The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/25/2013
I saw this in the DMSO page and thought it should be posted here too. It seems DMSO can open blockages related to liver and renal failure.
[YEA] 08/24/2012: Geralyn_d from Atlanta, Ga: "When I went into acute liver failure 4 years ago I was not told about ascites, they didn't really expect me to live and I turned down a place on the transplant list. I started eating raw vegan as it was the least reactive food I could stomach. One day I was dressing and noticed I looked like a water barrel! I weighed myself and had gained 8 pounds in a couple of days... I was going out of town the next day and used the only thing I know of that quickly removes excess water... DMSO.
I spread 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of 99% DMSO on a baby wipe... Then wiped from breast line to just past the groin where lymph glands are (front and back)and over the next 12 hours I peed like a racehorse! It took 2 days but all the water build up disappeared. It has come back 5 times and I used it each time to success. I also added tissue salts for control of water in the body and liver support (nat mur /nat sulph).
Recently my sister was in the hospital when her chemo almost killed her (heart and liver issues). She gained 24 pounds in 5 days. I advised the DMSO cautiously thinking at least there they could deal with any reaction. Instead of a problem, she ended up flooding the measuring container a few times and lost the 24 pounds in a week. The Drs were very happy that the liver numbers quickly dropped to the normal range. We didn't share our diuretic free solution though. DMSO is a cheap and pretty safe way to get rid up water build up."
Flaxseed Tea
Posted by Keertika (Baroda, Gujarat, India) on 03/24/2013
@Vanya from Frankfort: Flax seed should be raw or roasted? Which type of flax seed should I simmer in water and drink? And how many times a day? Will it have any side effects? I wanna cure my kidney.
D-Mannose, Herbs
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/24/2013 2043 posts
Wayne: To keep my kidneys functioning well, as periodically they don't, I take a half-spoon of D-Mannose and 3 Nature's Way Kidney/Bladder formula 2x day for a day or two with very good results.
In severe cases where one needs dialysis, the Kidneys need "rebuilding", which requires the use of the herb Comfrey. Added to the Comfrey, take Raw Kidney Glandular PLUS any nutritional products that are proven to stimulate Human Growth Hormone. Any of these three remedies alone would prove marginally effective, BUT combine them and you should see rapid rebuilding of the Kidneys.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aliciua (Syracuse , Utah) on 03/23/2013
Read about Sodium Bicarbonate, maybe it can help you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 03/23/2013
Potassium "stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes" (Nutrition Almanac, Third Edition). All of our food that contains potassium has been engineered to last longer (Food, Inc.). Maybe you have eaten too many foods trying to get healthy but have ingested too much potassium.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 03/23/2013
I totally agree that ALL of our food is genetically modified in one way or the other. None of our food is safe. It is no longer the way God created it. My kidneys were shutting down on me. I read something somewhere (that I will try to find) about Blackstrap Molasses and I tried it. It helped me. The majority of food and supplements in the health food stores is bad for you BUT I get the unsulphered BSM at the health food store and the "Real Salt" sea salt. It is the flowing/anti-caking agent in what is acceptable as table salt that is the culprit to many ailments and could be what contributes to your difficulty. This has been a piecemeal learning endeavor for over twenty years. I'm only trying to share what was wrong with me and what helped.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wayne (Floral City, Fl) on 03/23/2013
I believe the connective tissue from the bladder to the kidney which has blood vessels 10,000 times smaller than the hair on your head becomes clogged; especially with all the gmo franken foods.
i do not urinate enough to keep my fluid levels down; sometimes 5-6 liters after 2 days. i want so desperately to get off this witchcraft / sorcery (revelation 18:23) search the meaning of sorcery=pharma...! so; does anyone have any proof of a viable solution? if so; please notify me. thanks, messiah bless. WAYNE
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 03/23/2013
Blackstrap Molasses fights cancer and will increase urination. I'm sorry I cannot recommend a therapeutic amount. Maybe start with one TBSP in warm water or 2% milk before going to bed. Someone else posted taking 3 tsp throughout the day but at this stage I would think starting at a larger dose first would help. I take either/or, depending on my urine flow. I read that therapeutic amounts of B-Complex also fights cancer but you have to be careful of the binders and fillers.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wayne (Floral City, Fl) on 03/23/2013
I am on dialysis 6 mos now. Suffering greatly... Headaches, nausea, cramping.... I still urinate but not enough stage 5... any suggestions???
