Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Starmaker (Saskatoon, Sk, Canada) on 12/31/2010

I have tried to submit this a couple of times. I'm not sure if I have been successful or not. Will try one more time. I don't as a rule respond to online testimonials. However, I am very aware that the ACV I have been consuming the past couple months is worthy of a serious mention here. I suffer with uterine fibroids. And at 46 yrs old, the doctor wanted to apply watchful waiting to see if they would start to shrink once menopause hit me. My mom didn't go into menopause til her mid 50's so I was not about to wait that long for relief. Besides, the pain, flooding, fatigue, clots and not being able to leave my toilet has been getting progressively worse over the past couple years. I'm a lead singer in a rock band and I can recall recent gigs that I did where I was bleeding so heavy, I had to wear a flippin bladder pad (and black clothes) to simply get through an hrs worth of performing before our set break when I could run to the can and fix things up for another hour. Very embarrasing. But there have been even more embarrasing moments let me tell you. (sad face)

I first read about apple cider vinegar on this site, and if it weren't for the many many believable testimonials, I probably would have laughed it off. But after taking this miracle juice for the past 2 months. I feel I really have to contribute my story. I always believed most testimonials were crap that were written by fakers trying to sell their product. However, there is nothing anyone can gain here except relief from the shared knowledge. So I am happy to add my story. Hope it helps one or more of you.

My fibroids which the doc claimed were few and very small (and shouldn't be causing me any distress) made my life a living hell. Periods were 5 to 7 days of gushing blood and clots. Clots so big I swore I was miscarrying. I had many days each month where I sat on the toilet with my laptop. Afraid to even get up. If I did, I gave birth to another huge painful to pass clot. My breasts were always sore a week before my period, during and sometimes after for a couple days. I blew threw maxi pads in less than an hr, and the pain and fatigue was terrible. Sex and penetration was also becoming very painful. I started taking regular Heinz store brand ACV 2 months ago. I will go to the health food store and pick up some higher end stuff now that I know it works well for me.

The first thing I noticed on month 1 was zero PMS, my period literally snuck up on me. No breast swelling or tenderness the whole period. Wha? I'll take it! Period was what I would deem as normal. It has been so many years since having a normal period, I almost didn't recognize it. I passed 1 small clot and barely even noticed. Period slowed by day 4 and by then I was no longer wearing any sanitary protection. Wow... Just Wow! Pain was manageable. Still took a couple advil once or twice during the heavier period days. But used to take 10 advil a day for 7 days. What a difference! The biggest shock was the absence of the gushing. Sorry TMI but no way to really explain this properly without being frank. Seriously... Gushing was gone. Clotting all but gone. That cycle, I did a stage show with my band and wore a WHITE dress. Haha never would have been that brave before. Waited another month to see if I was just as fortunate before posting my findings here. Happy Happy happy to report that I just finished another period that was as easy and managable as last months. Oh happy day! Again one very small clot. No gushing. I am taking 2 tbsp of ACV twice a day in a bottle of water which I drink down fast a few mins before meals. I was also surprised and thrilled to note that the last 20 lbs that I have been struggling to lose (I am a zero to low carber) have been coming off since taking ACV. Seems as if water weight is the first to go. I'll take that thank you very much!! Lol

I don't know if the ACV is shrinking my fibroids so soon. I hope it is. And will ask for an ultrasound sometime this next year to see whats happening with them. But what I do know for sure. Is the pain, distress, and emotional upheaval I experienced with each and every period for the past 7 years is now all but gone away. I would have tried the Black strap molasses, but when I read the carton how many carbs and calories are in there... Ummm nope, not for this kid!

I hope someone out there who is a skeptic like me, reads this, and gives it a whirl. What do you have to lose anyway? I was slowly losing my mind and my sex life before this. Should mention that the pain from sex hasn't yet gone away, but it is less noticeable. I suspect the fibroids are pressing on my cervix, bladder and intestines. Thanks for reading my lil story. Sammy

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Keke (Aberdeen, Maryland, Usa) on 12/19/2010


If you doing the ACV AND BSM. Please do not drink coffee or chocolate the is going to make the fibroids grows really fast. I've learn that the hard way.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Anon (City, State) on 12/17/2010

You might try raspberry leaf tea, too.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 12/05/2010

I'm back to check in for month number 3: I have just had my third period since starting ACV, BSM and BS. Just like last month, I was on for only four days. I did flood for a few hours, but just like last month, I went back to normal later that day and everything went on swimmingly.

Here's why I think some ladies feel they do not have results and become discouraged: I think the reason I still flood, even for a little while, is because of multiple fibroids that are taking time to dissolve. I had a lot of little ones along with the big 2cm one I had, so even though a major amount of fibroids have dissolved, some are probably dissolving slower. But they ARE dissolving, so I plan to keep on with the ACV, BS and BSM. I also dropped diet cola, aspartame and high fructose corn syrup out of my diet. When I drink soda it is only soda made with cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup because it aggravates fibroids. I have not seen my gyn yet, but will post when I do. Stick with it, ladies, it works. Be patient!! I expect to stop flooding period soon. I am losing weight and feeling much better about myself, so things are good. Good luck, ladies and keep the faith. This works, believe me!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales Uk) on 11/30/2010

Hi dee x I'm so sorry that you are suffering with Fibroids. I had them myself and all the problems and pain that comes with them is hell! When I had them I got so stressed out by them, I thought the only escape from my suffering was to end it all.

