Fungal Infection Treatment: Folk Medicine

Oregano Oil
Posted by Lucy (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 12/02/2012

I contracted a fungal skin infection nearly a year ago, which started as a couple of tiny red areas on my stomach. It quickly spread to become big red patches all over my torso, my back and everywhere that "sweated" like under my breasts and in the skin folds you get when you sit. I was quite horrified as I've never had any skin infections, not even so much as eczema. I tried all sorts of homeopathic remedies and had no luck, I was actually getting really worried as it was still spreading "south" and I really didn't want it in my groin area!

I went to my doctor and she dismissively said "Oh that's really common, I can prescribe you a cream for it but they commonly don't have any effect. In most cases the body will eliminate the infection within 18 months. " I'd already been battling it for 8 months and it was made worse EVERY time I exercised no matter how good I was at washing, staying dry and airing out. It had spread to one armpit and the insane itching it caused all day was almost too much to bear, and nothing I applied topically helped for very long.

I was really disheartened, but I did read on here that Oregano oil was worth a try for some people. I had AMAZING success with it ? I applied it undiluted with a cotton pad, and it was great on the torso area where there was no raw skin. It does burn though, boy does it burn. On sensitive areas like the underarm it honestly will take your breath away like an acid burn, for 20 minutes or so, so I found mixing a few drops with jojoba oil works very well as you can apply this more regularly. It also has the added benefit of eliminating underarm odour! I didn't actually need deodorant when I used this treatment. As long as you don't mind smelling like Bolognese sauce! It took only 3 or 4 days of applying this once or twice, whenever I could practically do it, to get rid of my infection and it hasn't returned. It's completely gone. I was gobsmacked. I am so relieved in every sense of the word! Best remedy for fungus ever in my humble opinion.
