Natural Remedies for Melanoma: Complementary Treatment Options

| Modified on Mar 21, 2024
Coconut Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Mgouffray (Alexandria, Va) on 05/20/2018

Editor's Choice My 80 year old dad recently had 3 health issues going on. Gallbladder needed to be removed, a heart valve replacement as well as a cancerous growth all at the same time. Each doctor said the other issue had to be dealt with first so for 6 weeks his leg cancer grew until the point of doctor saying it required anesthesia and a huge area to be cut out! Because he is 80 I knew he needed a remedy that was easy to use and with something available in the kitchen.

He was becoming increasingly anxious about the painful cancer continuing to grow. After watching a youtube video, I offered a remedy to him and said I could not guarantee results but it was his decision alone. I was only "sharing a solution. The remedy is 50/50 baking SODA (sodium bicarbonate) and coconut oil, applied to area under a bandaid. I suggested changing the bandaid 2x a day. He decided to take a chance a did it diligently.

After 6 -9 days the pain completely disappeared and the sore started to shrink. After two weeks it was 85% smaller and he said he knew it was definitely healing. He didn't track the length of the treatment but I am pretty sure he put this "salve" on for about two full weeks. He said he could feel it working and the baking soda did feel like it was burning some. We decided it would be best to surround any non-cancerous skin with vaseline if he was to do it again. The baking soda somehow worked to create a highly alkaline environment where cancer could not survive and the coconut oil soothed the skin and was protective. I am posting pictures of before and after. Family members didn't really believe it could be true and said go back to the oncologist. My dad did go back in April for a followup and his doctor said 100% cured and that he was absolutely astonished.

So the picture with the purple dots is the area his doctor said would have to cut out under general anesthesia. The other photo is after the treatment.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Karen F. (Windsor, Canada`) on 07/07/2016

Editor's Choice I use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle I got from the dollar store all the time now. I had melanoma skin cancer and was researching alternative methods and came across Bill Munro's site. I used full strength 35% hydrogen peroxide on my melanoma spot on my leg. I applied it directly with an eye dropper. It fizzed and grew to the size of a quarter. The cancer is like an iceberg, small spot on top, big cancerous triangle below. It took a month and stopped fizzing. The mole is still there and is dark but when I test it no fizz. If dark moles fizz when you put hydrogen peroxide on them, you know you have a problem.

Now to stay healthy and virus free ( I use to be a teacher and got sick every time a kid coughed on me) I keep a spray bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide next to my tooth paste and spray my mouth 5-6 pumps whenever I go to the mirror or brush my teeth. I spray then swallow it down with a glass of water. I haven't had a cold in 9 years now. This stuff is great. I don't prescribe to the flu shot, or any kind of drugs ever and all is well.

Broccoli Sprout Juice
Posted by Susanj (Uk) on 11/17/2017

Editor's Choice Hello

My daughter had 2 melanomas (5 years ago when she was 12 years old) and we removed them with blood root (topical salve), but it was clear when we removed them that one had gone very deep into the blood supply. I switched her to an alkaline diet, gave her large doses of Vitamin C and got her into the sunshine every day to boost her immune system. But I also gave her broccoli sprout juice everyday because I'd read that this actively reduces cancer and I didn't want the metastasized cells establishing themselves.

She ate like this for 5 months and drank what she considered to be horrible tasting broccoli sprout juice. It was a long 5 months and I didn't sleep well, but when we took her back for a scan she was cancer free. I wasn't sure that the broccoli sprout juice had been what had actually that cured her because we had also given her vitamin C until 3 years later.

