Natural Remedies for Healing Cracked Lips

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Dear Sandy: A common remedy for peeling and cracking lips, is usually a common vitamin B2 (riboflavin deficiency). What I might do is take 100 mg of B2 plus some vitamin B complex called B50 (where most vitamin Bs are of 50 mg each, with possible exception of B12 or folic acid). The reaspon why other Bs was needed, besides the B2 is other B deficiency, not B2 may also lead to cracking lips and also to prevent other vitamin B deficiency since taking any one of the B's could lead to other B deficiency too.

A cracking on the corners of the mouth and watery eye or eye irritation are possible symptoms of a B2 deficiency from stress and other problems.

One superficial remedy that I have found to help with cracking lips, but not necessarily solve the true underlying cause, but a great band-aid, is the use of petroleum jelly (vaseline) applied to the mouth. Most of the newer products simply cannot beat this old and familiar product.
