Home Remedies to Treat Food Allergies

Treat the Liver
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/26/2011

Food and environmental allergy problems -- including other auto-immune diseases -- have statistically risen quite seriously and dramatically for about the last 70 so years. Especially problems like asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, gluten problems etc. My own way of looking at this is by first finding out and understanding what causes the problem in the body in the first place.

When a foreign protein body enters the human body through an exogenous mucal site such as the intestines, mouth, lungs, eyes or nose, then if you are allergic to this foreign protein, a reaction occurs at the local site. For instance, in an allergic individual, pollen will induce a rise in histamine levels in the mucal nose canal cells which in turn will increases the permeability of the nasal mucus cells causing excessive mucus to form -- thus you get a drippy nose and continually sneeze alot. In the case of asthma, the same thing occurs in the bronchial lining and lung cells -- a heavy build up of mucus in the lungs and the bronchial tubes also constrict, making breathing very difficult. The only answer that Doctors have is to give anti-histamines drugs in the form of sprayers or pumps which, although it alleviates the symptoms -- does not cure anythinig and certainly does not help to address the root cause of allergies.

But how a person becomes an allergy victim in the first place is another more complex story. Here the main areas of concern are the intestines and the liver. Foreign protein bodies usually enter the body through a damaged intestines -- which should not allow large undigested proteins through into the blood or the lymph supply vessels. These foreign protein bodies should then be taken to the liver where these allergens are normally efficiently removed by any healthy liver. In a sick or damaged or over-stressed liver, the allergen cannot be neutralized or stored, so these foreign protein bodies are allowed to continually flow around the blood system and so, in response, the histamine levels naturally increase, causing continual bouts of localized or widespread allergic reactions in the body.

The second problem we have to address is that a healthy liver should also be able to efficiently remove or excrete any excessive histamines within the human body in order to keep the body's serum level histamines in a healthy and acceptable balance. If you have a damaged or insufficient or stressed liver that cannot cope and do its job properly, then the histamine levels in an allergy victim's body will not be in balance -- but they will instead exist in excessive amounts in the blood because the liver cannot adequately remove them. Excessive histamines in the blood will cause consistent and continual inflammotory reactions in the body depending on their level. Hence the continual need for allergy sufferers to forever purchase anti-histamine drugs for the rest of his/her life. The liver is the main excretory path for histamines removal in the body.

Therefore the way to cure allergies is simply to repair your intestines -- to stop any large undigested food protein bodies from entering the blood/lymph causing the allergy and stressing the liver in the first place -- and secondly to repair or revive your own liver into a healthy organ once again in order to achieve complete foreign protein removal from the blood as well as to maintain proper proper controlled histamine balance in the blood.

The initial problem -- in the intestines -- might have initially been caused by perforation of the intestinal walls in the past from another problem like candida or celiac disease or ulcers or IBS for example which will have to be cured first. This is perhaps the most difficult aspect of curing yourself of any food allergies -- in that these associated problems can also be its origin as well as causing further aggravation to the allergic condition in the future.

Dr Gerson from his own use of iodine in his cancer therapy protocol was convinced that when he gave his cancer victims large dose lugol's iodine, all their allergies disappeared completely for life. And Dr Flechas -- from the Iodine Project -- has also proved that taking large dose lugol's iodine -- this inhibits the conversion an amino acid, histidine into histamine -- and prevents over-formation of histamine in the body. This fact will naturally act to help to reduce histamine levels in your body. But iodine also has so many other beneificial effects. It boosts the thyroid which in turn boosts the immune system. Taking iodine also increases body's -- and liver's -- metabolic rate and helps to reduce hormone receptor resistance throughout the body -- ie aids proper hormone balance.

So the best route to perhaps cure allergies for good would seem to be by curing any outstanding problems both in the liver and the intestines and to adopt a much healthier diet regimen. The best protocol for detox AND Liver repair seems to be this one:

Chanca Piedra -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.
Milk Thistle -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
Alpha Lipoic Acid -- 300 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
Selenium -- 100 micrograms twice a day at mealtimes.
Vitamin C -- As Ascorbate, 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.

Magnesium -- 250 mgs twice a day taken as magnesium citrate or magnesium gluconate. Taken outside mealtimes.

