Leaky Gut Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Tanya (Kinnear, Wyoming) on 12/05/2012

Silvia, I hope you have found relief. You have the same symptoms as I had. My lips and eyes and the area around my mouth got to where if I touched the skin, it would flake off. All the diets conflict! I got to where I was literally scaring children with my swollen, scarred, bleeding face. I decided to go to an actual allergist. Upon first sight - he said I had food allergies (symptom of leaky gut). I did all the tests. I ended up on a vegetarian diet - sardines and raw milk are my only animal protien. After cutting out the culpret foods, it took only 3 days to clear up - really. I'm not completely free of the problem and am trying to find a M.D./Naturpath that deals with this. From my research I blame both antibiotics and genetically modified food, esp corn for the leaky gut. I recommend seeing an actual allergist first.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sam (NY) on 01/04/2012

Hello Mary, I have been suffering from this condition since August 2011 - but had it 13 years ago as well. I now have it under control as I have identified the issue and hope to cure it. Did you manage to get help or information that you found fitting for you? You mentioned that you received a paper on how it would be treated by a physician - what was that treatment? I guess you did not like what they planned to do so that is the reason to seek folk remedies.

I was told that there is no cure - but I had been better for 13 years - back then I also suffered from urticaria as well. Via an elimination diet I have identified all the foods that trigger the angioedema - for me it is all proteins, some fruits and veggies. In addition, I take L-glutamine (1 tsp first thing in the morning and last thing at night). This is due to leaky gut syndrome - there is a lot of information on the internet about this.

As I have said before, my doctor told me there was no cure but I have been fine for 13 years. By not consuming the foods that irritate my intestines it can then regenerate itself. Therefore. I eat generous amounts of predigested (hydrolyzed) protein, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and olive or coconut oil. I found this link - hope it is ok to post it. http://www.betterbodycare.com/Solutions/Causes/LeakyGut.htm I have been following this regimen and every so often - I test myself my eating protein (normal meals) to find out whether I am better or simply because I want to eat again like a normal person. I then have to take anti-histamines to reduce the angioedema which is not a good thing as my kidneys are then affected. I have learnt not to be hasty.

As I am currently living with this condition and I am not yet well - it would be great to learn how others are coping and whether the information I have provided is useful.

All the best,

