Natural Treatments for Hair Loss in Women

Ayurvedic Navartna Oil
Posted by Leisa (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/29/2013

Hi. I would just like to share a most recent treatment for chronic hair fall. I am a 45 year old woman in good health at my ideal weight and with excellent fitness and never took any medications. I have always had (as most people do) hair falling during the summer months. This was never a problem as the hair fall seemed minimal and the hair seemed to thicken up again during the winter months and I always maintained a pretty good head of hair with lovely shine and lustre until the last 5 years or so. To my horror the hair fall seemed to increase at an alarming rate and volume - My summers turned into a hair shedding nightmare. Hair all over the house, clogging up the vacuum cleaner brush and shower drain and giving me absolute misery. By Autumn (Fall), thank God it would stop and I would hope and pray that the new hair growth would somehow catch up. Unfortunately, It never did and I am now left with very thin, embarrassing fine hair in which there are places where my scalp is clearly visible because of the sparseness. I tried a lot of different things - doctors, medications, diets, hair treatments, commercial and home remedies and supplements but nothing seemed to work. Until 2 weeks ago. We are currently in our hottest months here in the southern hemisphere and as usual my hair was dropping out all over the place. I tried a hair oil called Navratna Oil. It is an Ayurvedic scalp and hair oil treatment that I found in the Indian Grocery store. At first I was sceptical because I have tried oil treatments before (Coconut and Sesame) but they seemed to accelerate the hair fall. This treatment however, has, I can safely say, after 2 weeks, somehow almost completely stopped the hair fall! I am flabbergasted and cannot quite believe it as this will be the first time in a very long time when I have never had hair falling in summer. I believe it is the Oil as the effect was instantaneous - HAIR FALL STOPPED (well maybe a couple of hairs here and there) but not the excessive shedding that was happening. I am very happy with this result and wanted to share my experience here with other readers and perhaps it will help others with this very distressing disorder. The oil is a herbal treatment with about nine different Ayurvedic herbs including 'Kunch' and 'Amla'. It seems that it is most commonly used as a 'cooling oil' applied on the scalp and left for a couple of hours for relaxation, headache relief and dandruff and then you just shampoo it out like other hair oiling treatments. I really believe that one of ingredients has done something good to my hair follicles. I don't know what it is but it has a tingling cooling sensation on my scalp which is very pleasant. The smell is a bit earthy/herbally but it shampoos out well enough. I am just so happy with this treatment and I am going to continue using it. Perhaps others on this site can benefit from this information. I know what a frustrating and depressing experience it is to lose your hair. Namaste, Leisa
