Natural Remedies for Melanoma: Complementary Treatment Options

Low-Carb, Alkaline Diet
Posted by Jaketthomas (Beverly Hills, Ca) on 10/10/2013

Only Use Iodine on Non-Malignant Melanoma

I used Iodine for my malignant melanoma on my right cheek. Not good. I almost killed myself in the process.

ONLY use Iodine for non-malignant melanoma. My melanoma spread to my brain, and when I put Iodine on my cheek topically, it must've been trying to attack the cancer in my brain as well, and I started having such severe dizzy spells, that I thought I was going to die. These dizzy spells lasted for weeks. Unlike anything I have ever experienced. They were so crippling, that I thought any day could be my last.

I had to heal my cancer from the inside out.

Low carb, alkaline diet, eating right for my blood type O, plenty of meditation, exercise, sunlight, sleep, and love.

The biggest thing for me was going on a low carb, high vegetable diet. I feel like candida/poor digestion played a huge role in the formation of my cancer.

It took months of super strict eating and super clean living, but, it worked. Iodine, on the other hand, damn near killed me.

Baking Soda
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 01/08/2013

For melanoma that has metastasized, drink a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water 3 to 5 times a day.

Do this until 2 weeks after you're in the all-clear. Baking soda alkalinizes your system, and cancer and disease cannot live in an alkaline environment.

Also, pack baking soda/water paste on the affected area under a band aid.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Caroline (Montreal) on 04/20/2017

I have Hashimoto's disease for which I take synthroid and did a therapy using an iodine tincture to get rid of a melanoma and everything went well regardless of my thyroid issue.

Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/18/2017 233 posts

Hi Mike thank you for sharing. I wanted to suggest that when you stop treatment on your spot, which by your account was still partially there, that you continue with coconut oil. Coconut oil can kill cancer cells on its own, only it is slower than other methods, but the advantage is that it is clear, so even on the face or forehead it can be applied without embarrassment for eg work purposes. The reason is that some have stated that skin cancers returned because treatment was stopped too early. I am currently using lugols myself, but it is on my arm not my face, and we are in winter here. Best to you

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Teresa (Kenedy, Texas) on 08/24/2008

I had 3 moles on my arm very close to one another. One mole was a dark melanoma mole, the second a pink, fleshy mole and the other a pink hard mole. I've had these moles since I was a child and wanted to really remove the black mole and since the other moles were right beside it, I treated all the moles at the same time with 35% peroxide. One word of warning is to use vaseline up to the base of the moles, I did protect the surrounding skin, but not up to the base, actually on the mole and I received some nasty chemical burns on all three moles.

They all did change color within the first day, it took about 4 days for them to scab up but took 2 to 3 weeks to heal from the chemical burn. I believe it will scar, and the scar will be bigger than the moles were. I am applying emu oil, iodine and other moisturizers daily to reduce the appearance of the scars. I am glad the moles are gone, just wish I had been more careful about the surrounding skin and I wouldn't have been so vigorous in applying the HP. Patience is the key.

Frankincense Oil and Curcumin Poultice
Posted by Rhonda (TX) on 02/28/2022 33 posts

Love this, I am so thankful you have been so tenacious and cured it. Thank you for sharing.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (USA) on 02/28/2021

I have a spot on my chest that has started to change from just a rough spot to sort of raised up. Had it a while, maybe a year ago I first noticed it. Haven't been alarmed until yesterday so I came here first to look around. I see Iodine is recommended or has a good record, and Hydrogen Peroxide 35%. I had neither but started using my 3% HP I do have. I will try and find the 35% today as I discovered this quite late last night, the thread on EC that is.

I am just dabbing it with a cotton-ball for now. Figured better try what I have on hand at the very least. After I dabbed it, and it was dry it itched a little. I am not set for a doctor's appt until April, and I finally got an MD that will examine me rather than have a chat on the phone. I am going at it on my alternatives though, no matter what she says because I have a neighbor and they've been slicing away at his face for some years now. He doesn't know much if anything about alternatives. If this works for me, I'm telling him that's for sure ;(

If anyone sees this post, could you tell me where I might get the 35% HP because I could use that in other ways like the inhaling? Recommends on "what type" of Iodine, what percent is supposed to be used?