5% Lugol's Iodine -- 2 drops twice a day in a glass of water outside mealtimes.

The above detox and repair will also help to gently purge gallstones from your liver/gallbladder and also should help to remove any kidney stones as well.

Red Wine or Grape Juice
Posted by Paul (Lansing, Mi) on 12/10/2009

I have been allergic to shrimp for about 20 years. Not life threatening, but very painful cyst on tailbone about a week after eating it [ took a long time to figure that one out ]. I had a doctor slice and drain it 3 times. About a full cup of the smelliest bile ever. I heard that wine killed bacteria in the stomach so I started drinking a glass of red wine a day. After about a month I ate some shimp on purpose. No problem. Became a member of a church that didnt allow alcohol drinking so I switched to grape juice, same effect. In my case, red wine or grape juice worked. Maybe Apple Cider Vinegar will work the same, I don't know.

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Wanda (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) on 05/21/2009

I didn't notice enough written about allergies. My mother had a bad rash around her ankles and we made an appointment with the allergy doctor. He walked into the room and said, "Take psyllium husk!" It worked like magic. The rash was gone in days. She was always prone to food allergies but this easy solution was a big surprise and took care of her constipation problems as well.

I use 1 Tbl a day of it now for large intestine spasms and it has helped. These comments have been helpful because I see other ways it has helped me as well. I don't know if I'm addicted to it but sure don't want to be without it! Those spasms are pretty disabling as long as they last. If I combined it with ANYthing else, I'd blame the other thing before the psyllium husk, let alone any kind of CLAY! There is nothing natural about putting that into our bodies! And I've learned the importance of enough water as well!

Posted by Yvonne Vefik (Rocklin, CA) on 07/19/2008

After 10 years of suffering from food allergies.. and many prayers to God, I discovered Acidolphilus quite by accident. I broke out in large boil like bumps all over my face when ever I ate any dairy products. Milk, ice cream,cheese and yogart was elimnated from mmy diet. I constantly had antibiotic prescriptions from doctors for whenever I broke out.I was looking for an allergy cure and started taking acidolphilus. It cured my food allergies and now I enjoy ice cream and milk again! It took about 30 days to completely clear my face and then I kept taking it for a year. And it's cheap! What I discovered after doing research is that when you take too many antibiotics, it kills all of your bad and GOOD BACTERIA. SO the acidolphilus restored my good bacteria to fight infections!!! HOPE THIS HELPS EVERYONE! Oh! I sugggested this to my young teenager daughter-in-law who had pimples and she said her face cleared up right away and now she is also using it regularly!! MAY GOD BLESS ALL WHO READ THIS!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sandra (Tampa, Florida) on 04/27/2008

The cure for both Asthma and Allergies is a healthy alkaline based diet. Foods come in 2 groups acidic and alkaline. The more acidic foods we eat the more we are susceptible to diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, tumors, colds and asthma and allergies. I am curing my son who has had chronic, food allergies and asthma. There was one point he could only eat 3 foods, now he eat about 15. I realized that he was allergic to all foods acidic and his food allergies were compounded by his asthma. I instituteed a heavy alkaline based diet and now his allergies are better by 50% and asthma went for chronic to mild.... It's all what we eat... do some research into alkalinity and acidity and I guarantee you, you are what you eat!!!

Posted by Mark P. (Silver Spring, MD, USA) on 04/26/2008

In paper published by the late orthomolecular pioneer Dr. Carl Pfieffer (MD & Ph.D) he found that some patients who weren't responding to his allergy protocol of methionine, calcium, zinc and manganese did better of high dose manganese. One patient in particular, who had a wide range of food allergies was told to try 50mg of manganese gluconate or amino acid chelate twice per day. The man felt a little better so slowly he began increasing the dose until at 300mg per day he experienced a marked reduction in symptoms and over time regained weight that he'd lost because of inability to eat protein. Dr. Pfieffer said it takes many months for manganese therapy to work. I'm trying it because of increasing difficulty in tolerating protein. I'm also on lithium and Klonopin and I suspect that lithium is implicated in my worsening allergies. His paper is on the Web. Mark/Maryland, USA

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