Jock Itch Remedies

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Tinea-be-gone (Detroit, Mi) on 04/25/2012

After dealing with jock itch for 1.5 years, I have to give the rubbing alcohol remedy a big YEA. Here is my story detailing everything I tried along the way, perhaps it will benefit others that are afflicted with this fungus.

By the time I relized I had jock itch (tinea cruris) I was about 2 months in and had a pretty bad case by then. I puchased some anti fungal cream as recommended @ $10 per ounce at the drug store.

Anti fungal cream :::

Don't waste your money. After about 3-4 weeks of faithful application twice daily I thought the problem was cured, but 2-3 weeks later the infection was back with a vengance. After repeating this cyle for 3 more tubes of cream I realized that the cream was merely keeping the infection "at bay" and not killing the fungus off. My mindset was, kill the fungus, problem solved.. I read many posts that merely address the symtom, they say I used X and the problem (itching) went away. I can tell you it doesn't work that way. I figured if I killed the root of the problem (the fungus) I would be cured and back to normal. Not so, in my experience..... I now believe there is no "cure", only prevention.


After giving up on the anti-fungal cream I came across earth-clinic and decided to give something else a try. Borax WAS effective however I found it difficult to administer I used it for about 3 weeks. The day after the first application I noticed what looked like red spider veins further down my thighs on both sides in what was virgin skin.... The fungi were actually running away from the borax.... A good sign!!! The best way I found to apply the borax solution was just to wet down the crotch and anal area, but then you have to wear wet shorts after... I imagine some type of small tub that you could sit and soak in may have worked but I didn't get that far. The blistering and oozing of the skin continued during the borax treatments but things were getting better. I began using rubbing alcohol as well.... borax before bed and alcohol during the day and thats when things really started to improve.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) :::

The Apple Cider Vinegar burned my skin .... After about 2-3 days I quit that.... Skin was very sore and tender to the touch ( 1st degree burns )

Rubbing Alcohol :::

The holy grail..... Easy to apply, odorless, evaporates..... Yes, there was quite a bit of stinging for the first couple weeks, but now my skin is healed. I have not had any eruptions (blistering / oozing) for over 4 weeks now I have been wiping down using a cotton cosmetic pad 1-2 times per day.

Conclusion :::

Per Mayo Clinic "Jock itch is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. These microscopic organisms are normal inhabitants of your skin, and their growth stays in check as long as your skin is clean and dry. But on some areas of the body where skin is more likely to be moist and warm, such as the groin, the fungi grow and thrive, resulting in a fungal infection. "
I stated earlier there is no cure... So what caused this infection in the first place? since these fungi normally exist on our bodies. The only logical explanation is that the immune system can not deal with it for some reason (perhaps weakened due to age) Therefore the only logical way to deal with these "normal" fungi is to kill them off in the moist areas where they thrive. Rubbing alcohol is the easiest simplest and cheapest way to do that.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Hadtoshare (Slo, Ca/usa) on 01/14/2012

Rubbing alcohol 100% worked for me. I applied with cottonball saturated in in rubbing alcohol morning, noon and night. It burned a little with the first application, but for me it was not that bad at all. After first application I believe the fungus was gone (it stopped burning and appeared white and flaky, apparently dried up) but I am continuing to apply three times daily for a week or so to make sure I am cured. I am also treating my feet, (although I can't see any athlete's foot) just to ensure I knock this out once and for all. I read that most people with jock itch also have athletes foot and it could be the source for jock itch. Additionally, I am changing clothes frequently and laundering everything I wear daily. Treating shoes and socks for athletes foot as well.

I have been battling this for five months on and off and at last feel I am almost done with this thanks this site and rubbing alcohol, cheap and effective. The over the counter creams worked but as it kept returning I think I was missing areas. The alcohol being fluid covers more area faster, easier and neater. I prefer it over a cream and like the fact that it is so inexpensive as well. Thank you so so much to the people above for taking the time to post your experiences.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Coach (Philly, Usa) on 12/25/2011

I was using steroid cream to get rid of jock itch, and while that worked, after a couple years of doing this I noticed stretch marks at the very top of my thigh. So I stopped using the steroid. Then I tried every anti-fungal cream, powder, and spray that I could find but nothing worked. In the shower, I was scrubbing the area with diluted bleach and then leaving the rag there for no less than 2 minutes every day. That did not work. Rubbing alcohol worked like a charm for me. I pour some on a makeup removal cotton pad, swab both sides of my groin, and then leave the pad on the problem side, wedged there till I get through my morning routine. I remove the pad and then put baby powder all over before putting my jockies on.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Chris (Vancouver, B.c. Canada) on 11/14/2011

Gotta give this a firm yes. It's been my cure for years. As a somewhat overweight man, I have had on and off bouts of 'crotchrot' where skin around the scrotum and inner thighs meet, resulting in unpleasant dampness and foul odour.

A healthy swipe of rubbing alcohol in a pad will do two things: #1 Burn like hell for about 20 seconds, and then #2 fade away, usually taking the problem with it. A second application the next morning is sometimes needed as well which will burn far less, and then that's all she wrote!

Glad to see this is a known thing, but I'd like to see it known wider yet so people don't have to battle embarassment and/or waste money on doctors or powders. Just grit your teeth and take it. You'll feel much better once the burn is done, and smell it too!

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Duane K (Cardiff by the Sea, CA) on 11/26/2008

I agree with Gene above on the Rubbing Alcohol 100%! I must say it will burn at first, but actually sooths the issue after the quick discomfort. Just rubbed some on with a cloth twice a day and in no issue after 2 days. Again, just rub some on your crotch or anal area and be prepared for a quick joust. Healing occurs quickly though. I am the type to turn up the heat, so Im not afraid to use as much as I think I need. That goes for any healing remedy for that matter. As a healer myself I've always told people to go this website for answers on health challenges. Now my first health issue I didnt solve myself in many years. Gene's story assisted me after a few other remedies didnt work. Thanks Gene and EarthClinic!

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Gene (Berwick, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 10/28/2007

Daily application of rubbing alcohol has prevented jock itch in my case for 20 years when in the previous 25 years nothing else had worked.

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