Posted by Pecmkr (Essex Junction, Vermont) on 12/22/2012
I just want to thank Ted for the good work he is doing here on alkalizing. I took Zithromax for pnemonia and it hurt my left kidney bad. I discontinued after the first dose, but pain for three weeks following first two pills. I have been working hard to heal this, but the spleen began to hurt as well. After this the liver and or gallbladder were off too.
I was able to read through this site and see advice that Ted gave to others.
Based on my own research I can say that Ted is more than brilliant. I am certain that his advice has helped me and many others. The doctors do not know how to heal kidneys. Its a very difficult task, but doing the right things certainly help. I had no time to waste with this either.
Baking Soda
Posted by Ian (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 11/28/2012
A daily dose of bicarbonate soda could stop kidney disease and dialysis. I was told that I was at stage 3 in my kidney disease and eventually I would have to go on dialysis. The University Hospital in London had done some trial tests whereby taking a daily dose of bicarbonate soda could prevent the development of the disease. So, I had nothing to lose and took a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda with a glass of water twice a day. My tests came back and there has been no progression of the disease - hopefully it is in check, but the results look good.
On a second note, I have taken coca-cola with asparagus and on the last two occasions my kidney stones have disappeared. So, when it comes to my kidneys - the future is looking a little brignter. Cheers, Ian
L- Arginine
Posted by Faith (Colerain, Ohio) on 07/13/2012
Please look into an amino acid called L-Arginine... You can also take it with Ornithine and Licine, these are help boost immunity and L-Arginine increases T3 which helps the thyroid. It greatly helps the liver and kidneys, specifically the kidneys suddenly OPEN UP and start making more water than you are used to... It flushes your body so go slow... You can take Arginine at night to help sleep.... Ornithine in the day with Licine for infection control. These are great amino acids, but do your own research!
Posted by Meenu (Vancouver, Bc) on 06/14/2012
It seems to confirm my doubts as I'm those rare ones on whom Apple Cider Vinegar did not work rather it sent my Blood pressure through the roof and I had to be put on medication after hospitalisation. My cholestrol is high too, though I generally eat healthy.
Can u please guide me on the kind of foods to avoid n to have with HBP n Cholesterol n early menopause at age 38. Since then I've been downhill.
Even if I take lime/lemon everyday but it constipates me severely. I'm scared to try Baking soda becoz of the sodium.
What kind of supplements/diet would help? I look forward to your guidence.
thank you-thank you soo much. Meenu
Posted by Bill (Philippines, Luzon) on 04/06/2012
Hi Everyone... One fact that seems to scream out from the research regarding kidney problems is that a major cause for this condition is because the body is already far to acid, resulting in dangerous erosion and damage to the kidneys themselves caused by the acidity in the blood. Ted from Bangkok has said this time and time again on EC.
Kidney disease and high body acidity also means that the body will have great problems digesting acid foods like raw Apple Cider Vinegar(acetic acd, malic acid) and citrus fruits(citric acid) which are normally beneficial to people whose bodies are not so acidic and who have sufficient stores to neutralize the citric acid to citrates and acetic acid to acetates. Ingesting these raw acid foods -- when the body is already so acidic and body bicarbonate stores so lacking -- are not beneficial to the body because in people with already acidic bodies and in order for these ingested acids to be converted to useful alkaline salts, these acids must first be neutralized by our bicarbonate stores during digestion. Excess blood acidity caused by a bad acid diet and a resulting lack of bicarbonate stores is what damages and erodes the kidneys. So if you have kidney problems then this essentially means that your body's bicarbonate and citrate stores are heavily depleted and also means that you are eating way too many acid foods -- so you cannot efficiently neutralize these damaging acids in the blood or within the cells themselves.
