Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

General Feedback
Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/05/2008

Tulane Medical School has recently isolated Type A retro virus in people who have Lupus, Jouvenile R.Arthritis, Graves disease. This is the first time Type A retrovirus has been found in humans. Lupus apparently is not caused by auto-antigen or nucleic acid deficiency. But we really didn't need Tulane Medical School to prove this, Just look at the disease patterns. The disease patterns truly match those patterns of viral infections. Dormancy vs Active cycles, non-specific tissue inflamation that starts with pockets of tissue not entire system of tissues. Spreading to adjacent tissues and organs. Most alternative treatments being used today can be found on this site and others. For Lupus they either contain alkaline substances which inhibbit viral replication,or polyphenols which donate oxygen to the cell, (after losing H+ ions,)or chlorophyll which potentiates oxygen, or quinones which are strong industrial oxidizers. DMSO is another oxygen donor exploiting sulfate molecule's oxygen binding properties. Just examine these structures they all have one thing in common,...oxygen. The truth is anything that increases alkalinity also increases oxygen perfusion into cells as oxygen carries negative polarity and will be attracted to a more alkaline cellular environments. (Otto Warburg Nobel Prize) You can't change the ph of blood, but you can change the ph inside of cells. The very latest in research proving Lupus is caused by a virus can be found at: AmericanCancerAdvocates.com, a research site. Sincerely Bret Peirce