Thank you much,

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (CA) on 06/02/2021

You can purchase food grade hydrogen peroxide from Bulk Peroxide.

Melanoma Dangers
Posted by Catherine (South Australia) on 04/06/2017

Cutting melanoma can spread the cancer cells.

Vitamin C
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/10/2012

I don't know about ascorbic acid, but baking soda for skin cancers can work very well. This is Dr. Simoncini's skin cancer page.

Also, do whatever you can to raise and sustain your pH to at least the mid 7's til the cancer goes away. Mix A juice of one lime or lemon with a teaspoon of baking soda, then adding water, works well, and tastes like fizzy lemonade.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn USA) on 06/03/2012

HI U GOOD FOLKS, , , , , well I've used Lugol's Iodine on my hand growth for over a month and a half and it has only gotten larger and higher. Last week at my Vit C , B Complex IV, I told a fellow patient and showed him the spot. He told me that I was a dumb ass and showed me where he had numerous skin grafts because he delayed in getting them removed. He said, "fella, if that gets into your lymph system, you a dead man". That comment scared my mule and I immediately made an appointment with my surgeon to have it removed.

Like the old gambling song goes, there's a time to hold and a time to fold. The thing looks just like the photo's of Melanoma on the net. Also, my brother in law let his get into his lymph nodes and it now has returned. We try to go the natural way, but sometimes you got to see a sho nuff doctor.

Also, I am going back to my dermatologist because my research on this problem says that sometimes you can't see your problem, but can feel it. This is the way my present situtation started. I think it is best to handle these by CO2 freezing while you can.

As I've told ya'll many times, I's smart, jus slow. If I don't come back as a goat in the next life, I will do things differently.

Your buddy==== ROBERT HENRY========

Risks of Self-Treating Melanoma
Posted by Linda (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 01/16/2011

Interesting, but very dangerous, first of all, a melanoma can ONLY be diagnosed after excision by a pathologist and second of all, it is the most deadly skin cancer around, which can easily be cured with a little cut, when you are early enough.

I know, I had it and I would warn anyone who suspects (s)he has a melanoma; go to the docter and ask for it to be cut out, it's NOT worth the risk to lose time over it with self care which takes time you might regret later if you will die of this.

People tend to call a spot 'melanoma' without having 'hard core' evidence it is. This is very dangerous, cause 95% will die when metastised (and it does it fast) in a few years, most will die within 6 months.

But if your fast enough, and teh melanoma is small and cut out, your chances are almost 100 % to survive it.

Do not underestimate this cancer by thinking you can diagnose it yourself without any real knowledge and without a pathologist and then assume you can easily cure it with a 'potion': you may spread false information and someone might die as a result of your infornation.

Posted by John (USA) on 03/05/2007


I didn't mention it in my email for the cure with H202, because it would get too long and confusing, but I tried garlic before I tried the H202 and in one day it wreaked havoc on my skin - it got red an blistered and it did shrink one of my cancer growths some (I tried it only on two first). On the fast growing cancer the garlic had NO EFFECT - I got so scared at that point. It was horrible. I hope this helps someone. I know a lot of people are feeling helpless at this very moment, and I wish they somehow knew of this and tried it, because it really works. It's shocking that something so inexpensive is so effective and people are dying and don't even know there is a cure ;(

Posted by Mike (USA) on 12/05/2006

I tried Cansema #100 from The Original Cream Company. It healed two spots of skin cancer on my head and I also removed a funny growing mole on my left side. This has been 2 years or more ago and nothing has returned. The salve came as a kit it took about 2 minutes to make. Their website had a lot a information and a great FAQ section. I have talked with them by phone and they have always been helpful when I had a question. I believe you will find them a wonderful company to work with.

