I had the same issue as many of the women with sudden heavy flooding, clots and a period that's won't seem to stop. No period at all in March(first time that ever happened ) April spotted, May had a period for a month. The heavy flooding and clotting started which scared me. I'm 47 and feel this is perimenopause. 1 T. ACV and teaspoon of (bsm) black strap molasses 3x day worked so fast and the clots and flooding stopped. I'm still spotting but can handle that.
This other site I was on said that I would have to keep doing this indefinitely in order to regulate my estrogen, hormones and thin the lining of the uterus. I'm afraid If I would stop doing this will it go back to heavy flooding and clots. Has anyone ever used Apple cider vinegar and BSM to help with this problem and then stopped? Have any of the people that have used these two remedies for any length of time, have you had any problems?
Love to hear from the people who posted in here years ago as to their outcomes. I would be grateful to hear your story. Thank you.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I had been bleeding moderately since Christmas (approximately 15 days) with a foul smell, which I never have during my period. I went to my gynecologist last Wednesday for an exam. Results pending (vaginal swab to test for infection). In the meantime, I found this site. I immediately drove to the supermarket for blackstrap molasses. I already had ACV on hand. When I got home, I immediately took 3 TBS ACV in a cup of water. 20 minutes later I took 3 TBS of the molasses in a cup of warm coconut milk ( added cinnamon, cayenne and turmeric to taste) then went to bed. The next morning, my flow was reduced considerably. Prior to this, the toilet water would be completely red like jello. I could now see just a small amount of blood wafting through the water. I have repeated the AVC/water and BSM/coconut milk drink every 8 hours. I am gratefully reporting that my flooding has been reduced to some light red spotting on tissue paper after urination. So, basically, after about 36 hours the bleeding has slowed SIGNIFICANTLY! I cannot express how thankful I am to have found this site. I have been devouring its content. I now realize the importance of keeping caffeine and sugar out of my diet as much as possible, keeping my liver toned and being aware of how I may be thawing my hormones out of balance. So, much of what ails us is directly related to what we consume and what we DON'T. I will be including ACV, BSM and coconut oil to my daily supplements. Good luck to every one searching for remedies. May you find your solutions! Have a wonderful new year, new you!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I have been drinking ACV and Black Strap Molasses for a month now, twice a day and it is an acquired taste but it has worked wonders for me so. Every month my period has been so heavy leaving me exhaused and depressed but this month has been so amazing. My period would normally be a 1week but it has been 4days and the heavy bleeding has been cut in half. I didnt know what to except but I decided to try these two products by faith and I have to say thank you Jesus and every one that have shared their testimony about using them. Even adding 1/2 a tsp of cayenne pepper to my grape juice made a difference for me. The taste is not great but I believe that it helped enormously. I thank God for finding this website and all the information it has to share.
Grateful, Nadia
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I started taking the ACV and black strap molasses about a month ago, the first time I had my period there was no change, it was horrible and 3 break throughs and used about 5 packages of the ALWAYS over night pads in the purple, a total of 96 pads, this month I started my period and bought 4 packages, the first day was very light, the second day was very light and I really did have to change but 2 times during an 8 hr work day, but the 3rd day, I sneezed and has a big gush, but above all it has really not been that bad this time. I still have 1 package that I have not open and over half of a another package, so in 5 days I really only used about a 40 pads. I have a dr appointment with my gyn, so maybe next month will be even better, but I think the AVC and molasses works!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Hello, this is my first post. Thank you for your site and all the genuine advice, I love it xx I found this site when I was desperate to find a natural solution to my extremely heavy periods, ie. Flooding etc. This has gone on for 10 years. In my ignorance and embarrassment I accepted this as part of growing older I am now 45. It came to a head this summer when I felt ill and after a blood test I was told I was severely anemic 7.8, so doc prescribed iron sulphate for 2 months and then iron level back up to 10.8. Doctor prescribed transemic acid which my sister told me she and lots of her friends have been taking for years but I didn't want to take this as I am already on asthma medication and medication for allergen rhinitis.
Doctor sent me for a scan this showed extremely thick uterine wall and small fibroids and poss small cyst then they started to heavily push the mirena coil a type of hormone release internal mechanism which is implanted. I refused and was disappointed that my hormone imbalance was not being treated. I did notice that when I was taking the iron sulphate and not drinking coffee or having a glass of wine in the evenings then menstruation improved! But after I resumed old habits heavy menstruation became the norm.
So is this imbalance due to a liver problem? The liver coping with caffeine and alcohol breakdown and not processing hormones correctly? Anyway when I found your site I decided to take I the ACV morn and night in water (2 table spoons) and 1 teaspoon of organic black strap molasses morning and night and during the day possible around lunchtime and 1 other occasion if bleeding heavy. So I am happy to report that this worked amazingly well for me. Thankyou so much this is a life transformer and I am responding in the hope that in turn I can help someone else. If anyone else has any comments or tips on hormone imbalance then I would appreciate them. My sister who also had this imbalance is recovering from breast cancer and has had her ovaries removed.