Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Vickie (Ontario, Canada) on 05/29/2007


I have done extensive research on fibroids and their cures from several sources (books, internet, etc). I learned that cow's milk is not at all good for those with uterine fibroids. I know some of you said in order to get molasses down you mix it with warm milk. This may be alright for those of you who do not have fibroids but for the others who do have fibroids, please do not mix it with cow's milk. You may use almond milk or rice milk. What I personally do is mix it with plain warm water and some apple cidar vinegar. Now I do realize that, for some of us, this may still be hard to get down, if so, go for the almond or rice milk concoction.The molasses is good stuff so people please take it religiously! Good luck. V

Posted by Carol (South Holland, IL) on 10/25/2006

Eating Raw Cabbage for stomach pain. Also used the cabbage leaves to relieve the pain in my breast after my baby was born, and to dry up the flow of milk. It stopped the stomach pain from fibroid tumors. I believe it will completely heal my stomach if I continue to eat bothe the red and green cabbage raw. The Lord told me to do this to relieve the pain and it worked! I never knew about the extensive healing properties found in the cabbage before.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Delma (Fayetteville, Georgia) on 06/30/2007

In April I was diagnosed with acid reflux. In May I went to my GYN because I missed my menses for no reason for the first time in 25 yrs. my menses started when i was 15 yrs old. i am now 40 yrs old married with 2 kids.3 and 7yrs old.I went to my gyn and he said i had a 7 cm fibroid on the left of my uterus and 5cm ovarian cyst on my right ovary. I also had a tilted uterus which i already knew about diagnosed 8 yrs ago by him because sex became uncomforbable to me sometimes.I was reflux problems and given protonix by a specialist. came across this website looking for a natural rememdy to cure my acid reflux. tried Ted's acv cure with baking soda and it for 2 week 3times a day with the 2 days off. sex was comfortable, my menses showed up, my acid reflux disappeared.especially the feel of a lump in my throat. my hay fever problems cleared up ( no post nasal drip in weeks, no constant hoarseness. I went to my gyn appt friday and was told my ovarian cyst was gone, uterus was no longer titled and my fibroid had shrunk to down to 1 or 2 gyn kept looking at my chart RE-reading his notes from my last appt a month ago.. UNBELIEVABLE!!! I FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER OVERALL..ALSO I LOST 6LBS (with no effort at all) now that was a nice surprise..Thank GOD for this website and ACV..

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tiffany (Los Angeles, California) on 08/09/2007

After my third period using Terramin Clay and BSM I can confirm that the tumors are no longer present.

When I began the Terramin treatment I noticed an abscess on my left breast that drained for appox. 4 days (the scarring remains as proof this occurred). Since then I no longer experience phantom pains that I had from my left breast. As I continued my treatment I noticed that during the second of the three periods an abscess formed outside my vaginal area. This drained for appox. 4 days concurrent with my period.

After the second period I've begun to experience an increase in energy, weight loss has continued (the fibroids increased my weight and this is being automatically reduced),dark circles under my eyes are gone, and NO MORE tumors as of third period. Also, no acne.

Native Americans use[d] clay to remove tumors and I can confirm that it works. Also, using BSM regulates the period VERY well. I will now decrease my use of Terramin and increase the use of BSM to regulate my cycle.

This is a wonderful cure for tumors, both the BSM and Terramin have similar mineral components and you don't need surgery to be healed

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tiffany (Los Angeles, California) on 07/13/2007

I've experienced all the symptoms of Fibroids. I did BSM and it did significantly help; enough that my partner noticed the reduction in blood. I became a Vegetarian also to cut back on eating animals and consuming their toxins and fatty materials.

I'm using terramin clay (eat plenty of apples for fiber) now to stop the fibroids. What I have noticed coming out of my body now is astonishing. It's really de-toxing. I stopped using BSM and not solely use the clay, although I may return to the BSM for a little while longer. Both the clay and BSM are rich in iron, so my hair and nails are growing like mad and are extremely thick and strong. I'm now begriming to naturally lose the weight I gained from the fibroids. I deduced that the product will speak for itself and I'm not going to kill myself in the gym trying to lose weight. My appetite has diminished so that I eat one complete meal a day and one small one in the evening, if at all. My cravings for sweets is gone; however, I do chew ice - now I think it more to do with work stress than anemia as my eyes are white with no discoloration and the other signs of a healthy body are reappearing. I will say that I need to get into shape. Although, fatigued doesn't last long, walking up stairs just about kills me. I ordered the clay through cal earth minerals when I saw the discovery channel piece on its calcium ab/adsorption benefits too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tara (saskatoon, saskatchewan) on 08/23/2007

