Hi Trang,
When I was young (I'm 70 now) and going through hot flashes, a kind neighbor told me to try black cohosh, I got some capsules at the store and took one each morning... I never suffered hot flashes or night sweats again. I hope this works well for you as it did for me.
Blackstrap Molasses
Haven't had another hot flash after my first tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. What a tasty remedy!
Oh I'm glad it helped you...Garlic triggered hot flashes for me.
Dietary Changes
I too believe it's an imbalance. I am still getting hotflashes during the day, and while I'm reading in bed before I fall asleep. I also think I can think myself into a hotflash. But I am taking the advice on the ACV, as well as other supplements I need to get that balance. Before I started on this journey to better health (with EarthClinic guidance) I remember now that I was sweating profusely when I got a hotflash. I'm not anymore, and the hotflashes are way, less intense. So something is working. My food intakes is mostly vegetables, then fish/poultry, then fruits right with my meals. Then I also use them as snacks in between. I drink water mainly, love Ginger Tea (I grate the root and make my own), and add Blackstrap Molasses to that. I also use Coconut Oil every day by scooping a tbsp of it into a glass container with a lid, and setting it in warm water til it melts. Then I just drink it. I am hoping to be rid of the body-temp swings eventually.
B Complex
Avoid Vitamin B Complex if you have hot flashes
I started taking Vitamin B Complex -- one 500mg pill a day -- about 2 weeks ago and I noticed after a few days my hot flashes had gone from already bad to completely unmanageable with sweat pouring down my face and back. It took me another week to realize it must be the Vitamin B Complex tablet, as it is the only thing that has changed in my diet.
So, I stopped taking it and, within two days, my hot flashes were back to normal. Incredibly annoying, but minus the floods of sweat.
I would caution anyone to avoid Vitamin B Complex if you are trying vitamins for hot flash reduction, as they seem to cause them.
As for natural remedies, nothing works, and I've tried everything -- apple cider vinegar, black cohosh, parsley, various vitamins, cutting out all caffeine and sugar, exercising more, losing weight and on and on. It's now two years, and my hot flashes are worse than they were before I started. I now have an appointment with my doctor and will be going on Premarin. My mother has been taking Premarin for 35 years and has not had one problem with them. I intend to be the same, as these so-called 'natural remedies' are useless to me.
This is going to be really obvious, but when hot flashes start, drink a tall glass of ice water or other iced beverage. It's not really a cure, only a temporary fix but it does help a lot. Of course, an hour or two later you'll need more ice water but it's helpful until whatever other remedy you're using kicks in, and works pretty fast.
Dietary Changes, Vitamin E
I started having hot flashes and night sweats about a year ago. I did a lot of internet research and the following treatments helped really reduce the frequency and intensity of them:
I gave up coffee, spicy foods, wine, and chocolate (mostly) I started meditating and I take a 400 IU of vitamin E 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes I will eat some delicious spicy Indian food, but I do it knowing the consequences.
Cold Green Tea with Mint
When you start drinking (cold) green tea with mint, hot flashes will disappear. It works for me and also for my sister who had them for the past 6 years. We take about 1 liter per day... But you will know when you don't drink enough because they will return (less heavy but noticeable enough to start drinking more tea! ) :-)
Black Cohosh
Have you tried Black Cohosh for your hot flashes? When I went through early menopause (I was only 42), my female M.D. Recommended it and I'll be darned - it worked!
Fenugreek, Wild Yam
For quite a while I used Organic Alcohol Extract of Fenugreek Seed and also Extract of Wild Yam for Hot Flashes, twice a day and it really helped a lot. My sister passed from breast cancer so my doctor wouldnt give me any HRT but this helped a lot. Another doctor did give me Bioidentical hormones and that has helped the most but if I didnt have that, I'd be taking the fenugreek & wild yam extracts in water 2 x a day. I haven't tried the ACV but I plan to. I'd much rather take it than any hormones, bio-identical or not.
Thanky you so much, I have been looking for something, anything to help with the hot flahes, I'm going out to day to buy the Boron, hope it work I'll check back in to let you know if it worked for me.
Hey, I tried Boron and it worked from day 1, too. But after about two months, it has stopped working for me. I'm getting hot flashes again. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience? Where the effect wears off? I wonder why this happened. Very disappointed because I was soooo happy that the night sweats and hot flashes stopped. They're not as bad (before I was getting them every hour or two and now I only seem to get them if I exert myself or find myself in a warm situation, like too many clothes, or the A/C turns off in the subway), but they're back.
I'm reluctant to increase the dosage as I've read that high doses can actually worsen hot flashes.
Maca Root
[YEA] I'm in my early 40's and started getting the feeling of being zapped in the middle of my body and then it would spread from head to toe for about 15 seconds. I believe it's a pre-menopause "hot flash" but for me it wasn't hot, just like being hit with an odd energy flow. I did some reading and tried a few things, then started taking 1000mg of Maca root when I wake up in the morning. Those zaps went away but my monthly cycle was more painful than before. I was craving chocolate a lot and read that it may be a sign of the need for magnesium. So I started taking slow release (SRT) magnesium, 500mg per day and after a few months my cycle became more comfortable than before.
I believe the Maca root helps with natural hormone balance, when the imbalance is mild. That is why I took it over black cohosh. I've read black cohosh adds estrogen which could cause your body to produce less, whereas the Maca root encourages your pituitary gland to produce balance in whatever is needed more. It's a facilitator more than a supplement. Not sure if that's true but I can take Maca root with less concern and it works for me.
