Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Lisa (California, USA) on 02/14/2024

I took Chanca Piedra for a gallstone issue I had. I have had some issues with my gallbladder for some time. Swedish Bitters (there's a non-alcoholic version) helped ease the pain, and if I had too much of something creamy (cheese, milk, yogurt) it would resolve it. But an ultrasound revealed a stone and the doctor said it wouldn't pass because it was too big.

I found also through research the Chanca Piedra. I bought a box of the tea off Amazon. I felt such relief quickly. I took it until the pain was gone, a few days. Then it started again. So I took it again until the pain was gone, a few days. I always stopped when the pain was gone. Within a month, it must have broken up and passed. I have not had pain or issues there since. I still have the original box with a few bags remaining, and I gave 2 bags to friends. The tea tastes nice too! ~ Lisa

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Theresa (Virginia) on 03/21/2018

All I can say is Thank you!!! Because it worked! But I also was taking 2T vinegar diluted in water three times a day, Chanca Piedra three times a day and lemon essential oil in a capsule twice a day during my apple fast diet. In-between apples I drank lots of apple juice. 10 hrs after the olive oil-grapefruit juice mixture I passed over 12 stones!

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Oska (Uk) on 02/11/2017

Hello my fellow suffers, I was experience pain at the same time night every few weeks a dull ache and pain nausea and low fever that lasted several hours but in the morning nothing like it was a bad dream. when to the doc who couldn't work out what it was after seeing 3 different ones who kept saying it as acid and prescribed me proton pump inhibitors which reduce acid and bile production, which I never took as I told them I did not suffer from indigestion or acid reflux, im not overweight generally eat healthy and exercise regularly male mid 40 so may be they didn't suspect anything? Then 3 months later had a gallstone attack freighting experience I thought I was going to meet my creator went to A&E did all the usual checks next day felt better so was being discharged when a senior indian nurse said do you have gallstones? didn't know anything about them so did research on line and as soon as read the symptom's BANG in knew it was gallstones, Doc arrange a scan which confirmed I had one 11mm stone and several others. Since the attack taking the apple cider vinegar apple juice and lemon milk thistle turmeric with a bit more healthy fresh fruit and veg no pain at night and 1 or 2 small attack's months apart felling 90% better and a lot fitter but have a slight soreness on my right side and gallbladder that wont completely go away, no matter what I take. After the docs found out they where gallstones they effectively would not offer me any treatment or medication other than removal of the gallbladder which im trying my very best to avoid, iv had a discussion with a particular doc twice and he says gallbladder is not needed and its a great operation to remove it and they will just keep coming back I keep saying to him why would I have this organ if was never needed in the first place? So I was getting a despondent with the situation of constant soreness and interment low pain after 5 months of ACV and lemon grapefruit ect the gallstones where still there presumable as docs wont do a second scan said the soreness is due to gallstone inflamtion I have NOT tried a the lemon and olive oil flush as it doesn't make sense to me as people have reported passing hundreds of stones some 1 to 3 inches in there stools how when the cystic duct is only 5 to 9 mm in diameter on average? Then I took CHANCA PIEDRA non alcoholic Tincture they recommend 5 to 10 drops twice a day in warm water I took 2 drops to test it, that night had a gallstone attack not a bad one but I passed a stone which I felt, I increased the dosage gradually increased to 5/7 drops over the next few days and when sleeping at night on my back felt what could only described as a train of stones or sludge moving down the cystic duct I am still passing them every now and again but the soreness hasten completely gone but do feel better. The CHANCA PIEDRA TEA is better for kidney stones and has the effect of lowering you blood pressure more than the Tincture dose.

Conclusion CHANCA PIEDRA REALY WORKS, however I would cleanse your body for at least a month before you take it. No alcohol which is probably the biggest cause of gallstones plenty of AVC lemon apple ect as you need to be in a position where your gallbladder and internals are healthy and can take the stones passing. Chanca Piedra works by increasing your bile flow and opening your ducts nobody really knows how it works it just dose God knows best, I don't know how many stones I've passed until I have a scan which I'm working on as the doc won't do it and is waiting for me with a scalpel in his hand so will update you. Be Gentle and Patient with your body it takes years sometimes to form gallstones so I can take time to heal Good Luck.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Laverne (Abilene, Tx) on 11/23/2015

It works. Softens stones to pass them .

Chanca Piedra
Posted by D. Jones (Seaford De, De) on 05/29/2012

Editor's Choice Just wanted to say that I have been using Chanca Piedra for 2 years and it should be the first option in my opinion. I have used high doses of vit C as well as Chanca Piedra, lethicin, and magnesium for gallstones. I tried many things but Chanca and vit C would be my first move as well as lethicin and magnesium. Also I started to lessen the chanca after some time and added biotin and fenugreek which is good for diabetes as well. Of course a healthy diet and lower fat intake is a must. Having gone through the attacks and what I call the heats, I wouldn't be without the Chanca and C. It took me 6 months to find out about these supplements and I hate to see someone else suffer needlessly. I used the 400 mg of Chanca 3x's a day till relief then cut back to once a day, maybe 2 if I had any fatty meal or snacks, I love walnuts. And I started out at 1000 mg of C 3x's a day, probably could take more. Somebody advised me on the C and I believe that to be a huge help too. Taurine is something to look into as well. Hope this helps someone as well, the cleansing did not help me so this was a blessing when I got this info.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Celt33 (Toronto, On, Canada) on 05/15/2011

L. M. I have been using the Chanca Piedra from AOR for about 2 weeks now and about 90% of the symptoms are gone. I take one capsule 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