Then behold, I found "EARTH CLINIC". I Then found a lot of people using food grade h2o2, (hydrogen peroxide) to cure so many ailments, I decided to try it. I originally started to drink it (45 milligrams per liter of distilled water). I was also found to have ovarian cysts as well. I Found that after drinking it(sipping it through out the day) it made my teeth sensitive. This doesn't effect everyones teeth that way, I'm 51, so I think it effected my teeth due to wear and tear due to my age. Anyway, some one suggested I nebulize it instead. Then after 3 weeks of drinking it and a fortnight of using the nebulizer, I then went back to see my gynecologist.

After a scan by the Gynecologist, Hoorah! The Fibroids and the cysts were gone!! And this was after being told, I'd only one option, yep, an operation was the only solution, my Gynecologist was amazed and could not understand how my probs had disappeared! Hoorah again!! When I told her, I was given the usual Med heads explanation, that some how I'd gone into remission, huh? I hope this has given you some comfort and peace of mind, and the good folk here on EC, will tell you how they fixed the same probs by using natural remedies from this fab website. MUCH LOVE AND PRAYERS COMING' AT CHA' ANDREA C X X X

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 11/29/2010

I too have fibroids and BSM is truly a miracle. I have all the symptons of parasites. I have tried ACV and get blood in my stool almost immediately. Do I continue taking ACV and the bleeding will stop or should I be doing something else to kill off the parasites??

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Azlina (Rocklin, Ca, Usa) on 11/29/2010

Well, I found this site last month searching for a solution to my incredibly heavy flow for the last couple of years. I am 45 years old, and the condition was getting noticably worse, heavier and longer.... At time up to 10 days. The last few months, I have to get up in the middle of the night to clean myself, and have blood running down my legs despite my best efforts. Ob/Gyn suggests hysterectomy (too radical), my solution was to check out of life for two or three days every month (so inconvenient). And then my cycle became irregular. 40 days, 19 days, 22 days..... After a lifetime of 29 to 30 day cycle.

I found this site last month, after bleeding through my clothes at lunch. Apple cider vinegar? You are kidding me.... The solution to my problem was right under my nose this whole time? What the heck.... Let's give it a shot. I took 2 tblspoon with water as soon as I was done reading. I promptly fell asleep for 2 hours in the afternoon. When I woke up, my very heavy cycle had stopped. I didn't mean slow down, I mean stopped! I was surprised. And continued taking it. This cycle.... 30 days, no bleeding through, no tender breasts, and completely done after 3 days. I am so grateful.

My 18 year old son with aspergers syndrome said it makes him calmer. Well, let's not argue with success. Funny thing is I have heard of vinegar as an effective aid to weight loss. Never needing to lose weight, I never looked into it any further than that. I cook with and clean with it, so I always have some in my pantry. And as I said.... The solution was right under my nose the whole time! Thank you for putting this site together. I will try adding the black strap molasses.... THAT I don't have in my pantry!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 11/28/2010

Hi Dee. I have read everything on here re uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts, and have never seen one case where someone gave their doctors results after using these things for a period of time. It is too bad, as so many people seem to see positive results. I have fibroids and reoccuring ovarian cysts, and have been using the ACV and BS (apple cider vinegar and baking soda) daily for well over a year now, along with other things, such as organic virgin coconut oil (3tbsp a day in my coffee) and turmeric. I have since lost my insurance, as I would love to go in and have another ultrasound to compare the size of my ovarian cysts and fibroids. I would think it would be very interesting.

Such as it is, all that I can say is incidental - I just FEEL better. I am almost 50, not showing one sign of menopause (yet) and have had NOTHING but female issues since I was 29 - until I started the ACV and BS. I am still not 100% "normal" - but I am at about 80% now. Much better than I used to be.... And not a placebo, or it would have worn off by now. Ha ha. Hope this helped a bit, and I too would LOVE to hear from someone with some hard physical evidence on the shrinkage, (or lack there of) of their fibroids or cysts. Good luck to you, Carly

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dee (Brandon, Fl, Usa) on 11/27/2010

Hi. Has anyone's fibroids actually disappeared after being on the BSM and ACV diet? I am not meaning to sound incredulous. I am very grateful for having come across your website. I just want to make sure that I am getting as much information as possible. Thank you.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Lilia (Oakville, Canada. Ontario) on 11/25/2010

Could you please send a recipe. (beets, carot, red vine) Thank you. Lilia

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kathy (Las Vegas, Nv) on 11/24/2010

I add molasses to my coffee to make it taste better, I have loads of energy when I do. I usually take 1 tsp a day.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jess140 (South Coast, Uk) on 11/22/2010

My husband told me about Blackstrap Molasses about 18 months. I took a tablespoon of the stuff on a few occasions, but was so challenged by the stuff that I didn't persist with it. In hindsight, I wish I had, because my story would be very different today. 18 months on, with 2 blood clots to my leg because of one of the fibroids pressing against the main artery to my leg, a bald patch in the middle of my head, due to loosing so much blood and poor blood circulation to the extremities of my body, and bladder problems due to another fibroid pressing against my bladder, I visited about 30 websites of the benefits/ warnings of blackstrap molasses.

This website was particularly helpful, as a reader went into great detail about caution with the product. That said, the benefits outweighed the risks, so I started on Organic Blackstrap Molasses about 1 month ago. To take into consideration the warnings from this website, I started on 2 tablespoon of Molasses a day in hot water, but after a week, switched to 2 teaspoon per day in hot water; and have settled for 1 tablespoon per day in hot water. This is in contract with those on this website who take 3 tablespoon full a day.