Frankincense Oil and Curcumin Poultice
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 03/02/2022

FLIPSIDE, ORH here and if you did not test this to be melanoma, then you smokin. Melanoma is bad news Charlie and you don't cure it by pissen on your leg. I am glad you are well, but don't call this melanoma if you don't know that to be a fact. You will cause grief for others. I treat things, like this full time, they are cancers, but not melanoma. ====ORH====

Broccoli Sprout Juice
Posted by Jill (Florida) on 07/31/2021

Hi Reed, you can sprout broccoli from seeds and then juice them. You can find sprouting containers on many websites. Hope this helps. Happy juicing.

Melanoma Triggers
Posted by May (Maine) on 06/17/2017

Interesting about the nail polish. There's another theory that you might not have heard of which is previous injury to the area. I have spoken to a few friends over the years who reported that they got melanoma on areas of the body that they had injured a few years before. As I understand it, cells in the area of injury get damaged and no longer differentiate. Among the canine greyhound rescue community, it is widely known that greyhounds are susceptible to bone cancer after they retire from the racetrack. The dogs don't typically get bone cancer where they had broken a bone (bone fractures usually heal well when set right) but they do get cancer in the area that had a severe injury but not a break. So keep that in mind because you could have stubbed a toe repeatedly or if you wore tight shoes that jammed your toes as this might have something to do with it.

Needless to say, be good to your feet from now on and careful of the shoes you wear. Melanoma is nothing to mess around with. Best of luck. Do let us know how you are doing.

Melanoma Triggers
Posted by Joru (Northeast US) on 12/09/2014

I strongly suspect that Malassezia yeast, in combination with environmental and virulence factors that favor its growth, are the cause of Melanoma.

Key points about Malassezia:

- It infects melanocytes in the skin.

- It accumulates melanin.

- Non-lethal exposure to UV radiation stimulates the growth of fungi.

- Unlike candida and most other common yeasts, Malassezia feeds on LIPIDS rather than sugar/starch. Note that because of this, Malassezia will *not* be found in serum fungal cultures because the medium they use is sugar/starch based; it does not contain lipids which are required for Malassezia to grow.

- It is very slow growing, meaning overgrowth occurs over years or even decades.

- Risk factors may include: prolonged use of antibiotics or steroids, exposure to UV radiation (sun, CT scans & other medical procedures, etc), use of oil-based skin lotions, diet high in vegetable oils/animal fats (sources of oleic acid), excessive alcohol (with the possible exception of beer and dry red wine), high cholesterol/triglycerides. High sebum/skin oil and high triglycerides could in theory also be CAUSED by Malassezia. It might release acids etc. that cause the body to respond with increased lipids. (Makes sense since that is its food source).

If I am correct, it may be possible to reduce one's risk by eliminating things that favor the growth of Malassezia. I don't know what treatment options there might be once Melanoma occurs. In general, sulfur seems to inhibit the growth of fungi so that's at least something to think about. Not sure whether levels in food would be high enough to have an effect. Foods high in sulfur include garlic, onions, brassica vegetables like broccoli. Highly pigmented/colorful foods (red-purple-green) are another avenue to explore. I would be careful about supplements containing Vitamin D or iron, as these can feed yeast from what I've read.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by James222 (Nh) on 10/31/2015

Hi, I would like to mention that iodine can be a huge problem if you are hypothyroid, the reason for this is 95% of people that are hypo have Hashimoto's disease. This is an autoimmune condition where the thyroid attacks itself, adding iodine can be like throwing gasoline on a fire....

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/04/2012 2063 posts

Robert Henry, I had a mole turn nasty on my back a few yrs ago and I threw everythang in the medicine cabinet at it and 6 mo later I felt it itch and scratched the bugger right off and on the floor. I posted the products on E.C. somewhere before but the logic here is variety. If the doc can't beat it, use one substance or treatment for 1 wk then rotate to the other.