I discovered that I had cancer (skin cancer, on my face) and I don't trust doctors so I decided to self-heal. I intuited that I needed broccoli sprout juice and to start with I drank about 100ml a day which is a lot then after a few weeks I intuited I needed less and so was drinking on average 50ml a day. After 2 months my lump disappeared and there is now just a teeny faint pink mark to remind me of how this wonderful juice healed me. As a result I drink this everyday and the best thing is, that the pains I had been having in one of my breasts (that I'd been ignoring for years) went away. I have no idea what was in my breast, but I can tell you it isn't now and I can tell you that I'm completely converted to the healing powers of broccoli sprout juice.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dave (Dallas, Texas) on 08/12/2008

Editor's Choice 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide--

MY SKIN CANCER (Melanoma) "erased" with topical application of 35% Food Grade HP: I had several dark mole-like formations on my forearms come up after being out in the Texas sun a lot. They itched, and my doctor friend said they were Melanomas and that I should see a professional about them. I knew what HP would do for them, so I took a nail file and GENTLY abraded the surface of these dark bumps, and then I applied straight 35% Food Grade HP to the spots with a Q-Tip (cotton swab on a stick) UNTIL THEY TURNED WHITE IN COLOR. I did this 3 times a day for a week. By the end of the week, they had turned to powder or dust, and were FLAT and GONE! There was no itching, NO pain, and they left a slightly lightened spot on my arm where they used to be. They never came back again, and that was over 20 YEARS ago!

ARTHRITIS IN MY KNEES: 17 years ago, I developed rhumatoid arthritis in both knees. I began the HP method by washing my knees with soap and water to remove any body oil, then MISTED them with a 3% solution of HP that was diluted down from 35% Food Grade HP (12:1) with PURE WATER. I wore shorts and then misted my knees, then waited until they were dry, then misted them again while I watched Television or did Computer work. I did this for at least 30 minutes at a time, and I did 4 HP misting sessions a day. My knees were back to NORMAL WITH NO PAIN in ONE WEEK!! I was so happy! I told my friends who had similar problems, and they said that they tried SOAKING their finger and elbow joints in 3% Food Grade HP by pouring the 3% HP solution into a shallow bowl and soaking them for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. When finished, they would pour the 3% HP solution back into a one gallon plastic jug. The last soaking, they put it in the refrigerator for safe keeping overnight. The next day, they would remove the HP jug from the refrigerator and let it sit out until it had warmed to room temperature, then use in in the bowl to soak their joints until the evening. Worked great!! If you make up one gallon of 3% solution and keep it in the refrigerator, it should last at least one month before you need to make another gallon of it.

IN DALLAS, TEXAS, I found 35% Food Grade HP at "Roy's Natural Market" 6025 Royal Ln. Ste 130
Dallas, TX 75230-8857
Phone: (214) 987-0213. They have been selling HP for many years, and it is about $16.00 (US) for one quart, which will last a long time when you are spraying it.

I had crippling rheumatoid arthritis in 1985, where all the joints in my right arm were locked up and would not move. I was in constant, horrible pain and got no sleep for over 3 months. I began drinking extremely dilute amounts of the 35% HP DROPS in PURE WATER (NOT Tap Water!!)I also had candida albicans, and my cholesterol level was 465 as tested by my MD friend. Within 1 week the pain in my joints on my right arm was GONE and I was sleeping like a baby! Within one month I had free range of motion in all joints--from my fingers to my shoulder. My cholesterol was down to 289 and the candida symptoms were greatly reduced. By the end of the second month, my cholesterol was 155 (normal and safe) and all symptoms of candida albicans infestation were GONE. That was 28 YEARS ago, and I have had NO reoccurances of any of the above problems. I call that a "CURE!"

H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2...and so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount.

ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)

ALSO, take 500 mg. of Vitamin C once a day to neutralize any free radical formations that may have occured. The oxygen in the H2O2 attacks the iron in the blood and causes that reaction. The Vitamin C will clean it up, and Selenium may also be substituted for the Vitamin C.

Enjoy being pain-free!

Melanoma Dangers
Posted by Lee (Tx) on 11/09/2017

Editor's Choice I am sorry for your loss... however, bitter much? I sure am, only I'm on the opposite side of the coin...let me share with you what happens in melanoma removal in my family. I lost my beloved father after he, at age 59, let surgeons follow the dots and cut out his melanoma on his shoulder. Well since they drug their feet between drawing their dot-to-dot and surgery, it spread PAST their little drawing over that 2 weeks and also went deeper and entered his lymph system. Two more weeks later it was in his liver and the size of a grapefruit. They then dropped the ball on starting his chemo soon enough.