The first improvement was fnding that I wasn't going to the bathroom as often as I have become accustomed to over the last 3 years of suffering with multiple fibroids (4 to be precise and with my uterus the size of a 4-5 month pregnancy). This single change motivated me to be deligent with taking the Molasses. I have just completed a period cycle. This time, instead of 1.5 extremely heavy days of bleeding in 5, I bled heavily for 1/2 day. Instead of changing every 30 mins on heavy days of bleeding. I changed every 2.5 hours. I did have quite a few clots which I have never experienced before. I was wondering could the fibroids be disintegrating. This is speculative, as I am not medically trained. My stomach didn't expand to twice its size during this monthly cycle, but remained the same throughout.

However, my monthly cycle started 4 days early. I don't actually mind, because of the massive improvement experienced. I have in the past lost 1 pint of blood in one period. This month, it was nearly back to where it was 5 years ago. I am really excited about the results and want to share this with every woman out there suffering from fibroids. This has to work for me as an operation isn't an option, because I want children.

Bitter Gourd
Posted by Mechelle (South America) on 11/21/2010

My mom had a large fibroid. I remember her putting my hand to feel the hardness on her abdomen. She passed this fibroid out after using karila(bitter gourd)leaves. There are two types of bitter gourd, the tiny round one with the small leaves(that grows wild) is what she used. She would rise in the am and pick a handful of this vine. Extract the dark green juice by rubbing the leaves in the palms of the hands. Drink a tablespoonful of this very bitter juice daily. I don't know for how long and I cannot ask her because she is deceased.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sheree (Hammond, La, Us) on 11/08/2010

PLEASE READ THIS POST. I felt compelled to let you ALL know because I share your fears and pain with these awful issues. I am 51 and have never had any issues with my cycle. I have always had very short light periods for years (thankfully).

Recently I noticed my period was heavier and longer than my usual 2 days. I got concerned as to changes I may be experiencing. I went to GYN, confirmed Fibroids. I took a pro-active approach in dissolving these fibroids before they would get worse. I want you all to know 2 of the best products I have been using for a few months now that are remarkable in stopping heavy bleeding, normalizing it and totally gets rid of fibroid tumors (NO JOKE) I am living proof. I have no more urgency to get to the bathroom, no pressure on my bladder, and my stomach has totally shrunk back down to normal size again and back to minimal bleeding during my cycle. All of this happened extremely quick I must add. I am so happy this very knowable guy in a health food store I have dealt with for years, led me to these awesome products. TRUST ME THEY WORK!!! If you have any questions please feel free to email me, I do not mind at all! DIM AND Vitex taken together 2X's daily. I took 2 each morning and night and was amazed by the 2nd day.
[email protected]
Sincerely, Sheree

Kelp and Vitamin B6
Posted by Ellen (Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada) on 11/07/2010

I eliminated my fibroid tumors with Vitamin B6 and kelp. Iodine is extremely important in the diet and almost everyone's diet is so deficient in this particular mineral, but how your add it to your diet is equally as important as the mineral itself. What most people do not understand is that minerals are meant to be bound together in a natural form that the body can easily absorb and utilize. This does not mean saturating it with one mineral alone; this will put the body in balance for a very short time and then unbalance it just as quickly once the body is over saturated which will make you equally as sick as when your started. The answer is to put minerals into your body in a safe form which of course is food. Kelp, especially Laminaria digitata. It's so safe and very effective in curing disease especially of the thyroid and it will also heal your fibroids. Disease is a mineral deficiency. Kelp is so full of minerals that the body can pick and choose exactly what it needs and absorb it quickly which of course is very healing. Laminaria digitata is very high in iodine and you can eat as much of it as you want for the rest of your life and will never oversaturate yourself as it is a food and the body will only choose to absorb the iodine if is is in need. The best way to heal is always through your diet. If you want to heal extra fast please use my alkalizing drink. I always take 1/2 tsp of Laminaria digitata kelp on the side of this drink by spoon. I just down it with the drink. The drink is:

1 cup of water or thereabouts. 1 tblspn of unsulphered blackstrap molasses
1 tsp of turmeric
1 lemon, freshly squeezed to make sure you have the anions from the lemon which are very alkalizing. 4-6 drops of stevia. Not all stevias are created equal and some are just as toxic as aspertame. Stir it well and drink. This drink is anticancer, antiinflamatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. It is extremely health promoting and healing. It is a drink and you should have once a day at least and more if you are in poor health. Good luck and I truly hope you try my recommendations as it has made such a drastic improvement in my own health and others, that I know it will help you if you give it a chance.

Posted by Margaret (Somewhere, Iowa) on 11/07/2010

I forgot to say I have been drinking all my water with a little lemon in it. This might be helping the shrinking the fibroids but I don't know. Maybe a combination? Just wanted to add that in case it is important.

Posted by Margaret (Somewhere, Iowa) on 11/06/2010

I have a 10cm fibroid (or did a month ago) I started painting iodine (inexpensive tincture of iodine, the kind you put on cuts) on my skin twice a day. About a 2 inch square patch in different places once in am, once in pm. I used to lie down and feel this large hard lump on my right side. It never went away. I have awful periods with horrible pain. This is why I went to emergency where they did ultrasound and found the 10cm fibroid. This was a month ago. I've tried so much to get rid of this thing and spent so much. Progesterone made it bigger. DIM helped with breast tenderness before period but did nothing else. Enzymes, nothing. Vitamins, ridding myself of detergents and lotions, etc. Did not help. My head spun when I read all the herbs and diets and supplements people were taking to get rid of their fibroids.

