Lips, Cracked or Peeling
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Healing Cracked Lips

| Modified on Nov 27, 2024
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Lip Balm

Natural treatments are highly effective for healing and preventing cracked or chapped lips. From simple home remedies like coconut oil to skin-supporting supplements, there are various options to keep your lips healthy and hydrated.

Understanding the Causes of Cracked Lips

Unlike most body parts, lips lack oil glands, making them prone to drying out and cracking. Factors contributing to this include cold or dry weather, inadequate self-care, sun overexposure, and frequent lip licking. Certain medications and supplements, such as retinoids, lithium, chemotherapy drugs, and high doses of vitamin A, can increase the risk of chapped lips. Dehydration and malnutrition also play a significant role.

Additionally, some lip balms contain ingredients that can actually cause chapped lips, creating a cycle of continuous application. Ingredients to watch out for include menthol, camphor, phenol, and alcohol, which can be drying or irritating to the sensitive skin of the lips.

Effective Home Remedies for Dry, Cracked Lips

Treating dry cracked lips often involves simple yet effective home remedies.  Some of the most effective remedies include:

  • Vaseline: Provides a protective barrier and helps retain moisture.
  • Coconut Oil: A natural moisturizer that soothes and heals dry lips.
  • Glycerin: Helps retain moisture and softens the lips.
  • L-Lysine: An amino acid that supports skin health and can prevent lip cracking.
  • Lanolin: A natural emollient that effectively moisturizes chapped lips.
  • Manuka Honey and Shea Butter: These natural ingredients offer healing and hydrating properties, especially when combined.
  • Mustard Oil: Known for its moisturizing benefits.
  • Sugar Exfoliation: Gently removes dry skin, followed by rehydration with Vaseline or a similar product.

Supplements for Preventing Chapped Lips

In addition to the above remedies, certain supplements can help prevent chapped lips:

  • Vitamin B2 and B Complex: Supports overall skin health, benefiting the lips.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, they help in maintaining skin hydration.
  • Vitamin E: Known for its moisturizing and healing properties, it can be taken orally or applied topically.
  • Zinc: Essential for skin health and repair.


Cracked lips can be a bothersome condition, but with the right natural remedies, they can be healed and prevented effectively. Incorporating these treatments into your daily routine, alongside staying hydrated and protecting your lips from environmental factors, can ensure healthy, moisturized lips. Share your experiences with these natural remedies or explore additional tips from our readers for managing cracked lips naturally.

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The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Johnny (Toronto, Canada) on 02/18/2021

Aloe Vera gel worked the best for me. Apply twice daily.

There are a number of different brands available on Amazon.

My chapped lips went away in 3 days.

Antibacterial Ointment

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Pam (Gainesville, Ga) on 01/11/2013

I had a severe dry lip problem after coming back from China. I remembered dropping a tube of lip gloss on the floor so I treated my lips as if they had some kind of bacteria infection and they got well. I can't remember what all I used.... Colloidal silver maybe and/or Neosporin.

Azg's Natural Lip Balm

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/27/2009

I started making my own lip balm to use for myself when I was pregnant and to give away as gifts... It's a pretty basic formula. About 50% Beeswax, 10% Oil, 40% Olive oil (or any other kind of vegetable oil).

Years ago I used to work with a woman who looked my age...I was shocked to discover she had a daughter my age! She said her secret was putting petroleum jelly around her eyes every night. I researched it and discovered that, while in theory it would work, it was VERY toxic to the body to apply anything with Mineral Oils or Mineral Oil-derivatives in it. After some more research, I learned that beeswax is an even better "sealant" than Petroleum Jelly is - and it's all natural!

So I started using my lip balm around my eyes every single night instead of an eye cream. I cannot tell you...the fine lines have DISAPPEARED! My eye area is dewy and soft. I get carded on a regular basis and people don't believe that I am 30 years old.

