Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sue (Pittsburgh) on 03/27/2016

Fibroids and period pain:

ALL THE PRAISE TO GOD! I have been taking 1 to 2 tablespoons of Black Strap Molasses and Apple Cider Vinegar for just about 2 months and I am having the very best period I have had in decades! I am still taking Motrin but only for a dull ache, not the stabbing knife twisting pain that I used to experience on my left ovary. I am so gratefully to God for Earth Clinic and for all of you who post cures here to help each other!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Addie (Illinois) on 10/13/2015

I read a post on here where a woman was doing the same remedies for the exception of the Aloe Vera and she was getting heart burn as well. She read that beets can sometime give certain individuals heartburn so she decided to stop taking the beet juice. Once she stopped her heartburn went away. I hope this helps.

God Bless to all.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marta M (Barcelona, Spain) on 08/15/2015

Hello, my name is Marta and I'm 30. I've always had terrible pain and pms in my cycle. Last menstruation was the worst I've ever had, then 10 days after it stopped I started bleeding non stop so I went to the gyn and they told me I had a 7 cm fibroiT. that was 2 weeks ago . The doctors scared me so so much. I'm not the kind of person who belives conventional doctors so I did my research plus I'm totally against removing body parts at less.

I changed my diet compleatly and started Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses. It has been a week now . I'm recovering from the anemia .

The problem is I was already very thin to start with and now I've lost 5 kilos, so i'm trying to find something that I can consume that makes me stop loosing weight. My weight is now 43 kilos. I'm not tall at all. On the other hand my stomach is not bloated it has changed dramaticly in a week . Could it also be the weight of the fibroid reducing? How much can a 7 cm fibroid weight? I don't feel the lump in my belly much. I'll have to wait till my next appoinment in a month.

I think it is working ( appart from too much weight loss 4 me) but still I'm quite scared, still very very tired and headaches and dizzines still there. Will keep posting . For some reason this issue has forced me to start changing my lifestyle and that is exacly what I wanted to do so, our bodies are incredibly clever ;) but I have to say all the bleeding dizziness and weakness is quite scary it does not help that my gyno and gp explained things in such a way and told me the only was was surgery even tho they don't even know why it came in the first place or why. I'm quite pissed of with that bit. I'm spanish but lived in the uk for a long time they had places like holland and barret and stuff like this but can't find anything like that here .. I'm strating acupunture and chinese medicine next week. I'll keep posted . I've read so so much in a week, I've run out of websites in both languages . But being informed of all options make me much calmer and allowes me to think which one is best so thanks for your website :)

Much love to all!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Shagurl (Malaysia) on 06/13/2015

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with a fibroid, polycysts and endometriosis..though they were small dr suggested me to do a surgery. I have decided to give myself a try with homeremedies. I have found this page on last month after my Appointment.

I took Apple Cider Vinegar alone for a week and I continued to mix with blackstrap molasses and I have also did castor oil pack every night.. I have stopped eating red meat as well as chicken. I also take dandelion tea.. I take beet parsley carrot and celery juice two days once..every evening I am eating papaya or watermelon I drink alot of water to flush out the toxic out of my body after three week plus today I had a scan dr said my fibroid and cyst had shrunk slightly.. I told him that I will try for three months than come back for a scan.

Dear readers, trust me after a week of Apple Cider Vinegar I had my period with less cramping and of course there was no extra bleeding after my period. I urge everyone to try this home remedy before deciding to do a surgery which has no guarantee of the reoccurring fibroids and cyst... I am going to continue this remedy after all it is cheaper and safe ...all the best people.

Thank you for reading my post.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Pauline (Crockett, Texas) on 04/03/2015

I just saw all the things using apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses. I'm trying to see do you drink these by themselves or mix them both in water?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Demi (Ventura, Ca) on 01/28/2015

Ok I have been using the Black Strap Molasses unsulphured with the Apple Cider Vinegar for only three months and I am very happy with results! I can feel and see that my fibroids have shrunk. My menstrual is also lighter, and no cramping. No Tylenol for pain! WOW!! I had to share this information with my girl friends who are suffering from Uterine Fibroids. I wish that I would have read about this before my procedure that I had almost two years ago, which didn't work! Thank you Lord for natural remedies! Amen!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Demi (Ventura, Ca) on 01/28/2015