Then I read extensive writings about iodine. I bought a couple bottles and started painting it on my skin. A mere two weeks later and I can't feel the bump anymore. There is a fibroid yet though. I can feel a smaller lump very far down a little right of pubic bone, but where is the rest of it? At night when my bladder is full and I lay on my back I can feel the fibroid but about a third as big. Remember, it's only been two weeks. I do nothing more. I take iron because I lose so much blood each month. I randomly take a B-complex or cod liver oil or other vitamin pills just because I have so many that I bought to help get rid of this thing. But I don't take anything regularly. It's been about 5 years since my periods started getting bad. I'm waiting for the first one since iodine and am hopeful. (actually I started iodine 2 days before period. The pain killers were cut by one third-perhaps just a coincidence)

How could something like iodine shrink my fibroid so quickly? I truly am afraid to hope. But hope I will. And I will return to let you know how it works. Good luck to all dealing with these things and God help speed your recovery.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 11/03/2010

Hello, I'm back again with an update! I am pleased to post that I have just come off my second period after finding the ACV and BSM thread on this site. Well, I have to say, I have good news! This month my period started with a light flow on the first day, no cramps, the second day was a little more intense with flooding for about four to five hours but I could handle it, then normal flow for the rest of the day, the third day was a normal day and the fourth day I was done! That's right, I have knocked one whole day off my period, it's shorter since I started the ACV/BSM.

Before, I would flood for TWO DAYS and my period lasted for five days. Last month, I flooded for about six hours but it was the first month after starting the ACV/BSM. This month I was pleasantly surprised that my period came right on, no spotting, no cramps and one day shorter! I can touch my toes now, before I would get a very bad dull stabbing pain whenever I bent from the waist, but now I don't so I can go back to yoga now. My lower abdomen has decreased by at least three inches. I believe castor oil packs have something to do with that. I'm a believer, ladies, don't let them cut on you, keep your parts! Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Gyn, I'll give you all an update on what he tells me when I come home.

ACV/BSM is the best thing you can do for yourself, ladies, try it and stick with it, it worked for me, it can work for you!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by May (Kampala, Uganda) on 11/01/2010

Hello, I would like to know how Renee from El Dorado, Kansas is fairing, I have similar problem like hers and would like to know whether BSM shrunk her fibroids. Thx

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Christina (Ann Arbor, Mi) on 10/31/2010

Hello Sandy,
I want to try what you've done to shrink a large fibroid (also the size of a grapefruit). How much ACV did you consume (ratio of ACV to water), how many times/day, and did you mix it with baking soda? Thank you for your response. I look forward to hearing from you. I'm IN PAIN!!!!! (but I don't want surgery). Christina

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Christina (Hillsdale, Mi) on 10/31/2010

I've not tried ACV yet, but am going to do so b/c of all the stories about how it's caused fibroids to shrink. I did read, though, about the danger of ACV ruining tooth enamel if sipped throughout the day. A website I went to advised to use a straw to bypass the teeth, always take ACV with plenty of water, three times/day, drink each of the three times within a short period of time, and rinse mouth out with water after drinking.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Philippa (Frankfurt, Germany) on 10/24/2010

To relieve spotting, use Shepherd's Purse in capsule form for immediate effect (also available as a tea). Vitex agnus castus (also known as Chasteberry) capsules taken daily will also regulate your period and help to stop break-through bleeding.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Chasteberry
Posted by Philippa (Frankfurt, Germany) on 10/24/2010

Six months after my last diagnosis, I am relieved to report that an MRI shows that the fibroid and cyst have not increased in size. In fact, both appeared somewhat (2 - 3 mm) smaller since the last MRI in April 2010. I have had some setbacks with occasional break-through bleeding and heavy bleeding during one period, but I've noticed that omission of ACV and BSM, coupled with stress and bad diet (dairy, meat), contribute greatly to these relapses. Shepherd's purse works miraculously to stop intermittent bleeding in its tracks and decrease the flow of heavy bleeding.

The last 6 months have been an eye-opener for me. I've realised that a good diet is essential to keeping the symptoms at bay. I try to consume raw vegetables as often as possible, either in the form of smoothies and/or cut up in small portions (mainly from the cruciferous family) as snacks. My cycles have averaged 24 days -sometimes as long as 26 days, once as short as 22 days, and the duration is usually only 5 days. Heavy bleeding and cramps are typically limited to 24 hours. It would be nice to increase cycle length to 26 days or more. Any suggestions are appreciated. I have been able to combat my anaemia (confirmed with complete blood tests) with BSM, almost entirely. After 2 years of daily iron supplementation, I now use supplements (1/day) only during the 5 days of my period.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 10/05/2010

I came across this site three weeks ago and got excited about the apple cider vinegar and baking soda treatment for fibroids. The science made sense to me so I decided to give it a try. I have been using the ACV and BS three times a day for the past two weeks for fibroids. I have been plagued with flooding (heavy periods)that were ruining my life! I have had embarrassing accidents and have been diagnosed as anemic. I have been in the process of scheduling a uterine fibroid embolization procedure, but decided to try the natural way as I feel a little funny about having plastic injected into my body. I had been given the option of hysterectomy (NO, NO, NO! )which is why I chose UFE.

