IL-17, Inflammatory Diseases and the One Vitamin That May Help

Article Updates From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 11/13/2021 2227 posts

Editor's Choice As an update to this article, I am adding a list of more diseases that have elevated IL-17 levels, suggesting that Thiamine/Vitamin B1, a potent IL-17 inhibitor, may also be a consideration as adjunctive treatment for most, if not all of these diseases. I will include the original list at the bottom from my article of this new list of diseases:

1. Schizophrenia

2. Ankylosing Spondylitis

3. Osteo Arthritis


5. Psoriatic Arthritis

6. Lyme Disease

7. Graves Disease

9. Multiple Myeloma

10. Degenerative Disc Disease

11. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

12. Fibromyalgia

13. Osteoporosis

14. Celiac Disease

15. Depression / Anxiety

Here is the list from the original article of diseases showing elevated IL-17 levels :

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  • Parkinson's Disease (PD)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Psoriasis
  • Crohn's Disease (CD)
  • Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Hyper IgE Syndrome
  • Systemic Sclerosis
  • Behcet's Disease (BD)
  • Diabetes Type 1 & 2 (Possibly involved)
  • Covid-19
  • Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
  • Wernicke's Encephalopathy (WE)

Here is a link to the original article that explains how Thiamine is a potent IL-17 inhibitor :

As always, always consult your doctor or medical care health professional to make sure that thiamine at the dose you want to use is safe for you and safe with anything else you may be taking.