I have not taken anyting yet. I am scheduled for urinary artery embolizatoin next week I have a fibroid on my uterus that is 8" and I just read this website today as a lady I met today told me about apple cider vinegar she took for her fibroids 15 years ago and they are gone! I did not beleive her. I am thinking of reschuling my surgery and giving this a try. Also I do not know where to buy the molasses?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Abs (Santa Maria, California) on 09/02/2007

I have been reading about how people are using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Black Strap Molasses (BSM) to shrink fibroid tumors. I used low fat vegan and raw diet and I am fibroids free. Nutrition does wonders for the body and helps its ability to heal. I started out with a vegetarian and organic lifestyle after getting fed up with allopathic medicine's appproach to the fibroids I had. I progressed to a vegan and organic nutrition and I transitioned to a raw, vegan nutrition and the fibroids are all gone. I also used herbs and spices such as Vitex (chasteberry), red raspberry leaves, astragalus, garlic, ginger, turmeric, dandelion leaves and roots, milk thistle, cramp bark, fenugreek, red clover, and squaw vine in my regimen.

Within the first week of eating a wholly plant-based diet, all my symptoms were gone. I gained a surge in energy and three months later, overcame chronic anemia that had persisted for three years. The tumors started to shrink and my hormones started to balance; I was no longer irritable. I have since been cured of mood swings, PMS, breast tenderness and fibroids. I also had a tumor on my liver that disappeared as well and I lost 38 pounds without any extra effort. I now have energy for brisk walks, bike rides, weights, yoga and pilates. I am now a firm believer in nutrition and herbs as remedies for all kinds of ailments. There are a lot of research about the effectiveness of nutrition and herbs in curing all kinds of ailments. I shocked the doctors who wanted to surgically remove the fibroids and who told me there was no cure. I am tumor free and I thank all the people who share their experiences on the web and I also thank medical doctors who are using nutrition to help their patients. It is true that we are what we eat.

General Feedback
Posted by Joan (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) on 09/05/2007

I wish I knew what I was suffering from for 10 years then I would have gone on herbs but I was past that as I was fainting from lack of blood from severe bleeding and my womb prolapsed with the fibroids. I thought I had a heart problem as the symtoms was high blood pressure. I am now well and living with my scars as I also had T/L. So it is healthy living and stress free life for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Natto
Posted by Sharon (USA) on 10/07/2007

Sorry about that! I shrank my fibroid tumors. I got so excited, that I forgot the malady! Thanks for reminding me!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Natto
Posted by Sharon (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/06/2007

I am a real person and believe me when I say that you can shrink your tumors without any strange and complicated concoctions. I read a lot of posts and even tested on my self in the span of two months: one with said remedies and one without.

This is what worked for me:
* Change of diet
* Exercise
* Apple Cider Vinegar & Blackstrap Molasses
* Natto. Yes. Natto.

I exercised. If you're out of shape, just walk briskly everyday. I walk every morning rain or shine, lift weights sometimes and do yoga. Whatever you like, just move and sweat!

I cut out a lot of fake dairy/ food out of my diet [the cheese on burgers, nacho sauce, powdered cheese] and only ate real food with ingredients I could pronounce without sounding I was some type of scientist.

I juiced whenever I could. Nothing crazy, just carrot and apple for example. Lots of water as well!

I had a mix of 2 TB ACV and 1 TB BSM in a large glass of water once a day.

Now here's the kicker; Natto. Natto is fermented japanese soybeans. If you do a search, you'll find it. It looks gross to the typical American, but Natto is some powerful stuff. It's heavy in vitamin K and a compound that dissolves tumor like material in the body.

Yes. It's no joke. I eat it 3 to 4 times a week with hot rice and BBQ sauce. It makes it taste like baked beans and rice.

If you see any websites that offer Nattokinase, it's powdered Natto in pill form.

I tried everything above a month before since I have long, heavy, and tiring menstrual cycles that last 6 days . My cycle was light and it only lasted for 4 days.

Without it, it typical, painful and heart breaking.

I'm no doctor, but I can tell you from my experience that it worked. I'm not completely cured, but my cycles are no longer heavy, I no longer have mood swings and I've had more energy now then when I was first diagnosed. I've lost weight as well.