If you don't have the patience to make your own lip balm, please buy one at the health food store. DO NOT USE ANYTHING WITH MINERAL OILS. Avoid ones with Peppermint Essential Oils as the vapours are irritating to the eye. Try to go unscented.

Even if you buy one of the fancy organic brand lipbalms at $6 or $7 for one stick, it will honestly last you at least 4 or 5 months...which is still way cheaper (and FAR more effective) than those $100 containers of fancy brand-name anti-aging eye creams that are loaded with toxic chemicals.

P.S. Did you know Propylene Glycol is an industrial anti-freeze and it's in 90% of all conventional face lotions/body lotions?!? Go grab your bottle of drug store/department store lotion and read the ingredients. Still think the sun causes skin cancer?!? Or maybe the chemicals in your skin care???

Replied by Sheryl
(Huntington Beach, Calf.)


Replied by Mary
(Mukilteo, Wa)

Does anyone know what the 10% oil is?

EC: We're going to guess the missing word is coconut oil.

Replied by Adam
(Mission, Tx Us)

Could you put your measurements into teaspoons?
Thanks am

Replied by Faeqa
(Amman, Jordan)
70 posts

Hi I tried sesame oil with bee wax for chapped lips and I found it better than any other oil and cream. I used it for my dry face skin and sun burn, it is perfect.

To make it add 2 TBS of wax for one cup of oil on low heat and melt it (don't boil just melt) then put it on glass jar and let it cool. U can test the consistency befor put it in jar by put a teaspoon of it in refrigerator for few minutes.

Replied by Athena
(Northern Indiana)

Thanks for doing and sharing your research!

For anyone who wants this in tablespoons, you could just put 1 tablespoon of what's 10%, 4 tablespoons of what's 40%, and 5 tablespoons of what's 50%. You can double or triple it from there.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Dear Sandy: A common remedy for peeling and cracking lips, is usually a common vitamin B2 (riboflavin deficiency). What I might do is take 100 mg of B2 plus some vitamin B complex called B50 (where most vitamin Bs are of 50 mg each, with possible exception of B12 or folic acid). The reaspon why other Bs was needed, besides the B2 is other B deficiency, not B2 may also lead to cracking lips and also to prevent other vitamin B deficiency since taking any one of the B's could lead to other B deficiency too.

A cracking on the corners of the mouth and watery eye or eye irritation are possible symptoms of a B2 deficiency from stress and other problems.

One superficial remedy that I have found to help with cracking lips, but not necessarily solve the true underlying cause, but a great band-aid, is the use of petroleum jelly (vaseline) applied to the mouth. Most of the newer products simply cannot beat this old and familiar product.

Coconut Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Julie C (Louisiana ) on 10/22/2023

Coconut oil for skin allergic reactions (lips)

My daughter had small itchy reactions on her lips in the past to certain tomato based sauces, but never anything too nasty. This time I had made some rice with canned tomatoes and while eating her lips were itching and she grabbed the napkin and started vigorously rubbing her mouth. A few minutes later she came out of her bathroom crying and the left side of her bottom and top lips were pretty swollen. She has some learning disabilities so I have to be careful how I react sometimes, not to make her get too upset. So I gently said "oh no, what's going on with those lips?" and made a funny face which made her giggle - my husband quickly looked up some 'lip injections' on his phone and showed her the most hilarious pictures. In the meantime, I had her make funny faces back to me to check if her tongue had swelled or her neck. Those seemed OK. I quietly but internally panicked - so I got on EC and looked up home remedies. I found ACV for skin but thought that could make lip skin super itchy!! Second was coconut oil. I seem to have barrels of that here, so I grabbed some and applied it to her lips, had her lay back on the couch as all three of us looked at funny pics. I kept an eye on her and within minutes the lower lip was almost back to normal, the itchiness was gone and her top lip was going down too!! By bedtime, she was back to her beautiful self - minus the tomato induced lip injections! Thanks EC, another home run!! Xo