Started drinking 1 glass of soymilk a day for my hot flashes I am in my second week and do not get hot flashes anymore this advice was giving to me by my sister please try and stay with it for a couple of weeks to get it in your sytem and you will see it works. JS
Hi Lucy, Have a look into boron for this as well.
Yarrow is recommended by Maria Treben. http://www.mariatrebenherbs.com/67/86-yarrow/itemid-0
Dietary Changes, Cool Showers, Acupuncture
Hello again, Sage is the other herb for hot flushes. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21630133
Omega 3
Just wanted to share this with anyone who may be suffering with hot flashes and can't seem to get relief.
I tried pretty much everything on the market for menopause/hot flashes, including Promensil and other herbal remedies, hormone creams, visits to mainstream doctors (who wanted to put me on the pill!! ), naturopaths, etc. without any help or relief.
It was getting so bad that I was having what felt like one lo-o-o-ng hot flash. It just wouldn't let up! (Anyone who deals with this knows just how incapacitating it is! )
I started taking 2000 mg omega 3s and added some B6 500 mg for arthritis. While I didn't see a big difference for the arthritis, I realized that my hot flashes had finally stopped. To find out if it really was the omega 3, I quit taking it for a few days, and sure enough, the hot flashes were back.
This has been a Godsend and I truly hope this info helps someone in the same hot boots!
Thanks for the great website too!
Vi, from the Omega 3 plant oils, I have read that Evening Primrose Oil is the absolute best for menopausal problems. How they compare to fish oils I dunno. It is easy to get the fish in the diet, and suppliment with Flax, Sun & Safflower, Borage. Also, when one takes therapeutic doses of Omega 3's, it is advised to also increase Vit-E up to 800 or more iu's daily to protect the fragile unsaturated fats from free radical damage.
Regarding the dangers of Vitamin D3 maybe you would like to read the book The Vitamin D Revolution, or any other on Vitamin D (I reviewed it in the book section). There is a lot of misinformation out there, it pays to be informed!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger, Stevia
Ginger is wonderful in this drink however, ginger is a natural warmer which can hinder hot flash relief so use with caution. :)
Donate Blood
My friend's Mom started having hot flashes before menopause. She fixed the problem by donating blood regularly. She is now in menopause and does not get hot flashes.
This makes a lot of sense too for those in menopause. Without their monthly periods, women start accumulating more iron and whatnot in their bodies. Perhaps that leads to the hot flashes because their bodies are not used to it.
Soy milk powder cured my hot flashes. I also tried everything under the sun, but the soy milk poweder was the only sure thing. If I miss one dose, they're back! I take a tablespoon in the morning, with tea or over cereal, doesn't matter. Take another dose in the evening if necessary, works like a charm!!
I am also having a problem with sweating. I take ultram and that is one of the side effects but m sweating s crazy! I look like I have taken a shower from the leas little activity. I sweat profusely just sitting in 80 degree weather. I have lupus and fibro with a host of problems. I have recently (about 3 wks) started the borax and baking soda, magnesium 250 at bedtime. I was already taking vitamin d-3 and sublingual b-12. My RX meds include 2-50 mg ultram morning and night and zanaflex at night. I have been doing oil pulling for about 2 wks but not everyday. After I strted the magnesium about a week ago I have been staing dizzy,,if I try to turn my head it feel all swimmy.
If anyone has any suggestions to the sweating or the dizziness please,,please respond. thanks
Ted's Remedies
hi - the dizziness with the inclusion of mag may have more to do with dehydration... sweating profusely and adding mag without increasing water consumption ....250mg sounds way too low...mag is literaly a lifesaver at optimal levels, but pay attention to your water/fluid consumption ... also mag is not the cure for hot flashes but it sure does help!!! Best of luck!
Ted's Remedies
I use 2 capsules of 250 mgs Dong Quai at night and if needed, 1 in the morning. I get noticeable relief with this herb.
Pine Bark
I started having hot flashes and for a couple of months did nothing. Then I read in our paper that pine bark helps with hot flashes. I took one pill each day and it started working for me right away. I had no hot flashes for at least six months. Then one week i didn't take it everyday because I forgot and now it doesn't seem to be helping any. I started taking black cohash and it doesn't help at all. Please try the pine bark because it worked fantastic on me with no side effects. They usually recommend one pill in the morning and one at night but I only did the one in the morning.
This is an update on the pine bark extract. It started working again and very well, but I noticed every three or four months that it would not work 100 %. The one really great think about pine bark extract is there are no known side effects and it is a strong antioxident. Anyways so every few months I would have about three weeks of mostly no hot flashes, just occasionly would get warm. After about a year I upped my intake to two pills per day. Worked wonderful for a good year at least. I am now going through actual menapause I believe, since I haven't had a period for about five months. Pine Bark still works amazingly well, but here and there I will get a hot flash. Decided to up it to three per day because I don't want to have them at all. I figure my body is going through the severe change right now. So three a day is working well, just having an occasional semi flash! Still swear by this stuff, since no side effects.
Hypnosis has been shown to help reduce hot flashes by about 65% in one study and is worth a try.
Eliminate Sugar
I noticed that cutting sugar out of my diet helps cut down on hot flashes.