Chemo by the way comes from mustard gas, MUSTARD GAS look it up! They started his chemo cocktail...round one...felt okay, round two, peeing blood and fever of 105,2 days into round 3 I pulled the plug on the chemo because there was more blood, lumps now showed up on his spine and skull, I had to help him to the commode and yet the chemo center was pleading with us to bring him in to pour more poison into his body, they called the house 4 times a day, even offered to bring that poison to the house and run it through his half dead body! I finally had to threaten to call the authorities if they called back, it was awful! I was his medical power of attorney. He had made me sign the paperwork knowing I would know when to pull the plug on the chemo and to this day I wish I'd pulled it after that first round!!

He insisted on 'trying' the chemo because he felt he had nothing to lose and that we, the family left behind, would always 'wonder' if he didn't try it. We had watched 7 other family members die from their side effects from chemo, not from their melanoma! Three more have died since daddy - same results! I was diagnosed with melanoma that same year as he was, yet I changed my diet and have used & grasped any and every natural protocol I can get my hands on. Daddy died within 4 months with surgery & medical intervention and 2 full rounds of the nasty! I am still here...currently 10 years later in 2017! Oh, and my aunt had it removed with same results, two cousins, same thing, chemo side effects killed them before they could finish their cocktails! 😢

Let me say this: you have to do the research! You have to use the right protocols inside and out and change your diet, gut health and stress level is crucial! One man's protocol is not the magic cure all for the next guy. takes time to see if a protocol is having an effect or not! No one can promise or guarantee that their particular protocol can cure, treat or heal your particular ailment, tumor, etc, it's all trial and error. But I'll take natural over mustard gas any day and twice on Sunday, esp after my years of research since losing my dad, husband and so many others to cancer! God has given us what we need to heal, treat, and cure ourselves from within and topically, and it's not a magic pill, radiation or nerve gas derivative & it doesn't come at the price of taking a scalpel to our bodies, although if the time comes I can't shrink an internal tumor, I think I might consider removal, but never ever chemo! Natural is always ALWAYS best, you just have to research the correct natural protocol, and I'm truly sorry that whatever it was your daughter in law tried out did not work for her but did the opposite. It sounds like either she attacked an already large tumor with something that adversely made it grow, or perhaps the concoction had impure ingredients. Often I run across many who cannot get their hands on what they 'really need' for a protocol, so they'll substitute something close or a knockoff of the main ingredient. Another option could be that her 'type' of cancer tumor cell responded rapidly to treatment by enlarging, whereas a melanoma would have shrunk. This is to say that there are certain protocols for melanoma that only work for 'melanoma', just as there are protocols for basal cell cancer tumors that only work for that type of skin cancer and so on.

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nixpix (Colorado Springs, CO) on 10/22/2022

My husband used the 35% Hydrogen Peroxide on his melanoma. It was a half inch wide and we used a cotton tip saturated with the hydrogen peroxide on it 3 times a day. It took about 3 weeks for it to completely be gone. Highly recommend trying this if you have have melanoma.

Frankincense Oil and Curcumin Poultice
Posted by Flippside (Tampa, Fl) on 02/28/2022

I am 58 yr old female. I had an anomaly on my lower right leg a few inches above my ankle that appeared over the last 6-7 years as a light brown spot the size of a dime. I took my first photo of it in 2018 and had been keeping an eye on it. Late in 2021, I noticed that it had become darker and ominous. I had heard someone mention in passing in an online video that frankincense oil had been successful in treating melanoma. Sure enough, I looked online and found studies have been conducted.

I first tried dabbing frankincense essential oil on the anomaly 3-4 times a day. After two weeks and no noticeable improvement, I decided to add curcumin (an active ingredient in turmeric) which has also been studied on cancer. I did this by saturating a small piece of cotton with frankincense oil, and then opening a capsule of curcumin and sprinkling it on the saturated cotton. I then placed the cotton on the anomaly and a band-aid over it. I did this daily for almost four weeks and the anomaly is completely gone.

