Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mimmer (LONDON, ENGLAND) on 06/04/2007

Hi all, I was chatting with a lady at work who suggested BSM and ACV [apple cider vinegar]. For a year I have suffered with constipation, bad back and general tighness of muscles in the neck area. For 20 yrs i have had trouble with fibroids (had surgery but too multiple to remove all). On 26-5-07, I bought BSM and ACV. I took it right away, doses-2 large spoons of BSM in warm water, followed by 3 tablespoons of ACV in warm water. I done this morning b4 breakfast and last thing at night. The second day on it I had a very easy bowel movement and have done everyday since. My constipation is now a thing of the past. My back (which I had to get medication from the doctors for-didnt help) was cured during the week, along with the muscle ache. I sleep deeper and dont seem to eat as much. I totally know that this 'tonic' as I like to call it will clear my fibriods eventually. I also want to see after 3months how i do as I want to give it to my Auntie for her Arthritis. I thank you all for posting your experiences as this has given me constant strength and encouragement. I look forward to this journey and please if you are having or have had VICTORY over fibriods with 'The Tonic' then please post so I can read it. I am a big beliver in foods for healing and this sure is a testament to God's produce. smiles

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/07/2007

re: Molasses for Fibroids... My last period was 18 days of intense bleeding. I was so wiped out and worried about what was happening to me. I could feel a small knot/buldge on one side of my abdomen and figured it was a fibroid. Found this site about 2 weeks ago and have been taking dark, unsoldered Molasses ever since. Will get BSM next time I go to a larger town. This period is 3 days now, very light and cramping only one day. I've not had a period this easy on me since going off birth control 8 years ago. I'm impressed and thank the creator(s) and contributors of this site. I think you've saved my parts. Me Happy.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/02/2007

Just finished my second "normal" period thanks to BSM. Fairly certain that any fibroids are reducing in size as the pressure I've been feeling in a couple of places is now much less... but still there somewhat. Plus, 99% reduction in heart palpatations - and they were bad ones, very scarey.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lyn (Saint Clair, Missouri) on 07/17/2007

Just an update for all. I started the Black Strap Molasses for my Fibroids on 6/25/07 today alittle less than 1 month later....I can tell for sure it is working ladies. Don't delay anymore, this really works. Praise GOD all the way!!!! I'm also taking Organic Apple Cider vinegar and can tell a huge difference in my joint stiffiness. Good Luck!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lauren (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 07/24/2007

Hello All...My cousin introduced me to this site and I read all the claims about BSM. I suffered from break through bleeding while on the PILL and in no time the bleeding was full blown. I was miserable and passed clots for two weeks straight. I had an ultra sound done and found out my fibroids came back. I went out and got the BSM and did the dosage recommended and in about a weeks time my cramps disappeared and I didn't feel like a whale. Thank you for these postings and insight on using something in our pantry.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Patti (Hollywood, Fl) on 11/23/2007

I have been using BSM for fibroids and anemia for about aweek. The difference is amazing, I have energy, no bleeding and my stomach has gone down quite abit. I have been trying to loose weight in my stomach for the last 8 yrs and no luck. The whole time it has been the fibroids. In July I started doing Ionic foot detox and the fibroids became more apperent. It Works!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Leah (Emeryville, CA) on 12/05/2007

This stuff works! I have suffered badly from fibroids for about 3 years now. I have tried alot of remedies to no avail. I was scheduled to have a myomectomy. Then I came across this site and started taking the blackstrap molasses in September 2007. Three tablespoons a day every single day. It has a horrible taste, but it is SO worth it. Immediately, I noticed a tremendous change in my bleeding. I would almost hemorrorhage, but now it is almost a normal flow. I was absoutely amazed! I had been praying for a a natural remedy and I think I have found it. It has also helped tremendously with my anemia. Previously, I had been to the hospital 3 times because of fainting spells. I have also totally changed my diet and only eat natural foods now and I get foot reflexology treatments done once a month. Also, saying the Lord's Prayer 15 times daily is good too.(If you're religious or spiritual). I have made alot of progress, but I still get hard cramps, but my periods are about 70% better than before. Ladies, just try it and give it chance, because it truly works!!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gina (New York, NY) on 12/08/2007