Therefore the common sense approach would simply be just to take Ted's Alkalizing Remedies to increase bicarbonate stores(alkalize the blood) and citrates (to alkalize the intracellular environment) within the body. From the research, bicarbonates and citrates are particularly useful for the kidneys in this respect.
So for some people to advise, as I have already read on EC, taking acidic foods like raw ACV and citrus fruits when someone is suffering from kidney disease caused by a lack of bicarbonate alkali in an already acidic body would seem to be absolutely crazy and completely the wrong advice.
Metabolic Acidosis -- Research Review
Acid-Alkaline Balance: Role in Chronic Disease and Detox - Research Review
Urine citrate and renal stone disease.
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Dietary Changes
Posted by Jim (Preston, Lancashire, England) on 02/07/2012
Hi Melanie, I read your comments about dialysis and your nanies natural treatment, I am naturally alternative and roman catholic and I was grateful for your story God Bless.
Baking Soda
Posted by Leahinchains (Sn Diego, Ca, Usa) on 12/22/2011
I disagree on no improvement of kidney function.
Coconut Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Juicing
Posted by Robert (Orlando, Fl) on 12/04/2011
Just watch the potassium levels with the carrots
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trinity123 (Garland, Texas, Usa) on 09/14/2011
I have read some very promising stuff about apple cider vinegar healing some on dialysis. I know it is rare, but I believe I can and will experience renal recovery. What I read is correct. The doctors and nurses will not give you any suggestions to get off dialysis, but for one they want to give false hope. But the main reason is that they will lose their INCOME if more people experienced renal recovery. One person said she didn't drink the vinegar, but laid in it every night and got "healed" in 9 months. What do you think about the vinegar?
Dietary Changes
Posted by Hanimela (San Diego, Ca) on 09/07/2011
To the blissful dialysis nurse in Australia, being as you are faced with troubles of your own kidneys I would imagine that you could admit never witnessing a person on dyalisis getting off. Most people choose a field, hopefully passionately. I have been in the mix of these centers for only about 7 years and it seems to me that there are simply those who believe they must believe what they are told- and those who begin to question everything they have been taught. That's a hard thing to do.
I have successfully gotten my grandmother off of dialysis after 4 years- stage four, then stage 5. Every doctor said it could not be done. We did it. One day at a time. Absolutely beginning with nutrition. All of those renal diet musts" are contributing to the fact that these people continue to lose there ability to allow there bodies to strive. White breads only? and dont forget to start taking away the okay to eat fresh fruit, or many veggies, or nuts, or grains, musnt forget legumes... Instead lets make them believe that they need to overload on protien-and glue (white starch?) don't drink water! It will kill ya. I mean, do you honestly feel what you posted? just keep your body from real nutrition and when you come in to get your blood cleansed.. We'll reward you with fake sweetners atop of jello and send you home with more destructive recipes. Its the least to be done, considering, these peoples continued demise pays the bills.
Please -do your research, its "high school stuff". Please search your soul. And to any patients out there.. , . Please start by learning about alkalized water and maybe some stabilized oxygen- totally non toxic!! Make your low fluid allowance count! Enzymes! We were supposed to have them thank goodness for health food stores and natural advocates-protease is a good enzyme to start with, if you are a kidney patient with "high urine protien" (urine ph level under 6.0) and on the other hand , if you are a patient with a urine ph balance above 7.5 you are in need of bringing some acidity to your body to help neutralize things. Try sodium ascorbate( vitamin C -no calcium), purchase ph urine strips on the internet, healthfood stores and test daily to see if your ph level is getting closer to 7.0. That is the number both sides of the ph levels want to try and focus on.
Try these things for a while if you like and see how you feel about "the side effects" vs "dialysis effects" oh! Two more things, see if the stabilized oxygen doesnt help make a difference with blood sugar and maybe blood pressure because as much as they tried to give my Nani more diabetic meds and blood pressure meds when not really needed, I know that they were inhibiting her own body from performing its own tasks. Those things are important to try and defeat- we did. Remember, what we speak, shall be what is. the power of thought!!! I am on a mission!! Much love and Health. Melanie
Flaxseed Tea
Posted by Vanya (Frankfort, In) on 06/30/2011
flax seeds are absolutely good for you, and there will not be any side effects from them, you can use this remedy for as long as you like! Now if you are taking flax seed oil, then we are talking about high omega 3-6-9 and thining the blood, wich is helpful for other ailments, for kidney problems just brew the seeds and drink it, it gets a little thick but that is the good legumes that your kidneys need! Good luck!