I recently had an annual checkup with my primary and showed them the photo before I started treating the anomaly and they concurred that it appeared to be melanoma and gave me a referral to a dermatologist even tho I showed them that it had disappeared.

I hope this is helpful. It took some dedication to treat, but was better than going thru a biopsy and subsequently having a chunk removed from my leg, not to mention the cost considering my insurance deductible is $7500.

Before and After Photos

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Patricia (Fredericksburg, Va) on 10/14/2014

I tried Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy for skin cancer. I saw a black dot on my forehead - watched it, it was getting slightly bigger every day. When I started inhaling the hydrogen peroxide (3%) it was gone in 4 days. This happened a second time with a black dot under my eye. I started the peroxide inhalation and had similar results. I will not stop inhaling peroxide now - and have had no further problems. Thanks, Bill Munro!

Eggplant and White Vinegar
Posted by F. (Boyett) on 09/20/2015

Hello All,

I had a growing mole on the side of my nose right near my left eye. I made the eggplant/vinegar recipe with organic eggplant and raw vinegar. I applied it off and on for about one month and it gradually removed the growth. There is nothing there now and has remained so for about one year. I'm now treating other spots and its working.

I don't believe in American doctors since I've seen too many people suffer and then die after receiving their so called treatment-so I wouldn't ever go willingly to a doctor unless I was knocked unconscious and dragged there. I'm very happy with my results. It also made my freckles go away so my skin looks better. I've been using it as a toner for this reason.

Best of luck to you all.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dombewell (London, Uk) on 11/21/2011

Hi there.

Love the site and have been using for a while as am I a student naturopath. Ok my partner was 6 months pregnant in 2009 and had flown her back from UK to Oz to have our baby with her family. I arrived about 2 weeks before proposed date (which was way out, they come when they ready) and she told me that at one of her checkups the doctor had suggested to her she go to a skin clinic for the itchy hang mole that was growing under her hair and skin on her scalp. The GP said it may be cancerous.

This was stressing her out lots which was not great as she was of course due to give birth so as soon as I could, I looked at the problem then deicided on a safer remedy than what had we gone down the GP suggested route would have undoubtedly ended up with surgical removal.

I shaved the area and daily applied drops of pure 35% H202 on the the mole/melanoma which was actualy growing almost daily. It instantly reacted by turning orange and began to get flaky and eventully fell of completey and died after 4 days.

Understanding that cancerous cells simply cannot survive in a high oxygen evironment made this obvious and only route as had we taken gp advice would have led to drugs n surgery.

Thanks for your work,

BigLove DomBewell

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Vicki (FT. WORTH, TX) on 08/09/2008

I made the mistake of using fingernail polish that contained those cute little sparkles of glitter. Developed melanoma under both big toe nails. The doctors froze it, it came back, and I almost lost my toenails. I remembered reading about H202 and tried it. Soaked cotton balls, placed them on my toenails overnight wrapped in plastic wrap. YAHOO! Melanoma GONE! And my toenails grew back normal. Readers, if something you read sounds feasible, try it. Always use caution but try anything that has worked for others. Sadly our government and the powers that be are not for our health. They want us sick for that almighty dollar. Thank this site for being free and your ability to read for yourself.

Eggplant and White Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 12/22/2006

A few years back when I was working in a village for aged,part of my job was to take residents to their doctor appointments. On one of these occasions the resident had a suspected melanoma on her leg. The doctor gave us a remedy you can buy in a tube (very expensive) or make it yourself. It got rid of the melanoma in about 2 wks.

Recipe: Ingredients

medium sized eggplant
white vinegar

Method: chop up eggplant & place in a glass jar (not plastic) Pour in enough vinegar to cover eggplant, cover with a lid & place in the door of the fridge for 3 days.