Posted by Sumner (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/26/2011

Hi, I'm healing skin cancer using bloodroot.

best, Sumner

General Feedback
Posted by Cornabuille (Dublin, Ireland) on 04/24/2011

Hi to Brian who asks help re his melanoma on his thigh. My advice is to go and have it removed by a dermatologist for analysis in order to find out if it is cancerous and if so, the kind and the size of the growth. They do not do anything further until the growth has been properly analysed and assessed for degree of advance of tumour. After this process is over you can then begin to use alternative treatment strategies. But you need proper diagnosis first. The mainstream medics are excellent at this, whatever about the treatment offered afterwards. So use all means at your disposal to offer yourself the best results. Unless you have the growth removed initially, any treatment option is likely to fail because the cancer will have begun it's ruthless course. Remove the cancer first, then change your diet and lifestyle to give yourself the best chances of stalling all future growth of the cancer.

That's the course I took for my melanoma. I'm three years cancer free except for a new small black nevus now on my left index finger. I'm going to my derma in two weeks to have it removed and analysed. It might not be what I think it is, unless I have it examined professionally. Good luck and keep us updated.

Intravenous Vitamin C
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/11/2009

Intravenous Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate), will apparently kill melanoma. The mechanism appears to be that it increases the level of h202 in the blood. So our guys with the Peroxide cures appear to have gotten it right. It's also nice to see a Linus Pauling cure in the process of being proven correct (even if he got the mechanism wrong).

Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C) Induces Apoptosis in Melanoma Cells via the Down-Regulation of Transferring Receptor Dependent Iron Uptake

Vitamin C 'slows cancer growth'
"The vitamin C reacts with this chemical make-up, producing enough hydrogen peroxide to kill the cell, while leaving healthy cells unscathed."
"Tumour growth and weight fell by between 41% and 53%

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daustin (Austin, Tx) on 04/28/2011

Thanks!!! Tonight, after reading your post, I bought a huge bottle to treat our dog. He has a small, possibly melanoma growth. While I was applying it, my hands started stinging in places. Then, I remember all the fire ant stings I got last weekend. The hydrogen peroxide was treating them and bringing them to the surface. Maybe it will do that with the melanoma too. Our dog seemed to like getting the hydrogen peroxide put on. I've been trying so many mostly expensive remedies since I discovered his latest growth last weekend. Last year, he had half of his lower jaw removed because of a melanoma under his tongue. I didn't want to put him under the knife again for the one below his rectum. Hydrogen Peroxide is WAY cheaper and MUCH less stressful! We have our fingers and pads crossed that it will work!

Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Ct) on 08/13/2010

Yes this worked for me. Very successful. Thanks for recommending it. Same product that you recommended from the same site.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by robert (miami fla) on 12/04/2022

I need to know if they apply in the skin and how many drops they also use if he drink it thank you for your help

EC: The poster used hydrogen peroxide topically, not internally.

He soaked a part of a cotton ball with 35% hydrogen peroxide (not diluted) and applied it to the melanoma. Did this 3x a day. Similar to the post below it from 2016 where Karen applied 35% peroxide using a glass dropper.

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Priscilla (Summerville. SC) on 07/13/2023

Thank you SO much for sharing this information and with photos! If the same mixture cures my dark spot on left rib cage area, I shall surely post as well. Thank you, and blessings to you & your father.. 🤗❣️

Melanoma Triggers
Posted by Jason (Raleigh, Nc) on 09/30/2017

I have had 6 In Situ Melanomas over the course of 12yrs with a handful of atypical moles removed. In 2015 I developed a soft tissue sarcoma. I have tried everything from Black Raspberry Oil, Frankincense, tea tree oil, orange oil, Etc. Nothing seems to stop the growth of these things. I would highly recommend that anyone that thinks you have a melanoma or suspicious mole get it checked out by a professional. I read a lot of these posts and shake my head as to how many people assume they either have a melanoma or some type of skin cancer. Till you are diagnosed by a professional don't blow your money like I have on self help remedies. I self admittedly admit I still am opened to trying natural solutions, but based on my history I have lost confidence in holistic medicines. I have never tried hydrogen peroxide. I may just try it, but as I seem to be growing skin cancers at an alarming rate for being a 43 yr old male. Most of my melanomas have been on my back and torso region. I go to Duke every 6 months for follow ups. At this point I feel like I deserve a VIP parking pass. Gosh knows if Duke traded on the stock market I would certainly by stock. The point to all of this is don't practice medicine at home. Till something is found to work for me, I am going to keep seeing specialist. My hope is a vaccine or cure will one day be found for skin cancers. Hopefully I won't be totally disfigured by that time from chunks being taken out of me. I am alive, so I guess that is a positive for now. Take care everyone, and god bless.


