Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cilla (Kampala) on 12/14/2016

Editor's Choice

I was recently told I had multiple fibroids which in retrospect I must have suffered from for a very long time as I have always had heavy bleeding and cramping. I immediately started researching on a natural cure and landed on this site. I decided to try ACV (the filtered kind as I couldn't get the recommended one). I must say I was shocked at the results. My last period was without cramps at all. I used to get pains during ovulation but even that has not been painful at all this month. I'm still taking ACV hoping it's shrinking the fibroids and will definitely let you know when I go for the next scan. I'm still trying to get the organic unfiltered ACV as I think it will be more effective.

I was prompted to share this in the hope that some lady out there going through terrible menstrual pains will read this and try out ACV. I really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sindhu (India) on 04/03/2015

Great post and informative.Thank you for sharing. I had the same problem and I was searching for treatment in many hospitals. At start I had irregular periods, later I was diagnosed with Fibroid. I was told to go for surgery. I went for non-surgical EVLT procedure and now I am fit and getting back to work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Ks., US) on 03/02/2015

I came across this site yesterday, and I was looking for a natural way to deal with my fibroids, especially since I believe I have at least two. Anyways, I did spot off and on for at least four days. The last day was the worst due to it being slightly heavier than the previous three.

In the past, I had an ovarian cyst that burst, and the doctor cleaned me out when he also took out my appendix, so I probably have scar tissue in that part of my body. The pain I was having was similar to the past, and since I'm in my 30s, it made logical sense for me to assume that it was fibroids. Well, this is definitely the case. Below are my results within 24 hours.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar worked for me, especially with having it diluted with water. I have not had any spotting thus far.

2. Grape Juice has also helped in cleansing my body. This did make my fibromyalgia kick in, so I cannot intake a lot because of it.

3. I have increased energy, and I feel so much better.

4. Ordered the Apple Cider Vinegar pills that will be taken with water (as a back up). Usually 500 mg is equivalent to 2 Tbsp. a day.

Thank you again for your recommendations. You prevented me from having another surgery and decreasing my chances of getting cancer when older. Blessings.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Obianuju (Lagos, Nigeria) on 09/19/2014

Hi All,

First of all I want to thank everyone for their sincere & helpful sharings...this site is a miracle itself. My pelvic scan revealed 5.7cm fibroid, degenerated cyst, enlarged uterus (all inside womb). I searched & got this site; immediately changed my more diaries & processed foods, eat more beans instead of rice, dark leafy veges, lots of more junks and fast foods...things that increase estrogen levels.

In response to Toyin; I ordered my Bragg ACV with the mother & organic unsulphured blackstrap mollasses on 16/09/14 at N18000 ( 1 litre Acv & 3 bottles BS). I just started taking it (a day) & strongly believe that at my next scan for sure I shall see the fibroids no more by the grace of God who has made it possible for others. I plan for next scan in a month's time because I also want to conceive and bear children. More success and greater grace to all of us. Stay blessed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Tacoma, Wa) on 08/24/2014

I've always had heavy menstrual cycles. After I had a tubal ligation after the birth of my 2nd child they were much heavier. Super Plus tampon and maxi pad soaked every 1 to 2 hours for 3 days. Over the last year it's gotten really really bad. I felt better after reading other posts and seeing I was not alone. I don't leave the house for 4 to 5 days during my cycle and soak through in 5 to 15 minutes with clots ranging from golf ball to grapefruit size. The last couple of months I've been feeling pressure above my pelvic bone and the area is as hard as a rock. This cycle I had almost no flow. 3 pads only in 3 days but the pressure was intense. I felt like I was going to explode. I don't have insurance and was going to break down and go into debt on Monday to go to the clinic because I was really getting scared. Took a dose of ACV last night after reading all of the posts on the fibroid page. Took another this morning along with a couple of TB of black strap molasses. 3 hours later and I'm now flowing heavily with clots bigger than I've ever seen in my life. While it may not sound like a success because now I'm bleeding most of the pressure is gone and my the hardness has decreased dramatically. I'll keep doing the ACV daily and report back next month on wether my flow lessens or not. Thanks for sharing such sensitive personal info. I've been to so many doctors who have just told me not to worry every woman is different. I thought for sure I was going to have to have surgery. Now I'm hopeful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Kingston, Pa) on 05/18/2014

Editor's Choice

Last year (4/2013) I began to have heavy periods that would not stop. Prior History: I was on the Mirena for a full 5 years and then removed it. Besides the obvious birth control, it helped to control heavy periods. My cycle was very heavy days 1&2, slowly stopping and lasted to 7days on a 28 day cycle. I was told I had fibroids, had exams, ultrasounds, etc.