Anyway, I want you all to know THAT IT WORKS! My period started on Sunday, and for the first time in over twenty years it is light! I flooded for about six hours (this is my first period since starting the ACV-BS program) but when I took a teaspoonful of unsulphured molasses, it stopped within thirty minutes! Seriously, dead cold stopped! Normally I flood for TWO DAYS! My period is light and manageable; instead of six to eight sanitary napkins a day for two and a half days, I am down to three a day! My fibroids feel as though they have shrunk and after the third day on the program I could touch my toes without a stabbing pain on the left side of my pelvis. The heaviness eased after 4 days, the lower back pain eased up by 90% after 7 days, the upper shoulder/neck pain died after one day! I stayed home from school because I did not know if I would flood or not and didn't want to be in public in case I did, but it was all good and I don't feel so afraid to go out anymore!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Texastea (Cedar Park, Tx) on 09/10/2010

I started drinking baking soda with my Apple Cider Vinegar and honey to help with my fibroids around a month ago. I recently went to the doctor only because my sudden headaches and dizzy spells wouldnt go away. I was diagnosed with ANEMIA. I am wondering if the baking soda added to my mix is the problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Amd (V Ville, Ca) on 09/08/2010

This is just a stop gap, but try some Black Strap Molasses. Buy the unsulphured kind. It costs about $5 or $6 for 16 fl oz. Go to a natural health food store or Whole Foods. Try and get organic if possible. Take a full teaspoon to start. Some people love it and others not so much. I am from the latter and have found the easiest way -after lots of experimenting - was to have a warm cup of tea or just warm water (not hot) and the minute I pop the BSM in my mouth to take a drink of the warm liquid, it just dilutes the stuff immediately and there is no aftertaste. Good luck and blessings

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In) on 09/07/2010

Several people have said Blackstrap molasses will dissolve fibroids.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Trinichick (Bronx, Ny) on 09/06/2010

Hi, I have been reading this site for most of my day and this particular post topic is one I can't talk about with anyone because I dnt have any friends due to my fibroids. And I have no insurance so I cnt talk to a doctor.

I first got my period at 17 and it came once or twice a year since then. Lasting from 10 days to 2 months. 2009 it came in August and lasted 1 month. No pain. Just heavy bleeding. It came again in April. 2010 and didn't go away till June. Luckily before my bday. I am so lucky I should say that I am a housewife now at 26. May 29th the bleeding and pain was unbearable so I took a hottttt bath to calm me dwn. I woke up in the er they sent me home and said it was just irregular bleeding. I took the pain killers they prescribed. I needed them. Everything went away June 15. Now its been a month since I've been bleeding very heavily. And minor pain at night. I go through 8 of the largerst overnight pads a day. Very big blood clots. I am going to try the ACV recipe :-)

I really hope and pray it works because I am afraid to travel far from my house. My boyfriend is suffering. I'm suffering. And I want to have a baby soooo bad I'm the only one of 4 sisters and 3 neices that doesn't have a baby. I'm falling behind. My 23 yr old neice is expecting her 2nd one next month. If u think that I am way past the ACV and I should cough it up and get them removed. But I dnt know if that's going to help me. SUGGESTIONS and COMMENTS please.....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chinablack (Hamilton, Nj) on 09/05/2010

Hello Ladies, I agree that Red Meat may be a culprit, because while I have been diagnosed with one 7 cm fibroid, and two 2 cm fibroids, I do not suffer with cramps like everyone else complains of. When I was younger, perhaps I did have a lot of cramps, but I haven't in years because, I usually don't eat dairy (except of chocolate more often then I would like), and I don't eat red meat. I also try to eat a mostly organic diet, as well. God Bless you all. "China"

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chinablack (Hamilton, New Jersey) on 09/05/2010

Hello Carol:

I am a novice at treating my fibroids holistically, but I do use numerous natural remedies such as Oil of Oregano for common colds and to ward off other parasitic infections. I believe God has a cure for everything, naturally. In any event, I prefer holistic remedies over and above all others. Regarding the Black Strap Molasses (BSM), and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). I have been combining approximately 2-3 Teaspoons of each, in a 16. 9 Fl. Oz. Spring Water bottle, adding 1/2 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper, and filling the remaining space with Spring Water, which I shake well and drink from 2-3 times a day (definitely during the a. M. Prior to eating, and during the p. M.). I usually obtain 3 applications from the bottle. As God is my witness, I have obtained energy, and my stomach has begun to shrink. I've also been walking for only 30 minutes a day, 3 times per week for the past week, and I've been drinking water with lemon juice (no sweeteners) before and after every meal. I simply take 3-4 sips/gulps, which I place approximately 3-4 Tablespoons in a bottle of 16. 9 Fl. Oz. of water. Additionally, someone informed me that Lemon Juice is supposed to help with shrinking fibroids, as well. (It certainly can't hurt). One other thing, I'm also taking a natural fat burner, which does have caffeine, but I think the benefits outweigh the means. Since, I haven't been back to the doctor's yet, I don't know exactly how much my fibroids have shrunk, but I can honestly say that I can actually suck my stomach in, it is much smaller, my menses have been lighter, and I am not feeling that hard mass where I believe my 7cm fibroids were. I am prayerful that there are no negative side effects, but I feel like a new woman, and I'm on my way back to my supermodel body. God is Good. I pray that God be with each of you women, who are battling with these parasitic fibroids. Peace, Love, and Happiness. China

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sandy (Sherman Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/03/2010