Melanoma Triggers
Posted by Lisa (Hi) on 07/03/2020

Thanks so so much, great information. Take lueferon, (not sure of spelling ) for this yeast (it is lipid soluable and inhibits the chitin in the yeast.) about a gram a day for most people, up to a year to totally eliminate it (and other fungal growths) cancer is associated with fungal diseases.

Posted by Cj (Oregon) on 09/09/2016

Does he take baking soda to get alkaline? You can use pH paper to test. If too acid, take a tsp at bedtime. Also green drinks are helpful. Cancer doesn't like an alkaline environment.

Eggplant and White Vinegar
Posted by Chuck (Fresno) on 05/03/2015

I too have what I suspect are melanoma on my back. They differ from the pics I've seen but have the itchiness and burning I've heard about. I stopped using the eggplant/vinegar after the pain was gone and after they started to heal. I still have some newer ones in an area that has several and there is definite pain and so I will continue until the pain is gone and the skin wants to heal. The ones that I treated earlier are gone. Most importantly I should go to a doctor, I haven't, personal reasons but this is our lives we're playing with so if you can go to a doc do.

Melanoma Triggers
Posted by Heather (Leicester) on 09/04/2012

Hi, Here's another Melanoma story that may help someone. I found a dodgy mole when I was pregnant with my first child at the age of 30.. It looked like the magazine photos but not as bad but as I was pregnant and in and out of the docs frequently I showed it to the doc who humoured me and sent me to the check in centre at hospital. It was a melanoma I had 2 I biopsy and 2 surgeries.. For a small mole a large chunk was removed from my calf. As I was pregnant that was my treatment, it was 1996 so 15 years ago. No lymph nodes or scans were done, it was low grade. I went for 2 hands on healing sessions. When people found out a few collegues and friends of friends told me they had been treated for melanoma too often in places that were not exposed to the sun. I now think it is a deficiency in selenium maybe vit d and c. I remember before my mole I had a strange mole/spot that I had squeezed! Before that when I was around 16 I had a strange sort of sweat burn from using a sunbed. My consultant at the time told me to go away and live my life he said they still did not know the cause and that the sun was one of many lines of study.
I hope this helps x

Posted by Teva (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/04/2012

There are a lot of people sharing their similar experiences and successful treatments and CURES of Melanoma with a more natural approach. It does not sound as if you have given any of the alternative treatments the possibility of a fair try. EarthClininc is a good start in reading about ones experience using natural remedies for a variety of aliments including cancer.

I hope at some point you do investigate it with an open mind as there are hundreds (if not more around the world) of people sharing their testimony of their cures with corresponding oncology diagnosis and follow-up results after treatments, proving a factual basis that the cancer was cured with out the using any of the approved methods like chemo, radiation or cutting.

The "reality" most people are familiar with cancer is created and governed by the FDA with their corresponding laws regarding claims and approved cancer treatments. All the "approved" data taken in through television, news media and set standards in the medical and pharmaceutical establishments, writes our perception of cancer reality IF we do not stop to think for ourselves, questions "reality" and research, discern a wider spectrum of cancer reality.

For those who have yet to do so, this will not make sense as "everyone knows the earth is flat" but eventually the true nature of reality will show cancer it treatable with natural remedies including high dosage of Vitamin C in an IV, clean healthy organic diet, the removal of toxicity in the body and environment, replenishing the body with minerals not present in the food supply due to soil erosion.

Posted by C.c. (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/25/2011

Re. Melamona. Research BLOODROOT. Also known as black salve.