I have been taking BSM for about two weeks now--and am keeping my fingers crossed that something wonderful is going to happen. The possibility of surgery to remove my fibroids totally scared me. I was scared not bec. I didn't want to remove the fibroids, but bec. I knew that there was a better way to handle the problem. Additionally, my doctor kept telling me that he was 90% certain that he would be able to remove the entire fibroid throught surgery; however, not once did he mention that the surgery indeed guaranteed that the fibroid would not grow back once removed. Luckily I discovered the BSM through this site and have been taking it since. The everyday bleeding has ceased, and I can finally say that I had an almost normal five day menstral flow. After all of the intense bleeding--when the initial bleeding began on day one--I was so scared that I was going to bleed so heavily. Now, I am confident that next month, I will have a normal flow. My rec. to anyone is---schedule regular/routine sonagrams. Don't let anyone talk you into surgery until you are completely certain that the fibroids are indeed in your way or are not shrinking. Last but not least, I just would like to greet everyone and highlight the fact that being able to share our thoughts/feelings/experiences on line like this is simply priceless. We are able to communicate and we are able to enlighten--what a powerful TOOL!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cynthia (Fort Worth , TX) on 01/14/2008

I am 50 year old female in excellent health I have been taking ACV for a year and half have lost 38 1lbs without having to diet and my skin looks great I sleep well at night and no longer suffer from depression or any digestive problems. I have lots of energy and look 38 instead of 50. My whole entire Family takes Vinegar I take it 3 times a day before 15-30 min before meals.

I have 3 Fibroids tumors the largest one is now giving me problems, prolong bleeding during my cycle which is still regular and comes every 21-28 days I still ovulate too. I saw info on your site about blackstrap molasses. I just started taking a Tablespoon 3 times a day a week ago and have notice some changes. I am not bleeding now and I sleep better at night I am hoping the BMS shrinks the Fibroids ASAP the one is pressing on my bladder is causing me to have incontinence which is very embarrassing if I am out and can not get to a restroom I have had accidents. I have referred my friends and family to your site for help. Thank you for the info on Blackstrap.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Yul. (P, South Africa) on 02/09/2008

(Normal) Molasses has made a HUGE difference in my bleeding from fibroids! (BUT BLACK STRAP Molasses actually extended my bleeding due to the sulphur acting as an anti-coagulant! So I'm really wondering if most ladies here are calling Molasses, BSM or Black Strap Molasses, when they're actually using the sweeter one??)

I've had 11-17 day long periods within a 28 day cycle for the past 5 years now due to having a fibroid. I've also been craving ice due to iron deficiency thorough summers and winters!

6 months ago I decided to drizzle Molasses (the normal sweeter one) into my ice-cubes, and what a hit!!! I just did it for the iron, but when I had my first and 2nd periods after that, I noticed that my bleeding was not as heavy, but thought it was just my imagination. The 3rd and 4th months my periods went from 11-17 days to only 6-7 days!!! Almost NO pain, and quite a lot less bleeding, especially after the first initial heavy days.

Then I tried ADDING BLACK STRAP MOLASSES to the normal molasses (1:2). This time my bleeding (the 5th period since starting this Molasses journey) just would not stop!! It was SO heavy and SO painful, day 9 was as heavy and painful as day 2-3, and for the first time in years I had to take pain medication! The only thing I had changed was the Black Strap instead of just the normal Molasses.
Then I remembered that the lady at the health shop said that the difference between Black Strap and normal sweet Molasses, is that Black Strap contains SULPHUR. I then read up about sulphur on the internet, and saw that it acts like an ANTI-COAGULANT (which stops your body from stopping bleeding!!) and can cause strong bearing-down pains, which was exactly what I was experiencing! So I immediately stopped the Black Strap and my bleeding immediately slowed down and stopped within 2-3 days.

This past month I've just been on the normal Molasses, and my 6th period has just ended in 6 days again!! I'm SO glad I've discovered this, and can feel my fibroid getting smaller!

WARNING: Just make sure you don't overdose on Molasses!! It was very easy for me to do since I was already in the habit of eating ice all day, and found that by drizzling Molasses into my ice was so delicious that I would often prefer that over food! I was going through 1 BOTTLE (250ml) every 1-2 DAYS!!!
Molasses is very high in iron, copper, etc. These nutrients in high doses can be bad for your liver/pancreas, etc, and yesterday I was extremely weak, shaky, yelow/green/nauseas, with a temperature, after having had diarhoea for 2 days before (could be a sign of iron overdose). I immediately stopped eating my Molasses ice and feel a lot better today.

I think I'm first going to research and find out exactly how much of each nutrient is in Molasses, and how much is safe to take, so that I don't overdose and cause some serious dammage... (Scary!!)

But over-all I'm feeling amazing (before yesterday!) and everyone is saying how much better and healthier I'm looking!

I would like to know though, if most people here are calling 'normal' Molasses: Black Strap Molasses???

