IL-17, Inflammatory Diseases and the One Vitamin That May Help

on Oct 25, 2021| Modified on Apr 07, 2023
Article Updates From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 11/13/2021 2226 posts

Editor's Choice As an update to this article, I am adding a list of more diseases that have elevated IL-17 levels, suggesting that Thiamine/Vitamin B1, a potent IL-17 inhibitor, may also be a consideration as adjunctive treatment for most, if not all of these diseases. I will include the original list at the bottom from my article of this new list of diseases:

1. Schizophrenia

2. Ankylosing Spondylitis

3. Osteo Arthritis


5. Psoriatic Arthritis

6. Lyme Disease

7. Graves Disease

9. Multiple Myeloma

10. Degenerative Disc Disease

11. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

12. Fibromyalgia

13. Osteoporosis

14. Celiac Disease

15. Depression / Anxiety

Here is the list from the original article of diseases showing elevated IL-17 levels :

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  • Parkinson's Disease (PD)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Psoriasis
  • Crohn's Disease (CD)
  • Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Hyper IgE Syndrome
  • Systemic Sclerosis
  • Behcet's Disease (BD)
  • Diabetes Type 1 & 2 (Possibly involved)
  • Covid-19
  • Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
  • Wernicke's Encephalopathy (WE)

Here is a link to the original article that explains how Thiamine is a potent IL-17 inhibitor :

As always, always consult your doctor or medical care health professional to make sure that thiamine at the dose you want to use is safe for you and safe with anything else you may be taking.


Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Art (California) on 11/08/2021 2226 posts

Hi Dorit,

Many of these listed Amazon suppliers say they ship to Israel :


Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Dorit (Isarel) on 11/08/2021

Hi Art.

Thank you for the great info. Can't find any thiamine HCl only. 100mg. Can a multi b complex work? Thanks.

Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Peter (from chicago) on 10/30/2021

Thanks, Art.

Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Art (California) on 10/29/2021 2226 posts


Okay, now I understand what you meant. If you do not have a condition of low B1 or a health issue that has shown elevated levels of TH-17/IL-17, then just supplementing at the daily allowance level should be all that is needed because healthy people generally have undetectable levels of IL-17.


Benfotiamine B1
Posted by peter (chicago) on 10/27/2021


Sorry typo above.

I meant thiamine 200 mg (B 1) for preventive.

Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Art (California) on 10/27/2021 2226 posts

Hi Peter,

I am not clear on what you are asking, as healthy people have IL-17 levels that are undetectable and would not necessarily need extra thiamine, whereas people who have the diseases and health issues listed as well as other diseases not listed, have elevated levels of the inflammatory IL-17 in which case you would want to possibly try to replicate the study dosing schedule to try and lower IL-17 significantly. If you are referring specifically to Benfotiamine, which I was not referring to, because of its ability to store in fat, then that is a different matter. If that is what you meant regarding Benfotiamine, are you speaking of using it as a preventative of diabetes? If you can be more specific, I can try and give a better answer. I was initially discussing thiamine as thiamine HCL and thiamine mononitrate for the purpose of lowering elevated levels of IL-17. Both of these forms are water soluble and pass through the system fairly quickly and have good safety profiles at the dosage used in the study.


Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Peter from Chicago (Chicago) on 10/27/2021


Can I take the daily 200 mg as preventive medicine?

Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Art (California) on 10/26/2021 2226 posts

Hello Uncertain,

I do not recommend Benfotiamine for the specific purpose of lowering IL-17 because I have not seen literature saying that it specifically lowers IL-17. It does have similar antiinflammatory effects as thiamine and it may lower IL-17, but I have not seen any data to confirm that.

Benfotiamine is a derivative of thiamine but they have one big difference between them, Benfotiamine is fat soluble while thiamine hydrochloride and thiamine mononitrate, the two commonest forms of thiamine are both water soluble and as such, can be eliminated from the body fairly quickly in the urine. Benfotiamine, being fat soluble can build up in fat tissue when taken at higher dosing for long term. Generally, Benfotiamine is considered to be useful for diabetes, but is best used under a doctor's supervision and monitoring since diabetes is a serious condition that can have very serious health consequences if not treated correctly.


Thiamine for Inflammation
Posted by Art (California) on 10/26/2021 2226 posts

Hi Lauren,

Candida causes thiamine deficiency which is bad for the the body and brain in particular as thiamine is needed to control neuroinflammation and eventual mitochondria and neuronal damage in the brain. This could potentially increase a person's chances of getting neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or Wernicke's Encephalopathy. The body definitely has need for thiamine as it produces it naturally in a healthy gut microbiome, but not so much when gut dysbiosis is in play as seen in cases of Candida Albicans overgrowth.

Because Candida causes this thiamine deficiency, it is possible that candida uses thiamine as part of its survival mechanism.

Given the importance of thiamine in humans, it may be better to first knock down the Candida Albicans (CA) overgrowth back to normal body levels, possibly by using Bill Thompson's protocol for that specific purpose or other ideas suggested here on EC for that specific purpose. His protocol is available through EC. Once you have the CA back to normal levels, then you can add thiamine in to protect the brain and body and lower inflammatory levels back toward normal. It is highly unhealthful to live with CA overgrowth in the short and especially in the long term!

Keep in mind that one of the studies I linked to said this:

>>> ' Providing a thiamine supplement to elderly persons who still have normal cognition but who have deposition of either amyloid or tau may prevent subsequent cognitive loss and eventual dementia. ' <<<


That quote is a definite clue as to the great importance of thiamine in people.


Benfotiamine B1
Posted by Uncertain (LA.) on 10/26/2021

Do you recommend the BENFOTIAMINE form of B1?

Thank you, Art. You are the best.

Thiamine for Inflammation
Posted by Jolie (Kansas City, KS) on 10/26/2021

I also would like to know thiamine's affect on candida. Thank you!

Thiamine for Inflammation
Posted by Lauren (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/26/2021

Hi Art,

Thank you for the interesting/informative article on thiamine for IL-17 (inflammation).

Will thiamine worsen candida overgrowth? Thiamine in the B vitamin family is yeast based? I'm also sensitive to yeast.

Thank you, Lauren