Fast forward back to 2013. I started to get my period twice a month. One day it began and never ended. I began to bleed so heavy I couldn't leave the house. I had to use a tampon and a pad, changing every hour, sometime more often. I was in the ER of 2 different hospitals. The first one did absolutely nothing. I was back in the ER again, had a transfusion, was admitted overnight and had a d&c. I was released. It continued.

The second ER had me follow up with the gyno. The gyno did a biopsy. No cancer. I ended up in the ER again and had another transfusion. I ended up having a heart attack in my sleep. Thank God I'm well. I had an endometrial ablation, was put on progesterone, and sent to a specialist to consult with about having surgery. A decision was made to have a full hysterectomy because my mother had died from ovarian cancer/tumor 4 years ago.

In my heart I did not want to have the hysterectomy. I have grown children and grandchildren. I prayed about it and asked God what I should do, that I trusted him to lead me how to recover from all of this. The answer was to stop the progesterone. I cut the daily espresso coffee and switch to green tea with organic honey. Next I stopped drinking regular 1% milk and switched to Almond Milk. It made sense because cows are injected with hormones to produce more milk rapidly. Fibroids are linked to too much estrogen. My periods stopped after December 2013.

Someone told me about this website. I read every comment. I prayed again. Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar, Unpasteurized, with "The Mother", was what I went with. I bought it in Walmart at $5 for a 32 oz bottle. I take 2 Tbs in 6 oz of water. I've been taking it since February 15? Still no bleeding(Yaaaa! ) and I've dropped 25 lbs over 3 months which could be from the fibroids shrinking.

My Cardiologist said the ACV wouldn't hurt me. Always check with your doctor if you are on any medication to see if it's okay. I went back the dr to consult about the hysterectomy surgery. Praise God, NO SURGERY NECESSARY! He said he'll see me next year. My advice is if you are bleeding heavy get the Apple Cider Vinegar w "The Mother" take 2 tablespoons in 6 to 8 oz of purified water(filtered, bottled, not tap) every morning 1/2 hour before you eat. I feel the ACV balances your PH levels which affect your hormones.

God bless you all for your suggestions and I hope my story helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carly (Pbs, Usa) on 07/11/2013

Hi Tameka, I would take one ounce (approx. a shot glass full) of ACV with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda... When it stops fizzing, add about 12 to 16 ounces of water. I drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then make another one and sip throughout the day when I am bleeding too heavily. It really, really helps! When a couple of hours goes by without sipping it.... I can tell by how heavy my flow gets. During really bad periods, I also take a glass to bed, and sip it in the night. Use a straw to keep it off your teeth if needed. When I am bleeding that heavy I don't care if I have a straw or not though!

Blackstrap molasses is also very good for this, but does not have as immediate of an effect for me personally. I take a tablespoon of it daily in my coffe. Love the taste.

Good luck to you, I know how miserable it is.... Take care.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Iowama (Pella, IA) on 07/11/2013

I also had success fixing excessive monthly bleeding with the vinegar tea remedy and an alkalizing diet. At the same time, the little urine leakage that had crept up when I coughed or laughed went away. It lead me to believe both issues were caused by pressure from fibroids. Anyway, it is one of those nasties that life can throw at women. I learned the cure right here and I'm thankful this forum was available when I suffered through it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Meckab1 (Mobile, Al) on 02/25/2013

Editor's Choice

6/2006 I found out that I was pregnant and diagnosed with 3 large fibroid tumors. I miscarriage at 7 month term then returned to the hospital a month later to remove the tumors. Over the years since my surgery I had weight gain (60lbs), heavy menstural cycles last sometimes up to 8 days, severe anemic, severe constipation so I decided to see my obgyn 8/3/2012.He ordered a ultra sound of the abdomen and pelvis. A week later I was told that my tumors has returned (6) and they are larger then prior. I was advised the only option would be a hysterectomy. I'm 39 years old and no kids so I decide to research online for cures to prevent surgery.

I have been taking 2 tsps twice a day of ACV with the mother since 10/4 and I now have a normal cycle. I have lost 59lbs have changed my eating habits whole wheat, lots of vegetables, baked/broil chicken and fish, cut out all sugars including drinks and fast food, drink 8 glasses of H20 daily and exercise occasionally. My before weight was 298lbs and currently I weigh 239. I have my iron under control and I feel wonderful. I visit my obgyn two weeks ago and he scheduled another ultrasound just got my results back and he and the staff was amazed that no tumors exist on the ultra sound. I was so happy to hear the great news but I know to maintain future occurences I will have to take care of myself. I continue to take ACV daily and I just wanted to share my story here and hope that my story can be a help to others. Also I prayed constantly daily because I know at the end of the day God has the last say.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Bethel Island, Ca) on 10/22/2011

Ok... I have never offered a testimonial before but here goes... 4 years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids (6 over 10 cm each). I had transfusions in hospital and was given progesterone. 2 years ago I went off of it and things were relatively normal until this month when my period was back to gushing and clotting. The doc phoned in a prescription for more tablets but I haven't made it to the pharmacy yet. Why? Because, as I am sure you are familiar with, the last two days have been period hell. The furthest I have gone is bathroom to bed.