Please go to your local Japanese food market and pay a pack of natto. It costs under 2 dollars. Try it for a month, 3 times a week...that is all I ask.

EC: We emailed Sharon, asking what kind of tumors she was referring to...

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nuria (Madrid, Spain) on 01/02/2007

About a month ago I was diagosed with a 6 cm Fibroid tumor in my uterus. At that point I was having very heavy periods that will last over a week with a lot of pain and passing very big blood clots. I also suffered from back pain due to the fibroid and had problems peeing as the fibroid was pressing my bladder. After I was diagnosed, I started to look for natural cures on the internet and I found your website and after reading about all the remedies I started to take molasses three times a day ( 1 tablespoon). The first thing I noticed was that my period lasted only four to five days and I have to say I was a little afraid because my blood flow was abnormally light and I did not have not even a blood clot. Also, when I started to have horrible pain I took 4 tablespoons on one go as another reader suggested and after about 40 minutes the pain totally dissapeared!!! Today I went to the doctor and they did a ultrasound scan and said the fibroid is gone!!! I am totally amazed and I am not too sure what to think, I don`t know if it is gone for ever or what but I will keep molasses in my diet just in case.

By the way, I did not use blackstrap molasses but the normal molasses which is sweeter. Also I started to eat algae (japanese Kombu-which is rich in iodine) as part of my diet, about once or twice a week, , so maybe this also played a part in the cure. Thank you very much for your website and I hope you can understand my english.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by SHARON (LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA) on 03/21/2007


Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sharon (Sonora, California) on 02/04/2006

I am 65 today but when I was in my mid 40's, I was told by my doctor that I needed a hysterectomy because of excessive bleeding and fibroid tumors. I also had been literally crunching ice cubes from the tray in the ice box for quite sometime. A wonder they didn't break every tooth in my head plus it was driving everybody around me crazy. I had read this literature at some point about black strap molasses being able to get rid of fibroid tumors and I told my doctor I would let him know about having the hysterectomy and immediately started drinking 1 tablespoon black strap in a cup of water in the a.m. and another in the p.m. It wasn't long before I noticed I wasn't craving the ice cubes and the bleeding slowed to normal. When I went back to my doctor 6 months later the fibroid tumors (and there were many) had all but shrunk away. I continued drinking the molasses for a time after that and never had another problem in that area. That is the only thing I did. I was so glad I had found that little book on blackstrap and its cures. Great stuff.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gloria (Ghana, Accra) on 04/18/2007

I was just about to seek medical help for fibroids when I read about the molasses treatment on Earth Clinic and tried it. The bleeding between periods has stopped and I am still taking the Molasses treatment and keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a total cure. I have always had a binge on ice cubes and was surprised to read that some women who have fibroids also have the ice cube habit. Is there a logical medical explanation for this?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by E (Northamptonshire, United Kingdom) on 06/03/2007

Dear Sir, My recent scan shows I have uterine fibroids, biggest size: 5x3/4cms in the anterior wall of the uterus and four multiple fibroids - size 4cms each, also have one cyst, size: 2 inches on the left ovary. I am 47 years of age this June and weigh 45 kgs. I had been having fibroids since 1998 and experiencing heavy bleeding One fortunate day I happened to discover your website and I read all the positive benefits of BS Molasses. I immediately went to the nearest health store and started having 1 tbps of BSM first thing in the morning and 1 tbps of BSM before going to bed. I have started this routine since Feb. 15th of this year. The first benefit I had from BSM was it relieved my canker sores which I have been suffering ever since childhood, secondly it relieved me from acidity. My periods which used to come with a heavy force of bloodspray on the first day, became gentle, scanty with very few blood clots. I had my periods on the 3rd of March and it ended on the 6th of March. I felt I had found a remedy to my lifelong problem at last! I live in the UK and travelled to Spain on the 22nd of March Then again on 28th of March I again started mensurating and it lasted me until 11th of April, which was heavy and few blood clots but the duration was 14 days!! I had to travel again to India on the 21st of April and I did not have my periods until 27th of May and it was one of the most bizarre periods I have ever had. I had huge dark red blood clots in my bleeding and it is one of the worst periods I have ever experienced. I still continue to have and do not know when it will stop!! Furthermore I have also noticed that when I am bleeding I feel extremely drained, weak and get painful patches all over my head. Please could you analyse my situation? Would be much grateful if you could advise me on my situation. Thanking you
