Hot Flashes
Natural Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Posted by Minkypinky (New York, Ny) on 05/20/2013


Hey, I tried Boron and it worked from day 1, too. But after about two months, it has stopped working for me. I'm getting hot flashes again. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience? Where the effect wears off? I wonder why this happened. Very disappointed because I was soooo happy that the night sweats and hot flashes stopped. They're not as bad (before I was getting them every hour or two and now I only seem to get them if I exert myself or find myself in a warm situation, like too many clothes, or the A/C turns off in the subway), but they're back.

I'm reluctant to increase the dosage as I've read that high doses can actually worsen hot flashes.