Ok I have been using the Black Strap Molasses unsulphured with the Apple Cider Vinegar for only three months and I am very happy with results! I can feel and see that my fibroids have shrunk. My menstrual is also lighter, and no cramping. No Tylenol for pain! WOW!! I had to share this information with my girl friends who are suffering from Uterine Fibroids. I wish that I would have read about this before my procedure that I had almost two years ago, which didn't work! Thank you Lord for natural remedies! Amen!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Wanda (Philadelphia, PA) on 12/17/2013

I just had to reply to inform other women about the effects of the use of ACV and BSM. I have been using the two for the past 3 weeks and I have to report that I feel as though the ACV is shrinking my fibroids since I am not able to feel them as I had before starting to use the ACV. It was so bad that it felt like the fibroid was pushing out the top of my stomach. Since starting the ACV I can not feel that pushing sensation any longer. In addition my period this month was so nice; I did not have the heavy bleeding like in previous months. My first two days of menstruation would be extremely heavy to the point it felt like a run away train that I could not get a handle on. But after using the BSM I had one of the best periods I've ever had in a long time. As I stated it has only been 3 weeks, but with the results that I've had I will continue to use ACV and BSM to see what the end will be and just because I feel better. For those who doubt I say what will it hurt to try this. We all want a more natural approach to our health so doubt no more and begin your road to naturally treating and possibly curing those awful fibroids. I hope this has been helpful and God Bless you ladies.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Flora (Kampala, Uganda) on 06/06/2013

Fibroids: I have just learnt about this website 2 weeks back. I have started taking ACV with baking soda and molases. But I am not sure if I am taking the right kind of molases because I searched in all supermarkets in my city but could not get the black strap molases but jargery and brown sugar with molases. But since I started taking this mixture I have felt like my bulgy tammy has completely reduced. I am so exicited because I am getting back my normal shape. My periods this time were not heavy and took only 4 days unlike 7-8 days before. I also feel the tumor has reduced. After taking it for one month I will go back for scan to confirm and I will let you know my results. But I am already excited. Thanks every body for sharing your experince on home remedies on this site. its a blesssing to many.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Leann (Fruitport, Mi) on 05/21/2013

A Wonderful day. My second month addressing large fibroids and extreme heavy blood flow. Thanks to the Apple Cider Vinegar, and Black strap Molasses My periods are normal again. What a wonderful Natural remedy. Thank you to everyone for the input. I can finally wear skirts, shorts again. Without the embarrassing gushes of blood, and huge clots. I am so grateful.. Leann Michigan.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ms Labeau (Fruitport, Mi.) on 04/14/2013

Feedback concerning the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Blackstrap molasses (BSM). To whomever discovered this for Fibroids, heavy bleeding. I would hug for an hour.

I was frightened as after having the Oblation, left me leaking a gold colored discharge for 6 mos. The Plasma from my Blood leaving my body. I knew I was in trouble for my life. Desperate for answers I found and read every comment, and feed back concerning ACV, BSM.

What did I have to lose, I had the ACV, BSM in the cupbord. Within three days the large clots were almost completely gone, after 5 days I only had a trickel of blood. Today the blood has almost completely stopped. No cramps, and I am not carrying extra cloths with me. AMAZED that's what I am.

For Women that have been suffering with this condition:

Utrophin..1-3x daily( Standard Process co.)
Vessel Forte.. 2-2x daily(Design for health Co.)
Sesame Seed.. 1-3x daily(Standard Process Co.)
Progon B.. 4-2x daily Crushed put under tounge(Bezwecken)

These essential supplements will build the blood cells so you stand a fighting chance.

I will post again within 5 wks for Update on the clotting. Leann

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/28/2012

I have mixed ACV and BSM together. If you buy the organic, unfiltered ACV there is a recipe on the bottle. It makes the taste a bit more bareable. I have not mixed in the baking soda. Since that is the ingredient that balances the PH I will try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Amanda (Franklin, Indiana) on 07/04/2012

Hi Ladies, I am 51 and have had severe problems with my cycles for about 5 years. Every year I mentioned to my doctor that my periods where heavy, painful and clotty, I felt pressure on my bladder and in my rectal area. Finally after my last check up on 5/16/2012 she sent me for an ultra sound which I had on 6/14/2012. I have a fibroid tumor the size of an egg in the top of my uterus and 2 small cysts in my pelvic area. She recommended surgery. I felt that was a drastic approach to my problem.