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Pauline (Merseyside, United Kingdom) on 02/23/2008

I have been anaemic for the past fifteen years and severely anaemic for the past six months. As I am 55 and in the midst of the menapause I just assumed that I was out of condition and overweight. I couldn't walk up the stairs without being out of breath. Last year on holiday in Florida, I was seriously considering hiring one of the electric scooters to get around the parks. My husband who has spinal arthritis and cannot walk unaided got around better than I did! I have suffered from fibroids for several years and last month my haemaglobin level was 6. My doctor wanted to take me into hospital for a blood transfusion. I said I would try the iron tablets first and see if they would help. I had a scan to locate the fibroids and discovered that I have several and an appointment was made for me to see a gyneacologist on 3/12/08 which I will attend. In the meantime I have been looking for possible cures on the internet and found your site. I have started taking BSM in capsule form because of all the positive feedback from other ladies who suffer as I do. One lady said she could feel one of her fibroids through the wall of her stomach, so I thought I would try to feel mine and sure enough, my husband and I felt one just below my navel. Today, 2/23/08, I cannot feel anything there! It has given me hope that this treatment will work and I will tell the GYN that I want three months to see if the BSM works. If the scan shows the fibroids are still there, I will have to consider an alternative cure but I am confident that the BSM will do the job! Will keep you posted!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Juanita (Little Rock, AR) on 03/14/2008

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid cysts in Feb. of this year. I decided to take an active role in my health and see what I could do to shrink them(or get rid of them entirely) naturally. My doctor didn't want to do anything about them because I'm 48(he's hoping since I'm so close to menopause they will take care of themselves)and other than some heavy bleeding a day or two of my cycle(which were 9-16 days by the way) I wasn't having any problems, so he just wanted to "watch" them. Watch them do what? Grow?What if I'm NOT close to menopause and I'm one of those women that has a cycle until I'm 55?(It does happen). No thanks!!! I came across this website and decided to try Blackstrap Molasses. It has been a miracle! I have only been taking it for two weeks(one Tablespoon each morning) and my oh my what a change! I had noooo PMS(even my sister noticed I wasn't as grouchy), very little cramping, no bloating, normal bleeding, and noooo clotting! A happy side effect(if you can call it a"side effect")is that my skin is as soft as a baby's bottom. I can't wait until I go back to my doctor next year and he finds NO fibroids! Oh, and I'm not sure, but the few gray hairs popping in around my temple area appears to have slowed.I will take BSM for the rest of my life! I will get back to you after my exam next year!!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cintra (Port of Spain, Trinidad) on 03/01/2008

I sincerely believe that a vegan diet works combat fibroids. I have just started the vitex or chasteberry but have been using normal molasses for quite some time. I had no idea it was useful for shrinking fibroids because I use it to detoxify. A level tbsp. in a glass of hot water first thing every morning. I just have one or two heavy days and I feel more energetic since using the molasses because of the iron content. Also, my breakfast consists of oats, almonds, grounded flaxseeds,raisins etc.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Joyce (Edinburgh, Indiana) on 01/27/2008

i just found this site tonight. my dr wants me to have a hysterectomy, but i won't. i know that it is an unecessary surgery. i have like 10 fibroids. i timed my bleeding to the minute. i can soak up a superplus tampon and pad every 30min for 8hrs, day 1. day 2 its every 2hrs then day 3-5 normal. i rarely have cramps. i thought my case was bad until i heard about people being on their periods for 2 plus weeks. i asked my dr to let me try the pill, which he really didn't want me to being that the pill feeds the fibroid and makes it larger. anyway, the pill worked just a little, such as bleeding every hr for 8hrs instead of every 30 min.... i had to switch pills because my insurance accidentally found out that they gave me the wrong type. when i switched, it gave me an allergic reaction; switched again, still a reaction (made me break out in bumps/hives) was taken off until i go to my next drs appointment. i think the pill is still in my system because now i will break out in hives out of the blue, put benadryl on it and it goes away. i just found a site today that said 200mg of ibuprofen every 4-6hr will slow it down by 25-30%. i have been taken it every time i change my tampon which appears as if it works because i change every 1-2 hrs...(hope i don't OD) i am about to get off of work. i hope that ___ sells the molasses. i hope it works. glad i ran into this website. will keep yall posted.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lyn (saint clair, missouri) on 06/25/2007

I have uterian fibroids. One is particularly large and puts pressure on my bladder. We all know what the doctors want to do but I really don't want the surgery. Praise God I found this website and today June 25, 2007 I'm starting to take black strap molasses. I know this is going to work. I will keep you all updated. I'm also anemic from all of the bleeding. So I'm sure that will change here in the near future also. Praise to God!