Okay, I had a problem with my last post and got cut off so I'm back. The biggest thing about day 6 was that my fibroid on the left seems to have shrunk dramatically! It used to feel like I was carrying a grapefruit around and I could easily feel it just by touching my lower left side. Today is day 7 and my period is down to almost nothing! My period usually last 21-25 days!! My advice to anyone who tries this and her symptoms seem to get worse, that maybe your body NEEDED to purge the toxic mess from itself! Don't give up and keep it up. This stuff is a miracle!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sandy (Sherman Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/03/2010

I can't begin to express my gratitude for having found this website! My story is like many of you. I'm 49 years old and have been suffering for the past several years from periods that lasted 3 weeks with a short break in between, extremely heavy flow and lots of clotting, to the point where my quality of life had really deteriorated. I finally saw a doctor (no insurance) and was diagnosed with multiple fibroids, enlarged uterus, and too much endometrium. I was also very anemic, naturally. The doctor prescribed birth control pills to alleviate some of the bleeding, but said I would not get 100% relief and that my only choice was a hysterectomy. At first, I thought, "surgery, great! It will all be overwith! " But after having a moment to think, I realized major surgery is not something I want. So I consulted the web, and found this wonderful website! I pored over the testimonials for hours and finally came to the decision to try the ACV, BSM and baking soda route. I rushed out to Whole Foods and bought everything I needed. Coincidentally, I started the program on the first day of my period. I am taking 1 tbs ACV, 1/2 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. Water, followed by 1 tbs BSM straight from the spoon ( I don't mind the taste) morning and evening. The first two days were pretty light. Then, the usual much heavier flow began for the next two days. Then, on day 5... All hell broke loose!! I began hemorrhaging at around 11:30 am, passing multiple giant clots about every five minutes for about 4 hours straight! I thought I might have to go to the hospital for a transfusion. It finally subsided, leaving me exhausted and dizzy and wondering what had I done to myself?! By the next morning (day 6) the flow had decreased to moderate, but the strange thing was, my uterus no longer felt full, tight, and heavy AND believe it or not

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maylin (Tampa, Fl ) on 08/27/2010

Dear Fibroid Sisters:
Please email me soon, as I am in desperate times with my doctor. She is wanting me to do surgery since my fibroid has grown fm 9cm to 13 cm in the past couple years. Please eamil if your fibroid is at 9cm or bigger and you had good results w/proof that you did go to get an mri done and your fibroid has shrunk after taking ACV with any other stuffs. Or if you done something else naturally to shrink your fibroids.

What size was your fibroid before it shrunk? What size it is now? how long did it take to shrink to the size it is? What are you eating? Is it all organic foods?

HOW ABOUT PLASTICS? Anyone can email me on this subject as well. I know I keep hearing and seeing to not use plastic. That would be crazy.... Everything is in plastic. Meats wrapped in plastic. Fruits and produce wrapped in plastic. I have plastic food containers I used all my life.... So I have to go and get all GLASSWARE to store all foods now? I even email Zephyrhills water and they said the plastic bottle they use are safe to drink from. Its just so much info to take in and so much plastic around us. Creams. Lotions are in plastic. The dish holder is plastic where I put my dishes after washing them. The shampoo bottles are plastic.... So even the organic products are in plastic containers.... So I don't know what it means to NOT USE PLASTIC?

I know not to microwave my foods in plastic for sure. I try to drink out of glass. Email me if you have answers on PLASTIC usage. But mainly.... Please email me on uterine fibroids. Let me know how you shrunk yours. I so appreciate your time and I can't express how upset/depressed it has caused me on this subject. Please help.
Thank you so much, Maylin

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julie (Commerce City, Colorado/usa) on 08/25/2010

Can you tell me what you mean by 'BSM'? You said you put it in your Cream of Wheat with raisins. Also, where did you purchase your vitamins and minerals? Thanks :-D

EC: BSM is the acronym for Blackstrap Molasses.

Maca, Essiac Tea
Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 08/19/2010

I had a problem with fibroids. My O. B. Said it was the size of a 4 month fetus. Recommended it out. I don't know if this is the usual treatment, but my naturopath, who had never failed me.. Put me on Maca, 2 capsules 2 to 3 times daily and Essiac Tea. Not only did it work but it gave me energy. I took it for a few years before I went back for a check up and it was gone. I still continue with both, because the maca is supposed to be good for other things and essiac tea saved my life. I have been drinking that for years. It is a great detox besides being anti tumor, both malignant and benign.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 08/18/2010

Hi AWA, I would just look for a natural doctor or try Google and type in "bioresonance therapy italy" just like that but then in Italian. It will give you the adresses of places where you can get bioresonance therapy in Italy. Good luck, I hope you get the same quick results as I did! I'm sure there are people out there in Italy who offer bioresonance therapy. Tina

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Awa (Ia, Italy) on 08/17/2010

Hi Tina please I just want to know if this bioresonance therapy can be in Italy. Wanting for your reply.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 08/12/2010