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Co) on 12/19/2009

Coconut oil cured my cracked, peeling lips! Living in Colorado, the air can be cold and dry, and my lips have taken a beating, plus I tend to chew on them if they're peeling. Then all sorts of trouble starts and I get a cold sore. I've tried a lot to rehydrate them, like putting different oils and balms and even honey on them. I found my solution by accident. I love coconut oil and use it as my go-to moisturizer for everything, but have been disappointed in its ability to help my lips topically. Still, I love it for the rest of my skin. But it wasn't until I started feeling sick and did what I always do to keep from getting whatever is ailing me (colds, flu, cold sores, even UTIs!) that I noticed; I take several doses of coconut oil throughout the day. Not only did I not get whatever I felt was looming, but my lips smoothed right up. But I didn't get why (doh!) at the time. I stopped the intense coconut therapy, although I still oil pull with it and put a small amount in my tea, and boom, a day later my lips were back to their normal, cracked selves. Ta-da! Light bulb.... I need more coconut oil. Now, everyday I take about a 1/2-1 tablespoon 3-4 or more times a day (I happen to love it so I tend to do a lot with it) and have smooth, uncracked lips. I love coconut oil! I just take a big ole' spoonful of organic oil and munch away (since it's cold now).

Replied by Athena
(Northern Indiana)

This is what I've been doing too! I was told I needed to fix the problem from the inside out and not the other way around. It was also recommended to me that the oils are uncooked, so I keep adding them to my food and it makes everything rich and creamy.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Elin (The Hague, The Netherlands) on 11/28/2012

First thing I do, when I notice my lips turn dry over the course of the day, is drink a glass of water.

It's usually a sign I'm slightly dehydrated. I found this out when I worked at a store where they had a blower-heater at the entrance - making the air very dry - combined with being busy and not having the time to drink during busy hours.

For dry, painful cracked lips, a 30 minute glycerine lip treatment will help. Simply put a thick layer of glycerine onto your lips, as thick as possible, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Leave it alone, don't smear it out or touch it. It's sticky and sweet, so make sure you have a straw at hand if you get thirsty...

After 30 minutes or longer, gently remove the glycerine with a soft tissue. In most cases, the lips will be perfectly soft again, and even the painful cracks will have healed.

I personally don't feel glycerine is something for every day use, but it works wonders when needed.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

2 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Jaykay (Vancouver, Canada) on 09/15/2014

I have had dry, cracked lips for about 14 years. I have been using carmex up to now. I have been using it almost daily, but it never really helps much. It just covers up the problem.

I tried grapefruit seed extract once or twice a day recently and it works! It doesn't cover up the problem, it eradicates the dry lips completely. Just a tiny amount of the liquid applied all over your lips.


Replied by Zelemont


Do NOT put straight GSE on your lips. I read this review and figured I would give it a try. It was a huge mistake. It stung immediately, but I was hoping maybe that was just the GSE working its magic. It was actually the highly acidic GSE burning the layers of delicate skin on my lips until they were raw and red. My lips tasted like blood and stung, and the next two days have been even worse. Thanks to this "remedy" my lips are now crusty, peeling, sore, and unkissable.

I would not recommend using GSE for chapped lips, but if you do, make sure to dilute it first!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by KT (Irvine, CA) on 05/19/2009

This website is a life changer. First, I got rid of my constipation of 36 years by taking Cal-Mag daily and now finally, after suffering 30 years from Chapped, Cracked, Peeling, Hurting lips, I checked this site again and L-Lysine had the most votes, so tried it and saw INSTANT results, within 12 hours! I took 1000 mg for the first two days and then reduced it to 500mg, this being my 4th day. I will be reducing it to 500 mg once a week. I am in heaven, where I no more need to abandon my toothpastes, thinking they are the culprit. I am back to using my organic toothpaste. Life is Great, with smooth, pink lips. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR FEEDBACK with INSTRUCTIONS.

Replied by Virginiataylors
(Kingman, Az)

My daughter has severe cracked lips... Would L-Lysine work for children? and at what dosage?