Baking Soda
Posted by Julia (Phoenix, Az) on 02/17/2011
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) helps by bonding to phosphurus acid in your stomach. its helps with eliminating too much acidity, but doesnt help rejenerate kidney function.
Coconut Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Juicing
Posted by Maskeen (Dubai, Uae) on 01/08/2011
try also juicing parsley with carrots. one whole bunch of parsley with two carrots greatly heals the kidneys.
Coconut Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Juicing
Posted by Jae (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/05/2011
Hi, from Tx. My husband has been on diaylsis for @ 5 years. IF YOU CAN STILL URINE, AND YOUR POTASSIUM is ok--try drinking coconut water after treatment. It will strengthen your blood, and give you energy. AS far as the Apple Cider Vinager--use an organic brand, not store brands. It has "mother's wort" and is brown in color. You can look up all its usages on the web. It's good for high blood, acid reflux, arthritis, and weight loss. I also have recently began juicing--"celery and cucumbers w/apple"--it states "assists with kidney functions! " At this point--what can it hurt! I do know that his blood pressure has been normal 120/80 for 4 months! So something is working! Mostly, we pray and believe that God's word is true, and healing is available for all that can believe! God bless each of you is my prayer!
Castor Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/05/2010
I have never had a problem with my kidneys, so I am hopefully thinking this is due to my using the Castor Oil packs! However, I use to treat a woman in Houston and she was going to dialysis, I did a few different treatments on her, and one of them was Castor Oil packs. Her numbers were dramatically decreased. I had her change her diet, use the Castor oil packs and I did Body Alignment Technique. Her numbers decreased by the third time.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/01/2010 392 posts
Nephritis Summary Revised...
Excess protein may be linked to taking too much protein and lack of digestive enzyme that digests the protein, such as protease, and may be supplemented with pancreatic enzymes, bromelain enzymes and to some extent papain. The total protease should be 50 to 100 mg taken before meals 3 times a day, bromelain 2500 GDU, and papain roughly 250 to 500 mg also three times a day. There was a case where a doctor gave patients 10 white eggs a day plus steroids as a way to reduce urine protein but that actually made it worse. Milk powder also worsened. An excess urine protein can also be lack of amino balance such as arginine or glutamine, for example.
A simple test is possible. A protein free diet or caloric restriction for 3 days to see if there is improvement.
Nephritis Remedy Summary
Posted by Lis (Ny, Ny, Usa) on 10/29/2010
Nephritis (high protein in urine) - Summary of Remedies from Ted and the Earth Clinic Community
Often bacterial in origin or the body has an infection.
1. Alkalize (raise immunity and reduce bacteria): Drink two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 a cup of water twice a day (morning and night) on an empty stomach for four to five days a week. Or two to eight teaspoons lime or lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water twice a day. You can alternate between these two formulas.
2. Zinc: Take 50 mg of zinc gluconate per week.
3. Magnesium: Take 250 mg of magnesium citrate five days out of the week -- increases the body's defenses against bacteria, thus reducing the high protein in the kidneys.
4. Sea Salt: Add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in one liter of water and drink throughout the day -- will raise the salinity of the urine somewhat and the antibiotic effect of the salt will reduce the bacteria thus reducing the protein buildup in the urine.
5. Oil Pulling: See here
6. Lecithin Granules: One tablespoon lecithin in a cup of water one to three times a day, 30 minutes before eating -- reduces excess fatty liver and reduces the liver's congestion.
7. Clove Oil: Mix one drop of clove oil in one liter of water and drink through the day - kills the bacterium in the liver, thus reducing the high protein in the kidneys.
*For cloudy urine, taking a vitamin B complex for a couple of days may help clear it up and reduce the protein buildup.