Every time you go to fridge for something, give the jar a little shake. After 3 days the liquid will turn a gold brown colour, strain the liquid & keep refrigerated in the glass jar. How to use: Can be dabbed on to melanoma several times a day or can soak a cotton ball in the liquid, place on top of melanoma & cover with tape (low allergenic kind) change at least twice a day. Need to do this for at least 2 weeks to kill off the melanoma. It only attacks the bad cells. The doctor said if it was a melanoma,after a few applications it could be quite painful when it goes after the nasties. If it didn't pain, unlikely to be of a menacing nature. (it also works on warts) Do it under a doctors supervision though. It definitely works,I have seen the wart disappear & the resident I referred to had a painful healing for a few days but it cleared up after a couple of weeks.

Posted by Bill (Albany, Oregon) on 11/26/2013

About your father's cancer... Everyone needs to know that healing a cancer and keeping it away is to raise the bodies pH. EVERY cancer patient has a acidic pH according to science. The key to eliminating cancer is to eliminate all sugar from the diet! Stop eating carbohydrates as they turn to sugar. Do not drink soft drinks or any drink with sugar. Cancer feeds off sugar. Eat a diet of vegetables and sometimes as in about once a week a little chicken. Raw vegetables are better to eat. If you want a sweet taste in your drink add xylitol. An Adult body makes about 14 grams of xylitol each day naturally. It taste sweet like a sugar but it is not a sugar. Try a little at a time just to ensure you get no side effects. You can try some sugarless gum that has xylitol used to make it taste sweet. Cancer is all about what you eat and drink. Alkalize your body to a pH of 7.3 -7.4. Try the Budwig protocol. Cancer cells die immediately in a petrie dish when an alkaline substance of 8.4 pH is introduced. It is not good to raise your body pH to this level. However, by raising the pH to about 7.4 the cancer cells will begin to die slowly which is better for the body as most people could not handle a large die off of cells all at once. You would feel very very sick. Also, remember that parasites are responsible for many cancers. Your Dr. will call them microbes or bacteria. Learn how to kill parasites in the body and quit feeding them sugar! Drink green tea. Learn about mega doses of Vitamin C and how to take it orally and with an IV. Research Dr. Linus Pauling and his Vitamin C cures for disease. There are cures all over the net that people from all over the world have touted. The above are just some of the tools.

Have a blessed life!

Posted by Mithera (Brisbane Aust) on 11/02/2016

There is a man called Ted who shares a lot of his very formidable knowledge on this site. Here is his alkalizing concoction. I have only just started using it so no real results to share at this stage. Doesn't taste as bad as you may think.

Thanks Ted.

  • 1/4 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
  • 1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon MSM powder
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 6 drops Lugol's Iodine
  • 200ml water
  • 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Mix and drink when the fizzing has stopped. To be taken 3 x daily after meals.

Baking Soda
Posted by Faith (Finger Lakes, NYS) on 07/01/2020

In the beginning of the Covid virus, I had watched a video on YT where a women said that during the 1918 Pandemic, her mother gave them 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in water and no one in her family got sick. So I did this for two weeks. Prior to this, I had a sore inside my nostril on and off for many years and recently it had spread. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. I was going to see a doctor about it when Covid started. Interestingly, after the two weeks on water and baking soda, the sore was gone. Completely gone. I was so relieved, I thought for sure I was going to need to have half my nose removed for melanoma. I am sold on baking soda and water. I love Earth Clinic!

Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana) on 08/13/2011

Earlier this summer I found a little bump on my forehead, about the size of 1/2 of a good sized pea. It was slightly crusty and there was crustiness around that area. I have since seen on the net that this matches one description for a precancerous skin condition.

I tried topical Iodine & hydrogen peroxide with no success whatever.

I am not trying to get religious here but I feel I should give credit where credit is due. I prayed about what to do and felt YHWH brought me the word "eggplant" later out of the blue when I wasn't even thinking about the problem.

You can see on the net that there is an ingredient in eggplant that kills surface cancer cells - and they don't come back.