Replied by Noelle
(Minneapolis, Mn Usa)

Start off with 1000 mg of Lysine for the first few days. If there is no response to the Lysine, try Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). 100 mg should work within 24 hrs. Use the capsules; you'll be able to adjust the dosage to exactly what you need to maintain your smooth lips once they clear up. And don't worry if your pee turns deep yellow or orange; that's just what Riboflavin does! If the Riboflavin works, it might be a good idea to take a good B Complex -- long term the B Vitamins work better together. 'Nuff said!


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 12/02/2011

I live in hot, humid South Florida so I don't have much of a problem with dry skin. However, when I go back up to the freezing north in the wintertime, the wind and cold makes my lips get chapped and sometimes I get dry, itchy skin. Lanolin oil has been a lifesaver for me! It heals my chapped lips and is also great on dry, cracked hands or rough elbows. Lanolin cream is actually very easy to find in the baby/maternity section of the drugstore, it is usually marketed as a breast cream for breastfeeding mothers (and supposedly works well for this purpose, too). It's a 100% natural oil that is from the sheared wool of sheep. A large tube will cost you around $14 but I've been using it daily on my lips for 2 years and am only through half the tube. After applying, my lips are moisturized, they heal well and they get plumper and redder. I'll never look for another lip product - this is the one! :)

Replied by Lauren
(Carlsbad, Ca)

I also use Lanolin cream on my chapped lips and love it! I had it in my medicine cabinet after breastfeeding. One day I realized if I can use it on dry cracked nipples, I can use it on my lips!!

Replied by Kellie
(Syracuse, Ny, Us)

I just want to say that I just discovered this product today and I'm already in love with it! I read that the three things you want to use on your lips to heal them while allowing them to breathe.. Are lanolin, coconut oil and shea butter. I have been trapping my lips for years of being a lip balm addict, but now I'm looking to heal them. I tried coconut oil since I already had some but it's very liquidy and tends to wear off quickly. I bought pure lanolin at the grocery store today and it feels great on my lips, good texture, stays on long, and when it does wear off my lips don't feel as dry. I haven't tried the shea butter yet but for now lanolin definitely gets my vote!

Replied by Zelemont

Lanolin is the best! This was the only thing that cleared up my cracked lip problem and I still use it occasionally when my lips get chapped enough that Vaseline isn't doing the trick.

Lip Rash Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jessica (Austin, Tx) on 12/10/2022

I've had a red itchy and scaly patch on my upper lip and the skin above my upper lip. It's never gone away after 11 months. Any others with this experience? Any recommendations?

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Jessica,

I have two suggestions.. The first is to try a vitamin D3 serum or capsules for a week and see if it improves. That simple remedy (10 drops a day, each drop was 1,000 iu) got rid of 30 year eczema type rash/redness around my nose in about three days, never to return.

The other suggestion is to try soaking a cotton ball with colloidal silver and holding it on the area a few times a day. I've just heard from someone locally who got rid of chronic eczema on her knee by applying a colloidal silver-soaked bandage at night.

Manuka Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brooke (CO) on 04/18/2022

My lips get so dry, they crack and bleed and swell and nothing topically helped until I tried the honey. It is a miracle and helped the dryness go away in two days they looked almost normal again. It's 100% stronger than regular raw honey, made from bees in New Zealand from the tea tree. Look online and see all the benefits. Find some at your local health food store.

Manuka Honey in Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lon (Stanhope, NJ) on 02/18/2009

Lip Fissures:

My son, with Down Syndrome, has several chronic ailments resulting from poor nutrient absorbtion, because of having Hirschsprung's Disease and an ileostomy...such as, candida, fungal nails, cracks on heels and between toes, gingivitis, fatty liver, tendency toward dehydration and so on. He also had mono recently and may have insuline resistance. All he wants to eat is meat, which seems to be common with other people who have this disease. When I to try bribe him to eat organic vegetables or fruits, I noticed that these foods, as well as the expensive supplements I give him, are passed through his system undigested. He doesn't chew well either. Lately I bought a blender so he can have nutritious smoothies. I've also switched to liquid supplements when I can find them.