*Also discontinue drinking carbonated beverages
Miscellaneous Herbs
Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 10/23/2010
As an FYI to readers - in the USA lady fingers are known as okra.
Miscellaneous Herbs
Posted by Phantom010436 (Singapore) on 10/23/2010
This remedy is effective for improving kidney function, improving bone density and knee pain. Ingredients:10 pieces of lady finger, water, honey and 1 bottle of vitagen or yakult. Wash lady finger, cut away both end of lady finger. Gently slice away the protruding(hexagon) part of the lady finger. The lady finger will be a bit round. The protruding part is a bit rough and not tasty. Cut lady finger into small pieces. Put lady finger, water and honey into a blender and blend. When blending is done, pour drink into a cup and add vitagen or yakult and stir. The drink is ready for consumption. This portion is meant for 1 person. To be consumed on empty stomach for best results. Lady finger is effective for improving kidney function, improving bone density and knee pain. Take it daily and you will see the improvement soon. Honey and vitagen/yakult is added to make the drink tasty and nutritional.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pamela (Cowra, Nsw Australia) on 09/02/2010
I have Stage 3 CKD and monitor protein, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. I tend to eat any amount of potassium and only get to about 1/3rd of my daily allowance. Find out your intake numbers and allowances from your dietician. Give up something else if you have to and try ACV.
Radish Leaf Juice
Posted by Calvin (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 07/11/2010
Dear GP
Please take a lot of radish leaf juice without adding water, sugar or salt every morning and evening, about 40 minutes before your meals. Radish leaves are excellent in melting your kidney stones. It is also very safe and excellent for chronic renal failure patients. There are absolutely no side effects. I am praying for you.
Baking Soda
Posted by Oren (Hessmer, Louisiana, Usa) on 06/30/2010
Hello, I am a twice a week dialysis patient due to Iga-Nephropathy. I've read articles about bicarbonate or baking soda being used for renal failure. I desperately need to know exactly how this works, and how it could help me. I still urinate, but I also retain fluids. I (do not)want a transplant and all its damaging medicines. I want to cure or at least improve myself dramatically. please let me know how to take the bicarbonate, or any other herb or treatment to improve my kidneys. Ill await your responce, thank you.
Flaxseed Tea
Posted by Kathy (Chatsworth, California) on 06/15/2010
I have a question for Vanya from Frankfort---How long did you use the flaxseed treatment? My elderly father has kidney disease and would love to try him on this as I don't think it would have any side effects, and is simple enough for him to do.
Flaxseed Tea
Posted by Vanya (Frankfort, In) on 04/22/2010
In response to Patty from Palmdale, Ca. on 04/15/2010 who wrote:
Q: apple cider vinegar is said to be good for kidney disease, does that include all kidney related problems? My son is 6 years old and has nephrotic syndrome(scarring of the kidney's filters), will this remedy help him?
Simmer a tablespoonful with flax seeds in a 20 oz of water for about 5 minutes with a lid on, take of the stove (no microwaving) and leave the lid on for another 10 minutes, strain the seeds and give it to your son to drink that! Do not sweeten the tea, not even honey!
This tea could be given 5-6 times a day, it cleans your kidneys out of any infections and the legumes from the flax seeds help with healing kidney damage.
I personally cured my daughters right kidney when she was 7 years old with this simple remedy!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stacie (Whitehous Station, Nj) on 02/28/2010
If you want to get rid of a bladder or urinary tract infection DO NOT take antibiotics. Otherwise, the infection will just keep recurring. Use a capful of organic apple cider vinegar in water and drink throughout the day. This turns your body and pH alkaline. If your body is alkaline, then bacteria, viruses and fungi die. They ONLY live in an acidic environment. Do you know that people with cancer are ALL Acidic! This is the problem in this country. We are loaded with acidic foods and wonder why disease is so prevalent.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timr (Dover, De) on 01/24/2010
I have read some really interesting information on ACV, but I have not seen if ACV is good to take if I have a kidney problem. Is this acidic or akaline? Will it raise my Ph? and assist in healing my kidneys? Thanks, T