I want to let all the ladies out there know how I got rid of my uterus full of fibroids. A few years ago I had a uterus so full of fibroids that at a University hospital here in Utrecht the UMC, they were speaking of taking out my Uterus because it had become one big clump of fibroid and was causing me so much problems, blood loss etc, pain, infertility, you know it all. I called the first natural doctor in my area and he told me he could do something about it and had me come. He had me do 7 days ( 2 day weekend break) of 9am-5pm bioresonance therapy. ( which I had never heard of) Coincidence had it that the day I finished this therapy, I was expected back at the UMC to discuss surgery. When they were taking the sonogram, they couldn't find the fibroids and said that they must had gotten the pictures mixed up earlier with someone elses. Of course they didn't believe in the bioresonance therapy. I have never had them again since. I am posting this, hoping someone else will be helped with this. I know I sat in a room with about 5-7 people all in large leather arm chairs with metal bracelets around our wrists attached to some low electricity, and sometimes we could slightly feel the electricity - it might have been our imagination too though. We were told to drink at least 2 litres of distilled water while in therapy per day, and we did get mega headaches within the hour that we were in therapy - each day, although the second third and fourth day were the worst. I don't know if it is available everywhere, but I know what I would do if I were to have it again. Plus point, I got pregnant next month, after 5 years! Hope this helps someone. Tina

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Winston (New York, Ny, Usa) on 08/07/2010

The cause of ice binging among women with fibroids is due to anemia. Anemia is caused from the blood loss induced by fibroids. If you have symptoms like weakness, fatigue, paleness, ice binging, shortness of breath or slight burning in the chest upon exertion, etc. Then you must see your doctor for a bloodtest. They can prescribe a high-iron supplement. Be sure to get the right kind as not all iron is equally bio-available. The way iron is prescribed can also be confusing: e. G. 200 mg of Ferrous Sulfate = 65 mg of elemental iron. Be sure you know what your doctor means with the amounts and types they prescribe. A good pharmacist can also help you decipher your doctor's intention.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tammy (Pikeville, Ky) on 08/04/2010

Hi, I used the BSM for Fibroids before and had found them helpful and felt more energy overall also but they are nasty tasting to me and I got lazy and stopped. But my periods had gotten to the point of almost immobilizing me for 3 or 4 days and having to change clothes because of the sudden gushes. It seemed as if they lasted forever and I would be getting dizzy and lightheaded by the end and I was spotting almost all the time also. So I was reading on here and decided to get the BSM back out and start them again and also add ACV this time. I have been having 2 spoonfuls of BSM of the morning full strength (UGH) and then having a tablespoon of ACV in a 1/4 cup of tomato juice for lunch and supper. I have been at this for 2 weeks and then got my period. I still had pain but only lasted 1 day and could control with advil. Only had to change pads 2 times a day and I didn't bleed through or even come close to overflowing. I am so happy. Hopefully, next month will be even better since I will have been at this longer and maybe it will be doing something with the fibroids. I had been having the severe cramps and gushing for over a year straight so to see this change now I have to attribute it to the BSM and ACV. I don't think it was just a difference this time by nature because it has been so severe without change for so long.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nyl Gracelle (Redlands, Ca) on 07/24/2010

I have been diagnosed with multiple intramural (leiomayomata)fibroids last July 5, 2009 and had a D&C immediately on July 10 to scrape things from my uterus for biopsy. Very thankful because the fibroids turned out benign. I tried to changed my diet and took herbal. Nothing happened for 6 months of my battle because the ultrasound result was unchanged, the same size (the biggest is 6.5cm x 6.2cm) by March 2010 I came across this site and immediately drank ACV with baking soda and molasses (2 tbsp, 1/8 tsp and 1 tsp respectively. I also did massage my abdomen using castor oil daily with a 2 day break in a week. I had a very heavy bleeding before but with the use of ACV w/ baking soda and molasses my bleeding was minimized. My OB/GYN however placed me under a progesterone (for 10 days in a month) so that everything will become normal and it really did! Last June 11, 2010 I had my 3rd ultrasound after 6 months and I am so happy that my fibroids the biggest in size became 5.6cm x 4. 1cm. Nothing is impossible with the Lord. Keep praying and do some research. I hope with this info you will be enlightened. There's hope and have faith!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/24/2010

I tried every natural remedy known to man. None worked well (TCM & acupuncture worked a little but ultimately failed every time). I had several (successful) rounds of laproscopic fibroid surgeries before finally (and happily) having a partial hysterectomy in my mid-40's. You should not have to resort to full hysterectomy at your age, or indeed ever. Regardless of size of fibroid, there are many different treatment options, and many can retain the uterus to allow you to have kids. Don't just consult your normal OB/GYN. Talk to a physician known for specializing in fibroids, as there are many different options these days. And recovery for laproscopic surgery is fast (1 - 3 weeks).

Dietary Changes
Posted by Purple2002 (New Orleans, Louisiana, Usa) on 07/23/2010

I found out recently that I may possibly have a fibroid in my abdominal area. The thing is the doctors are not sure and they want me to have surgery to get it out to see if the growth is cancerous or not. The doctors said if it is cancerous, they are going to have to take either my uterus out or my ovaries and possibly my appendix. I am a 26 years old with no children, and may want some in the future. The growth is noticeable since I am petite. The growth is 15. 5 cm long and 14 cm wide. It is above my uterus so I still get my periods every month and I don't have any pain with this growth, just a little discomfort on my uterus from the size of the growth. I want to treat this just like any tumor rather it's benign or not. Can you please email me some remedies to rid this growth? I already changed my diet and started taking supplements like Quint Essence, Flaxseed oil capsules, fish oil capsules, and Vitamin C capsules. I stop eating red meat, and eat fish, turkey, and chicken purchased from Whole Foods Market. I eat my salads with apple cider vinegar. Please help. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Tampa, Fl) on 07/14/2010

I've just started reading a few responses & haven't seen anyone discuss UTERINE ABLATION. I had it done about 5-6 yrs. Ago. It worked wonders for bleeding (only a few spots now) & my gyn now does them routinely in the office. Look it up - google it! My fibroids are no longer an issue either. The cramps are much better also and although my diet isn't great, I started jogging, which does help the cramping to where they are practically non-existent. I am also on a topical progesterone cream.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mia (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/13/2010

