycin-susceptible and -resistant Enterococcus species, and methicillin-susceptible and -resistant S. aureus. Baking soda <3 logs10 of all test pathogens. Baking soda completely inactivated both antibiotic-resistant and -susceptible bacteria at both exposure times.



Baking soda is also an effective natural remedy for parasitic worms which can infest the digestive tract.

Preparation of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Ear Drops

by Dr. Swayam Prabha (India)


*Sodium Bicarbonate 5mg (1 teaspoon)

*Glycerine 30ml (optional)

*Purified water 100ml

Mix Baking Soda in the warm water. Allow the baking soda to completely dissolve. Then add Glycerine and stir til completely uniformed.

Store your drops in a clean glass container. Keep the container at room temperature. Shake the container before using the drops.


Dr. Swayam Prabha states,

Place 2 – 3 drops in the ear. Use only two to three drops at a time. Drops can be used twice a day, if necessary. However, I prefer to use the irrigate method. I place a full eye dropper full into the ear canal so that the solution can make contact with all the tissue in the canal. I plug the canal with a cotton ball. I'll leave this in place for about 1 hour. Use for 1 - 2 weeks when using ear drops to dissolve earwax or infection.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jas (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/08/2011

It worked! I was a bit skeptical about putting it in my ear but it hurt so much... So I got 3% Peroxide and a cotton ball... Soaked the cotton ball, tilteld my head to side then put inside my ear and squeezed so the liquid can go inside my ear... Kept my head tilted to side for a few minutes, couldnt hear anything but as soon as I straightened my head out the peroxide dripped out and I could hear again, and pain was almost gone!!! I did that a about three times in an hour... Went to bed and my earache is pretty much gone this morning!! Still a bit sensitive but nowhwre near the pain last night! Thanks EC once again... Awesome site

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt
Posted by Jennifer (Australia) on 03/24/2016

I would always start with ACV for anything and be patient Thank God for Earth Clinic because these remedies would be lost to so many of us who run to doctors who always prescribe drugs.