Lying in bed at 4 am today I realized I was going to miss my usual Saturday women's group breakfast. I grabbed my iPad and found this site. Apple Cider Vinegar? Really? so I went out to the kitchen swallowed two huge tablespoons, choked back some nausea and hit the shower. I felt better than I had so I got dressed and headed to town... Half an hour away... Armed with supplies to make a quick change when I got there, but didn't need to. Sat for an hour and got up last making a mad dash to the restroom to stop the gushing. But, no gushing, hardly a trickle. Could it have worked so fast? Stopped by the market for a few things. The more I walked the better I felt. Bought ACV tabs. Drove the half hour back home... Went to the bathroom, no gushing or even bleeding. No pain. Not even that tired...... I can't believe this is happening but I am glad for it. Can't wait to update you all on the results of my next ultrasound. God bless you for this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shake44 (Marrero, Louisiana, United States) on 08/16/2011

I've Fibroids too, heavy did normal periods this month. I was crying last night because I went to the bathroom and its still here and yesterday was my 8 day. I got up out of bed and by the Gods will found this site. When I read about acv, I said to myself no this is not that easy. So i got from the computer went into the kitchen 2tsp of acv. 2 hours past light. While, this is real 6 hours past gone, I have a gas problem I also notice that the Apple Cider Vinegar help me on that too. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Chapel Hill, Ncc) on 12/17/2009

I started taking ACV about a month ago for fibroid relief and I noticed a significant, positive change in my heavy flow and cramping. For the last year or so, I would have to remain inside and well medicated for the first few days of my cycle. I even had a recent, 3-day hospital stay in October for severe anemia, due to blood loss and received a blood transfusion during that time. It was a scary ordeal. In November, after trying ACV, I noticed my cramping had subsided and my flow was lighter. The first two days were still a little heavy, but I could visit my family during Thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays without any "accidents". I'm still taking it and can't wait to see how this month goes!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy013 (Monroe, Louisiana, USA) on 11/10/2009

I suffered from VERY heavy bleeding and was diagnosed with uterine polyps and possible fibroids. First was told hysterectomy; I didn't want this so I was prescribed a hormone; made the cramping, etc., WORSE; a year later I had more tests - same problem, heavy bleeding & cramping - the tests (such as saline ultrasound) were so UNCOMFORTABLE and no relief, still recommended surgery which I really didn't feel comfortable about. I searched "natural remedies for fibroids, heavy bleeding, etc." and found this site. Tried ACV and black strap molasses first (1 dose of the molasses-could NOT handle that!); then tried the ACV with baking soda (2 TBSP natural ACV from health food store and 1/2 to 1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 8 oz water once daily has worked for me). I started this in August; it is now November and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! It is unbelievable - very little bleeding at regular cycle time - little to no cramping; and I was in misery before-periods lasted for weeks and would only stop for a few days and then start again. I no longer have that problem-haven't since I started the ACV & baking soda in August. It WORKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by dawndaisy (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/03/2009

I have been taking 2-3 TBSP of ACV in water with either 1 TBSP agave or 1 TBSP grade B maple syrup mixed with 20-30 oz of water and ice. I drink this all day. Since I was 16 I've bled mid cycle and self diagnosed myself with fibroids (no insurance). I've been with this regimine for over a year and all the bleeding midcycle has stopped and my periods are 5 days long, whereas before they were 7-9 days. I also take 1 TBSP black strap molasses everyday in yogurt, smoothie or raw milk. I credit these two things to regulating my period and am now working on getting pregnant!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candy (Nashville, TN) on 04/27/2009

I can truly say that when taking 2tbs. of ACV and a squeeze of lemon juice, it cured my fibroid and I lost weight. I went to the doctor and had the Mirena (IUD) placed in to control the heavy bleeding. During my 6weeks checkup the IUD apprently came out. I was sent to have an ultrasound done and the fibroid had degenrated. I also lost 22pounds in 6weeks. My doctor wanted to removed my uterus, but I prayed about it said no to the surgery. Thank God for ACV!!!!

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