Black Cohosh
Hi Trang,
When I was young (I'm 70 now) and going through hot flashes, a kind neighbor told me to try black cohosh, I got some capsules at the store and took one each morning... I never suffered hot flashes or night sweats again. I hope this works well for you as it did for me.
Black Cohosh
Have you tried Black Cohosh for your hot flashes? When I went through early menopause (I was only 42), my female M.D. Recommended it and I'll be darned - it worked!
Blackstrap Molasses
Haven't had another hot flash after my first tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. What a tasty remedy!
Blackstrap Molasses
I started getting hot flashes about two years ago, coinciding with my menopause. I came on to Earth Clinic and read about Blackstrap Molasses. After taking it for 1 day I have never had a hot flash again! Miracle cure. I take it by adding it to my porridge every morning and all I am adding is a tip of a teaspoon dipped into the Blackstrap Molasses, mixed into the hot porridge, stirred and eaten with fruit and yoghurt. It has also stopped my hair falling out too.
Blackstrap Molasses
I started getting hot flashes about a month ago. I started taking black strap molasses 2 weeks ago after a chance encounter with someone who told me she was using it for her hot flashes. I figured what the heck, might as well try it. It's natural and cheaper than going to the doctor. Whatta ya works!! I am truly and pleasantly surprised. I wish I had gotten the name of the lady who told me about this. My husband would like to thank her. No more arguing over the thermostat at night.
Blackstrap Molasses
Purchased some blackstrap molasses 5 days ago for the first time and I cant believe after only taking 2 teaspoons for 3 days, I am no longer having hot flashes. I am shocked and will continue to take this for my usual low blood count. I feel so enegetic. I shared information with co-worker and picked her up a bottle too. Lets keep sharing this information so others will know the benefits of BSM. Joyce
Blackstrap Molasses
Hi, I just had to tell you what a blessing your site is! I just started using two tablespoons of molasses daily for my arthritis and hot flashes.Wow I just can't believe it works !!! Within two days my pain has almost gone away and no hot flashes and as an added bonus I have so much more energy! I am 53 and I don't feel or act like I am ,any longer!! God bless who ever came up with these {inexpensive} remedies. I am going to try some of thr rosacea remedied, I hope they work too. Thanks. Suzy
Hi Drifter (who posted in 2012 on the body odor page),
If you're like me and still getting hot flashes, try Borax! I bought a box of 20 Mule Team Borax, dip my finger in it 1x/day, and swirl it into my water bottle and shake. It is odorless and tasteless, and the only times I get more than a flash here or there is when I run out, like I am now. My hot flashes went from a 6 out of 10 down to maybe a 2. It's weird buying something from the laundry aisle to take internally, but be assured that borax or boron is merely mined from dried up salt-water beds. There's one in CA that has enough to supply the world for hundreds of years! So the stuff is cheap and amazingly wonderful on mitigating hot flashes! Best of luck, fellow hot flashers!
I love this! I don't have to go on hormones! Here is a quote on Boron/Borax -which might help you with hot flashes:
"Research has now shown that boron supplementation in postmenopausal women doubles the blood level of the most active form of oestrogen, 17-beta oestradiol, to the level found in women on oestrogen replacement therapy. Equally, the blood levels of testosterone more than doubled (7). With HRT there is a higher risk of breast or endometrial cancer which is not known to happen with hormones produced by the body as with borax supplementation." -
Borax, Baking Soda, Salt
I've been suffering with menopause hot flashes day & night. I've tried almost all the menopause supplements in my local health food store. It has been a very expensive experience with minimal relief. I came across an article referring to Borax, Celtic salt & baking soda for balancing hormones & helping hot flashes. I took my last supplement tablet of Estrovera & switched the next day to a very small pinch of each 20mule borax, Celtic salt & baking soda. Mixed it in a glass of water and went on with my day. I have experienced no hot flashes day or night now for 10 days. I'm able to “not” dress in layers. My shoulder pain has also stopped and lower back is not as sore from gardening. Many ppl & articles say not to consume Borax but honestly, it's the only thing that has “really” helped. I'm not one for synthetic prescriptions like HRT which can also be bad for us.
I'm going to continue on this “pinch a day” of these 3 ingredients as it has been affordable and helpful. And, I haven't had any side effects. Hopefully, it'll continue to help.
I have been a fan of Earth Clinic for years and I would like to help other women who are going through menopause with their hot flashes. If you are only getting minimal help with black cohosh and other estrogenic herbs, please try the mineral Boron. I take 3 mg per day and from day one the hot flashes and sweats were practically gone. So ladies, if you're still in "Flame On" mode, then give Boron a try. I don't believe you will regret it. It's especially cheap. I use a brand in an amino acid chelate form. Here's to putting out the flames!
(Charlotte, N.c Mecklenburg)
Thanky you so much, I have been looking for something, anything to help with the hot flahes, I'm going out to day to buy the Boron, hope it work I'll check back in to let you know if it worked for me.