I started rubbing that bump & much of the surrounding area with a slice of the eggplant every night. I used the white side, not the dark skin. I used no vinegar, just the eggplant slices plain & simple. Within a few days the bump was shrinking. Within a month it was, and still is, totally gone.

Now I am going to get maybe a little bizarre. Since my sister has been found to have pre cancerous lesions in her colon, and since such things are very common, I have even taken to doing 2 retention enemas a week with eggplant added in after its been in the blender. I figure it can't hurt (and it hasn't, though whether it's a coincidence or not I can't say but I have become much more regular) and might help.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Birmingham, AL) on 03/03/2007

NOTE: I don't know what the laws are and I don't want to get sued. Use my information at your own risk. I'm just trying to help in any way I can, because NO ONE should have to go through what I went through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you, PLEASE spread the word!

3 skin cancer growths on my face cured in a WEEK of applying Hydrogen Peroxide on them - HOW YOU APPLY could mean the difference between EFFECTIVE, or NOT (read further for detailed explanation). (NOTE: I use a lot of repetition, to make sure you understand exactly what I'm referring to.)

I would definitely recommend trying this before you try bloodroot.

THANK GOD!! WOW! I'm still shocked it worked and it took only a WEEK!!! How is this possible that people don't know about this and a truth so simple is not known by everyone is beyond me.

My story and how I used Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to cure my skin cancers: Over the period of two years two cancerous growths appeared on my face (nose); one of them was growing very slow the other one faster. Then in less then a year another one appeared on my face as well - on the side of my nose very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more red and at times really red. I applied just about every fruit on them I could think of with what seemed no effect. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that Hydrogen Peroxide cured melanoma. I was going to try the eggplant and white vinegar remedy, but was worried about the fumes from the vinegar being so close to my eye. So I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide first. At first it didn't seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about 5 millimeters in diameter and just few months ago it was a tiny spot. In my helplessness.


I took a cotton swab and soaked it in Hydrogen Peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth with the Hydrogen Peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was soaked in the Hydrogen Peroxide and was white. It stung badly, but I didn't care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on my face. After the soaking of the growths I applied cotton soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide on them. NOTE: when soaking the skin with Hydrogen Peroxide make sure you don't do it to the healthy skin, because even though it is more resistant to getting white and soaked with the Hydrogen Peroxide, it will also get white after a while. If healthy tissue gets white like that, let it air out until it regains its normal color. So do the soaking to the unhealthy tissue only or as close as you can get. After soaking and making it white apply soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide cotton ball on the growth and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more Hydrogen Peroxide. How it worked was: the soaked cancerous growth after a while formed as crust much like what happens with a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars it flattened it out like it was never there..IN A WEEK!!! Even the fast growing one!! I'M STILL IN SHOCK. I tried SO many things. THANK GOD. THANK GOD!!!"

John writes again: "In my previous email to you, I forgot to mention:

1. I stopped drinking tap water and started drinking purified water when I was doing my Hydrogen Peroxide therapy.

2. I tried applying the Raspberry Skin Cream well known to cure skin cancer to the cancerous growths on my face for weeks, but it didn't work for me - I noticed no difference. I have heard the Raspberry Skin Cream worked well for many people after about two weeks.

3. Also I forgot to mention when I started my Hydrogen Peroxide I also started using air purifier that is running 24/7 in my bedroom.

Posted by Tim (Cincinnati, Oh) on 10/19/2012

I have had great success with using iodine to remove melanoma. I have had 2 separate brown and irregularly shaped growths on my body that where getting bigger over the years which I removed with Lugol's 5% iodine solution. The 2% solution requires more applications, so for lazy people like me I recommend the 5% solution. I would apply it at least once per day and twice if I could remember. I took a nail file and lightly exfoliated the area to remove any dead skin cells that might have blocked the absorption of the iodine before I applied it. It took about 6 to 10 weeks to have them scab up and fall off. They were itchy soon after I applied the iodine but in about 15-20 minutes it stopped being itchy. This is one of the best remedies that I found on this site and I highly recommend it.

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