Natural Remedies for Healing Cracked Lips

Mustard Oil
Posted by Akansha (Boston, Ma) on 11/28/2012

Hi, I had some mustard oil in my house as my bf likes fish cooked in it. Both of us tried your remedy and found it miraculously effective. Since the morning I have used lip balm just once my my lips are still smooth. I will definitely keep using it all through winter. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Mustard Oil
Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J ) on 09/21/2011

I was in India recently and was told of this homemade Ayurvedic tip to prevent chapped lips. With winter coming around the corner, I thought it might come in handy for some EC readers: Gently massage one or two drops of mustard oil into your belly button at night, before going to sleep. In the morning, your lips will be soft. Continued use will also make your facial skin brighter. I tried to do some online research as to why this is effective but could not find any. Massaging oil in the belly button is not new to me though. I know of an Ayurvedic massage tip to help improve one's eyesight which says gently massaging sesame or coconut oil in a clockwise direction in the navel at night helps to mitigate any eye problems and to strengthen one's vision. I guess mustard oil works on the lips! Anyway, I will try it this winter. BTW, mustard oil, which is kind of strong smelling, is available in Indian grocery stores.