When do you take the diluted ACV with water? With meal or in between meals? Thank You!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Janice (Apex, Nc) on 07/03/2010

Hi, I have a question for Ted. I have just the last couple of weeks begun taking 1/2 tsp baking soda w/ 2 Tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz of water three times per day to try and reduce or rid myself of fibroids. While at home, I use a glass container to drink from. But at my office, I use an aluminum water bottle, as I was concerned with using plastic because of BPA. However, now I'm concerned with whether either the baking soda or the ACV will cause me to consume aluminum from my water bottle at work. Can you please address the issue of whether either plastic or aluminum are safe with this remedy, or whether it is always best to use glass containers. I've read many posts on your site, but I've never seen the issue of the type of container addressed with the use of ACV. Thanks very much for the help. I do find this site to be wonderful and am glad that I found you!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jamie (Burke, Sd) on 07/01/2010

My mom has just started taking blackstrap molasses to help shrink fibroids. She says she can tell she has more energy but also said that she can feel a little cramping in her lower stomach area. I was wondering if this is a sign that maybe the fibroids are shrinking? I don't want it to be anything serious and was hoping that maybe they are contracting and getting smaller and this is what she feels. Has anyone else felt that?

Water and Air
Posted by Nigerian Girl (Lagos, Nigeria) on 06/17/2010

Hey there,

Glad to hear all this. I am 29, getting married next month and just recently diagnosed with a 5cm fibroid. I had no heavy periods over the years but just started having major cramps on my right side which took me to the doctor, had an ultra scan done, found out that there was a little cyst on my right ovary and this fibroid. Please, what specific fruits and veggies should I be eating?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Monica (Lascassas, Tn, United States) on 06/06/2010

Hi, I am new to this site and Very interested in reducing my Fibroids. 2 years ago I had a myomectomy and they were able to remove the fibroid. It has since come back and my periods are unbearable. I also have severe break-thru bleeding. My Dr. has put me on a higher dose of Birth control to control the bleeding. It has slowed down, but I don't like the side effects of the BC. I have been reading many posts of the ACV and Baking Soda.

I would like to know how long do you use this remedy. Is it everyday? And should I still take the birth control with this remedy? I am so so so desperate for help! My next step is a hysterectomy and I am not ready for that. I am only 31 years old. Please Help me!!

Thanks in advance!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Vic (Toronto, Canada) on 06/02/2010

That's good to know. My biggest fibroid is 11cm and I'm waiting for UFE. I would like to shrink my fibroids as much as possible before the procedure. Can you let me know if your fibroids shrunk after your next OBGYN appointment? Thank you and thanks for sharing your experience.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sunshine (Naples, Florida) on 06/01/2010 5 posts

Was just wondering how you have been doing with the grey hair issues. Did you try trace minerals and did it work?? If so, which ones. Thanks for any input!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Chasteberry
Posted by Philippa (Germany) on 05/27/2010

Fibroids and Cysts

Due to a 6 cm intramural fibroid (diagnosed 18 months ago at 3,8 cm), I had been suffering terribly from heavy bleeding, debilitating cramps and breakthrough bleeding for over 15 months. On the 2nd day of my cycle, I would have to use 3 super plus tampons plus pads every hour for a 10 - 20 hour period of time. This was accompanied by such terrible pain that I couldn't walk without bending over. I would take 400 mg ibuprofen every 4 hours over a 24 hour time span, but still suffer tremendous pain. My periods would last between 7 and 10 days, though the bleeding was typically light after the 5th or 6th day. More often than not, I would then have bleeding or spotting between periods. As my cycles are relatively short (23 - 26 days), the breakthrough bleeding was obviously quite distressing to deal with.

Two and half months ago, I started drinking ACV twice a day with baking soda and water (1 tbsp ACV, 1/4 tsp BS, 300 ml water). Since then, I have not had any breakthrough bleeding. My periods, except for this last one, were so light that I didn't even use tampons. I rarely soak a pad within 3 - 4 hours and can sleep for 8 hours at a time each night! My periods now last approximately 5 days, with very little bleeding after that time. I still control the pain with ibuprofen, but it is no longer debilitating. I have been able to increase the dosage interval to every 6 hours within one 24 hour period, thereby reducing my ibuprofen intake to 1600 vs 2400 mg per cycle. I was also diagnosed with an ovarian cyst (3.5 cm) that might likely be a chocolate cyst. I had occasional sharp pains coming from my ovaries before starting the ACV, but haven't had any such pains in the last 7 weeks. This, however, could be due to the daily dosage of chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus -hard capsule 4 mg dried extract) which I have been taking for the last 5 weeks. I don't yet know whether the fibroid and/or the cyst have reduced in size, but I am feeling tremendously better -much healthier, less tired and run down. Also, I used to feel very depressed prior to my periods, but rarely feel this sadness anymore. I rode a rollercoaster of emotions, but this has stablised considerably. I feel happy and balanced most of the time, even the day or two before my period begins. I'll report back after my next ultrasound.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Setie (Pretoria, Gauteng, S.A. ) on 05/16/2010

hi guys i would like 2 try, beet 2 ,3 carr, 2 500g molases, 350 juice non alchol. so i am not sure that must i cook all or not 2 cook all and must i peal the cover .or i must just blendit all raw, 2 become juice.
