Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Irving, Tx) on 04/22/2011


Hi, this is Liz, I'm responding to my own post to let you know what's happened to me since I made that first post.

About two days after I made that post I passed a huge gallstone that had been slowly working it's way out, and obviously making me feel nauseous and terrible while doing so. I was sitting on the couch feeling horrible, then, boom! Felt it pass, got a lot of gurgling sounds from up around my gallbladder area and instantly felt much better! Nausea gone! Yay!

A couple days after that I did my first Liver Flush with olive oil and lemon juice. I flushed out over a 1/4 cup of pee sized to almost marble sized stones. I have done three more since then, and durring the third I was amazed when I flushed out two huge stones that were between the size gumballs and golfballs. I couldn't believe it, especially since I hadn't felt any pain or discomfort while doing the flush. I was still passing around the same amount of stones, around a 1/4 or so each time. The last flush I did I didn't pass any at all, which is kinda suspicious considering that in all the ones I'd done before I had passed so many. But I do feel better, so I'm going wait and do another one and see what happens then.

I didn't realize that by doing these flushes you're also giving your body a really good detox. Your liver can hold a lot of toxins so if you do a flush it's likely going to release some of them. So if anyone out there is doing one of these flushes and it makes you feel worse or feel kinda sick afterwards, it might not be that it's made you worse, it could be detox. Remember to drink lots of water to help flush everything out and keep up on your electrolytes and it will pass faster and make you feel better.

Also I wanted to say that I've found that taking 4 Tablespoons of Epsom Salt was WAY too much for me. My mother and have had the same amount of success with only taking 2 teaspoons - 1 tablespoon once in the evening and then once again in the morning. But of course everybody's different, so that might not work for you.

I have had No Problems Whatsoever with taking ACV or Apple Juice since passing that first gallstone, and I take back everything I said about it making me feel sick and nauseous. It's actually very good and recommended for nausea and stomach problems becuase it settles the stomach and is good for your body.

Thank you. Good luck to all of you, and thank you so much to everyone who has posted their stories here, you've helped me so much! - Liz