Salicylic Acid
Posted by Phantom010436 (Singapore) on 01/18/2010

17% salycidic acid can kill and remove skin cancers (melanoma) but not the healthy tissue. Salycidic acid is
commonly used to remove wart but few know that it can also kill cancer cells. Salycidic acid is common asprin made from the bark of a willow tree. Just apply salycidic acid to the cancer parts often and the cancer cells will be killed. Common vinegar can also cure chronic ear infections like swimmers ear.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joanne (Victoria, Bc Canada) on 12/16/2012

Mary, I think he means that he used 35% food grade H2O2 that he diluted to 3% using a ratio of 12:1 purified water to hydrogen peroxide. The store brands have additional additives so can't be used internally. I don't know about using the store brand in this way, but that is what he's describing.

EC: No, he used 35% straight.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gary (San Jose, Ca) on 01/26/2016

35% Food Grade H2O2 will sting/burn a bit, turn the area white. Both go away in approximately 30 minutes.

Posted by Zencleanse (Usa) on 08/29/2013

Thanks everyone for your info on bloodroot and cansema. I wish you would have included the wbsite where to order it but I'll try to find it.

All I had on hand was an Anti-viral Elixir oil... so I used it and it helped the spot to scab up and sluff off. I can see new skin under parts that have been gently exfoliated off. I then used iodine as an anticeptic/anti cancer remedy. So far, so good as far as noticable healing.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Light ramirez (Florida (FL)) on 12/02/2022

How was the hp applied, diluted because it is a strong chemical? Need more explanation to help those suffering from cancer

Posted by maah (florida) on 09/09/2022


I used bloodroot on my face and upper chest. at first I got a beautiful scar and at one point I had a bad rash all over my chest. When it healed on my face, the skin grew in white. I am now using iodine on my nose. I reserve bloodroot for areas which I don't care how they look when they heal.

Baking Soda
Posted by Pam (Texas) on 07/05/2020

I, too, have a recurring sore in my nose. How did you use the baking soda to get rid of yours?

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Melissa (Alexandria) on 06/20/2023

Yes it's was diagnosed as “squamous cell carcinoma'

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Amazed (God's Country) on 07/17/2023

It took a minute to find the healed spot in the second photo. It is the light colored area just below the sock hem imprint. There is a tiny dot in the center. You can tell by the elongated mole to the left of the spot. Very impressive results.

Eggplant and White Vinegar
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 07/30/2018

After you soak the eggplant in ACV (in the frig or on the counter top?) for 3 days, do you eat a certain amount per day and/or can you apply the portion on your body where the cancer is located within the body? I would love the complete recipe with directions. Thank you

Broccoli Sprout Juice
Posted by Reed (USA) on 06/03/2021

To Susan,

I hope that you and your daughter have continued to see great results. I am curious about how you made the broccoli sprout juice. Did you use actual sprouts or dried sprouts? Have you both continued to be cancer free? Best of health to you both!

Eggplant and White Vinegar
Posted by storycharms (Turkey ) on 09/07/2021 8 posts

In the recipe post, it says: "The doctor said if it was a melanoma, after a few applications it could be quite painful [...] If it didn't pain, unlikely to be of a menacing nature."

Posted by Cancer Assist (Kampala, Uganda) on 11/10/2013

Looking for help with skin cancer lesions on foot.

My father has cancer on one of his feet, and gout that recurrs on his other foot. He has been on chemo for over a year. When the doctor suggested that the next step is radiation, he has chosen to continue the rest of his life without radiation. He is trying out something called Budwig protocol which is a natural remedy but so far no change after 1 week. We are concerned about the high dosage of omega 3. So I have scouted the site and have read about the use of DMSO to apply. In what form is it supposed to be? I have searched and found one type that is sold as a gel with 15gm of DMSO, 2.5gm D-Panthenol, and 0.33gm heparin sodium. Can this work? How much should we apply? By the way he is totally off sugar foods. He eats fruits as long as they do not have too much citric acid, since he says this triggers the gout by increasing the acidity levels. I have read about bomelain in fresh pineapples and I am going to suggest that he start on these.

Any assistance will be welcome. Thank you.

Melanoma Dangers
Posted by Alan (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 01/07/2013


My father cut a black spot on the sole of his foot to remove and it has now metastased! Bad outlook :(

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