If you cannot take the apples, then use cloudy apple juice fresh in cartoons, and take a glass morning and night for two weeks before you do the actual cleanse. if you are in pain take a tablespoon of ACV with 8 ounces of Cloudy Apple juice sip slowly over 20 mins, and that will take away the pain. This worked for me.
Hi Darryl,
I ate 1-2 apples every 2-3hrs or whenever I felt hungry. I ate a variety of types of apples so I wouldn't get too bored. I even baked some green apples whole at dinner with a raw one for desert. Optimally is to have nothing but raw apples go through your system for minimum of 24hrs as it is the natural acids in the apples that break the stones down. Best of luck
A few years ago I was diagnosed with Gall Stones and was having to sleep upright on the couch due to the reflux. My doctor said well all we can do is schedule you in for an operation to remove your Gall Bladder as if we just remove the stones they will eventually come back. I argued that I didn't want a part of my body removed for no real good reason but doctor knows best, right? There was a waiting list at the hospital so I suffered for about 4 weeks until my operation date and in the meantime a colleague at work noticed I wasn't in the best health and asked me what was wrong and I told her. The next day she came to me and said she had mentioned me to her Chilean Grandmother who passed on this old folk cure for me to try.
You need to eat a minimum of 8 big apples in a 24 hour period (green are the best as they are the most acidic but you can mix it up).
Starting at breakfast on day one, eat nothing but raw apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Day two repeat as per day one. On day two before you go to bed drink 2/3 cup of virgin olive oil, follow this with a 1/3 cup of lemon juice (to get the oil out of your mouth). Then go to sleep on your right side for the night. Freshly squeezed apple juice and herbal teas are ok for these 2 days but don't skimp on the apples, the more the better.
The acid in the apples will break down the gallstones naturally and the olive oil will help with the elimination of the broken down stones. This is amazing and worked for me so well that my awful symptoms immediately passed and I could lie down in my bed again to sleep that 2nd night.
I went to my pre-op appointment and when the nurse asked how I am I said I'm fine now, the stones are gone. She didn't believe me until another ultrasound showed I was all clear! She then asked me how I did it and said she would tell a relative of hers about it.
Unsurprisingly the doctor didn't believe a word of my story and just said there must have been a mistake in my original ultrasound to which I replied "I've not mistaken the pain I've been in the past few weeks, it was real and now it's completely gone". I still have both ultrasounds and my whole body is intact. I do the apple diet every year as a preventative although my diet has also changed for the better so therefore I don't expect to have Gall Stones ever again.