All of his life, he has had a fissure on his lower lip. It often cracks open and bleeds. He also has surgical scars on his abdomen which become sores because of a habit he has of adjusting the waistband of his pants. I've tried every angle, extra fluids, supplements, different lip balms, diet, tea tree oil. The tea tree oil tastes bad, so he wouldn't tolerate it, although it may have helped. I try to watch ph balance, but when he's at school, at the sitters or out and about, he gets a lot of junk food given to him by people who are trying to be kind. I puposely don't give him extra money, so he can't buy snacks. His teacher said she had to stop well meaning people from constantly bringing treats for her students. Recently on a school field trip,a waitress bought him soda...this happens so often, I feel i can't win when it comes to diet, but I do my best at home.

I read recently that active manuka honey from New Zealand is now being used in hospitals to treat chronic wounds and bed sores especially for people with diabetes. A culture isn't needed because the honey kills a wide variety of organisms including fungus and MRSA. It's also used to treat certain digestive problems. If you research it you'll be amazed. The honey is available in different strengths, with a number of ten or more, indicating activity level, recommended for wound healing. It is expensive, but we tied it. It seemed to help a little, but my son keeps licking it off as soon as it's applied. The recommmended method is to apply the honey to a sterile dressing and cover the wound; of course i can't do that on his lip. I finally thought of mixing the honey with a small amount of virgin coconut oil to make it stay on better, and rub it generously into the crack. We apply it several times a day. The crack is now fifty percent smaller after only a couple ofdays. We've never had even minor success with any other strategy.

We are so pleased with the results! We've been helped so much from the many posts here at earth clinic. For the first time, I feel I have some control with my son's issues, because of the success we've experienced with the rekmedies here. If one thing doesn't work, we study the various posts and tweek the treatment until something helps. We hope we can give back to the people from all over the world who share their remedies here, by sharing this information.

Replied by Gean
(Salina, KS)

I wonder if anyone has ever tried mixing a little tea tree oil with any type of honey, if that would have the same effect for wound healing. I understand honey alone (any kind) is good for burns, etc.

Replied by Lon
(Stanhope, NJ)

That's an interesting comment, because the manuka honey comes from the tea tree plant.


I just wanted to point out that the Manuka plant that is also called "Tea tree" is a not the same "Tea Tree" that Tea Tree oil is made from. That's Melaleuca alternifolia. "tea tree" is a fairly generic term that's been used a lot in history.

Replied by S
(Los Angeles, CA)

This totally works... I have tried it a few times for lip cracks... also good for sores.

Mentholatum Ointment

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Suzy Q (Birmingham, Alabama) on 08/19/2011

A little Mentholatum Ointment rubbed in the cracks that formed in the corner of my mouth gave me instant pain relief. By Day 2 the cracks were completely gone! This ointment can be found in any store that sells cold medicines.

Mustard Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J ) on 09/21/2011

I was in India recently and was told of this homemade Ayurvedic tip to prevent chapped lips. With winter coming around the corner, I thought it might come in handy for some EC readers: Gently massage one or two drops of mustard oil into your belly button at night, before going to sleep. In the morning, your lips will be soft. Continued use will also make your facial skin brighter. I tried to do some online research as to why this is effective but could not find any. Massaging oil in the belly button is not new to me though. I know of an Ayurvedic massage tip to help improve one's eyesight which says gently massaging sesame or coconut oil in a clockwise direction in the navel at night helps to mitigate any eye problems and to strengthen one's vision. I guess mustard oil works on the lips! Anyway, I will try it this winter. BTW, mustard oil, which is kind of strong smelling, is available in Indian grocery stores.

Replied by Akansha
(Boston, Ma)

Hi, I had some mustard oil in my house as my bf likes fish cooked in it. Both of us tried your remedy and found it miraculously effective. Since the morning I have used lip balm just once my my lips are still smooth. I will definitely keep using it all through winter. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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