Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 10/10/2020 489 posts

Lemonade and Olive Oil for Gallstones

I may have already reported but haven't had any trouble since discovering remedies on EC.

I just drink lemonade in summer - and occasionally at other times of the year - and take a couple of swigs of olive oil from time to time. Seems to keep things cleared out. The lemon juice breaks down the "glue" that holds the crystals together as well as that which keeps crystals attached to the walls of the gall bladder and the olive oil just seems to grease the way on their way out.

Someone pointed out that the olive oil doesn't travel the urinary tract, which is probably true, but I suspect it is distributed through the walls and membranes, rather than the kidney/bladder path one ordinarily associates with the urinary tract if for no other reason than that it works and passing stones that should hurt like the dickens on their way through don't hurt at all, nor create blockages.

As it takes time for the crystals to grow, once formed, I suspect olive oil alone, in passing through the membranes, may actually do both jobs, detaching the crystals from the walls of the gall bladder when they're just small AND flushing them out but I like lemonade so I drink it anyway :)

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Posted by Kk (Seattle, WA) on 07/01/2012

Have to post this! I am doing liver flush by H. Clark. I could not follow exactly how she recommended it like lye doing right after taking olive oil/lemon juice. I was up for about 4 hrs afterward because had a lot to do. This liver pain I had for months is something that worries me a lot, it is mild but annoying (have to say my USS liver was negative for stones or anything abnormal). I learned about liver flush and decided to proceed after antiparasitic treatment. This am I had bright green irregular shape forms come out, hard to touch, but smashable with gloved fingers. They were wax like texture. Green hard wax! They would not desolve in water, if to press them against sink surface they would stick to it and not get flushed with water. Such odd and ugly stuff! Looks like they were about to form into stones.

I have to follow instructions next time and get more of this out. Highly recommended!

thanks to this website, I would never get to this on my own

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Posted by Elisha (Manila, Philippines) on 06/27/2008

I was diagnosed with "Focal Caliectasia" in my right kidney via ultra sound 4 years ago. Per doctor's recommendation, I need to undergo further IV xray which I did not follow because of fear. I just leave it as is.

After reading EarthClinic several times, I decided to take 2oz of olive oil and 2oz of lemon juice and followed by 500 ml of water for the kidney cleanse regimen two weeks ago. I'm not aware if anything came out when I urinate but one thing for sure when I have my bowel movement I saw something floated. I took the same regimen last night and again something floated. This time, I used chopstick to pick them one by one and I was surprised to see green gallstones.

I did not take any apple juice nor epson salt. I took my normal breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast - Old Fashion Oats with walnuts and almonds, Soy Coffee and Strawberry Jam Sandwich
Lunch - 1/4 Roast Chicken (Remove the skin) with one cup of White Rice and kelp with tofu soup
Snacks - Cinnamon Sweet Potato Crisps and Tien Chi Flower Tea
Dinner - Steamed sliced Lapu-lapu (grouper fish in the Philippines) with 1/2 cup Brown Rice and stir fry mustard with ground ginger & few drops of sesame oil.

I guess it all depends on the condition of your body that's why these gallstone came out with 2oz of olive oil and 2oz of freshly squeeze lemon juice.

EC: Read all about the olive oil and lemon juice remedy here.
