How to Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes Using Natural Remedies

Peppermint or Castor Oils
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 04/07/2013

Editor's Choice

20 years ago I had several lymph glands that were swollen for at least 6 months. All tests were normal and so was a biopsy. I still get swollen glands sometimes and there are a few things that help. One is peppermint essential oil. I massage it into the gland. (Avoid contact with mouth or eyes. ) Another thing that helps is castor oil. Massage the oil into the swollen gland a couple of times a day. You could alternate with peppermint oil.

One time when I was sick, a gland in my neck was very sore and swollen. I made an herb poultice and kept it on overnight. It helped so much. I mixed 1 part red raspberry leaf and 1 part plantain leaf. I moistened them with hot water and wrapped them in a piece of flannel. I used a bandana or something to attach it to my face. I didn't know about peppermint or castor oil then.

Had I known about these remedies twenty years ago I would have saved myself surgery.

Daily exercise is helpful to keep lymph flowing and so is plenty of water. (Water with Apple Cider Vinegar would kill two birds with one stone there.)

Hope you get some relief.