(Simpsonville, Sc)
(Charlotte, Nc)
(Simpsonville, Sc)
To Charlotte, in NC, If the boron hasn't helped, I would say try a progesterone cream. If you still cycle follow the directions. There is one brand that has been around a long, long time, and recommended by a fertility doc, ***-Gest. Hope this is helpful.
(New York, Ny)
Hey, I tried Boron and it worked from day 1, too. But after about two months, it has stopped working for me. I'm getting hot flashes again. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience? Where the effect wears off? I wonder why this happened. Very disappointed because I was soooo happy that the night sweats and hot flashes stopped. They're not as bad (before I was getting them every hour or two and now I only seem to get them if I exert myself or find myself in a warm situation, like too many clothes, or the A/C turns off in the subway), but they're back.
I'm reluctant to increase the dosage as I've read that high doses can actually worsen hot flashes.
Maybe try lowering your dose of boron--maybe what was therapeutic before is too high now that your body doesn't have a deficiency.
Burdock Root
I have tried it all, because I had hot flashes in my 40's right after a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage and then my system seemed to go directly into perimenopause with hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, etc. Black Cohosh calmed that down. And my system regained balance. Then came the light spotting periods at 48 and here came the hot flashes back with a vengence. So I tried progestrone cream, that worked, then it stopped, tried vitex, that didn't. Went to sepia, and that helped my moodiness, then that stopped helping. I read the books, tried all the suggestions and finally had success with omega 3-6-9-taking 8 pills daily. Tried maca, did nothing, rhubarb did nothing, deep breathing didn't help. Acupressure didn't help, nor did the essential oils. Hot flashes were becoming an all day event and forget about quality sleep at 50. Then a series of deaths and funerals in my family, grieving put me into hot flash overdrive, so I had to find something to survive. Added black currant oil to omega dose, and tried burdock root at night, and that has been a godsend combo. Burdock root is a cooling herb and my system was TOO acidic and too hot, despite trying to maintain an aklaline diet. It seemed to tame the fires within. So I recommend giving it a try. It helped me, and continues to cool me off so I can sleep through the night. I have occasional hot flashes if under stress, it seems to wake them up. And so I thought adding the Apple Cider Vinegar might just be the final ingredient needed to balance out my crazy hormones. I do have hypothyroidism, and that makes everything difficult. I recently gave up on prescriptions for that, and am doing WAY better with herbs, meds were just not accomplishing anything anymore. This whole change of life isn't fun, because finding the balance that works for you is a challenge. Every menopause is different, so HANG IN THERE and keep trying what is suggested, if it doesn't help move on. Just stay away from HRT, that is a proven BAD idea. But make sure you start with the basics, a good diet-real food people not the stuff that is laced with junk, regular exercise, and let stuff go, most of what makes us crazy and affects our health isn't WORTH the energy. Focus on serenity, you've earned it at this season of your life!!!!
Chenille Robe
Hot flashes help: I'm 83, and have had hot sweats from spring till fall each year "forever." At a yard sale, I paid $l.00 for a wonderful chenille bath robe - brand new. I had it in my closet for sometime without thinking about it. But one early morning when I was staggering out of bed in misery with my sweats, I suddenly put that robe on. I can't tell you how comfortable it was. I crawled back into bed, with it on like a blanket. It soaked up the sweaty misery like a miracle! I've used it for several years. Some people never get over hot sweats apparently. It is so thick that you pull it inside out and you have dry surface again! To me, it's a miracle.
Chia Seeds
I started with hot flashes really bad. I had told myself I'm not going to take hormone therapy. What happen I try multy prenatal vitamins. It helped, hot flashes were gone. In about one year later they came back with full force, I had never been one to drip sweat. Well, this was so bad that I could feel the sweating water running. It was awful specially at night. I give up and went to see a doctor put me on hormone meds. Started the meds and gained 20 pounds during this time. It did help but did not completely so I finished taking the med and stop no more. Then mom told me she was watching the tv show it was about hot flashes they said to take chia seed 1-2 tablespoon full a day. I was all for it. The first day I took it, I only had a few hot flashes. The 2 day none, completely gone. Oh I'm in heaven.
And ever since I've been taking it worked for me and 3 off my friends.
Coconut Oil
I am a 42 yr old female w/ blood type A . I have tried soy products and organic ACV to eliminate hot flashes that I have experienced for the last 5 years or so, with little success. The only thing that completely has gotten rid of them has been replacing ALL polyunsaturated oils in my diet, like vegetable, canola & sunflower oils, with organic, unprocessed coconut oil. (I still eat a little uncooked olive oil occasionally). I have not had 1 hot flash in the last 3 months that I have been using it and that is a record for me! Be sure to get the Extra Virgin Coconut oil! Yes, it is a saturated fat, but it turns out this type of saturated fat does not clog arteries or make us fat as previously thought. It also has given me great energy and better sense of well being. I still eat the naturally occuring fats in fish, raw, unroasted nuts & avocados, but have replaced EVCO for all other fats, including butter. A little EVCO on an english muffin with honey or jam tastes amazing! I have also eliminated soy from my diet.