I believe in natural cures and I am so thankful I found this site. I started on _____s ACV with the mother 1 Tbs with 1/4 tsp Aluminum free Baking soda in warm water 2 times a day. I also have been taking Tree of Life Unsulpured Blackstrap Molasses 1Tbs in 6 oz of organic goats milk 2 times a day. I stopped all red meats, wheat, caffeine, sugar. I now am eating a diet full of organic veg and fruits, organic chicken, fish and nuts. Within 2 days I noticed my energy had increased. By day 7 I noticed the tenderness associated with the cysts had lessened dramatically. By day 10 the pressure on my bladder and rectum have abated. I no longer have to wear a pad for fear of leaking. I can still feel the tumor when I lay down, but it feels smaller and not as sore. I have not had my menstrual cycle. It is about 3 days late. I am so anxious to see if it is normal again. I got an unexpected surprise. My hair has starting turning from grey/ white back to the brunette it was 15 years ago. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and giving me hope. Thanks to Earth Clinic without this site. I may have had a surgery I felt was unnecessary!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cp (Clt, Nc) on 02/25/2012

Hello All, It gives me much joy to report that I am on the ACV and BSM regime and IT WORKS!!!! Many thanks to the person(s) who created this blog and took the time to share their information about these two wonderful products. When I first read about it, about a month ago, I figured why not, I didn't think it could hurt, but now I wish I'd known about it soooo long ago.

I am an AA woman, 46 yo with no health insurance and have been diagnosed with fibroids and cysts. I had a fibroid myomectomy (sp) approximately 5 years ago and have been informed that they have returned, mostly on my right side. I am overweight with a history of cancer, hypertension and diabetes in my immmediate family, so time to get to work! I am on an otc iron supplement, I work out and am taking the Apple Cider Vinegar (4 Tbs per day) and Blackstrap Molasses (2 Tbs per day). I've cut back on the dairy, am taking additional otc vitamins and have incorporated shepherd's purse in my diet, not consistently, but in my diet as well. I use the shepherd's purse when I see/think the spotting will begin.

Sooo.... I am currently on my menstrual cycle, I'm on day 3 and my flow has been reduced DRAMATICALLY!!!! I have only had to take 6 pain meds (taking 2 at a time) over the last three days and I can't begin to count the number of pain meds I normally would have taken by now. By now, I usually would have gone thru at least half of a package of SUPER LONG MAXI pads, I've only used maybe 6, no more than 10 so far. I am still clotting, but the pain is MINIMIZED and have not had any MAJOR accidents, some small ones, but that's getting better. I'm not taking the baking soda due to the sodium content.. Don't want to chance it, but overall, I am sooo much better. Thank you so much for the information and will continue to keep you abreast of my progress. Fibroid and cysts removal for all!!!!!

Peace and Blessings, CP

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Artistgirl (Detroit, Mi) on 05/25/2011

Well, I'm back to report MY FLOODING HAS OFFICIALLY ENDED! In February I noticed my bladder capacity had increased. This told me that the fibroid lying on my bladder had either dissolved or was shrinking. Until then my bladder was not very large so I had to frequently urinate.

I continued with the Mg and Zn, but added Calcium with Vitamin D in March.

This month I once again experienced bladder capacity increase with the added bonus of no flooding. If you've been following me, my flooding went from two whole days down to half a day since December. Now, I don't flood anymore!

This month's period is the first period I have had in five years that I have not flooded. I HAD NORMAL FLOW ON ALL DAYS! I did not have to change pads every hour and a half, but was able to go for four hours without spillage or seepage on the heaviest day of my period before changing my pad.

Nothing leaked, my underwear was alright, I didn't have to change clothing, no accidents AT ALL!

Ladies, you have to stay with it. It is not an overnight thing. My biggest fibroid was 3 cm (2 inches) round. I had at least 12 fibroids of different sizes in my uterus. They wanted to hysterectormize me. I said NO. You must say NO, too!

I dreaded the summer because I knew I would be miserable because of the overflow of blood during my period, but now I feel so much better knowing that the flooding has been arrested and I can have a somewhat more normal life this summer instead of being worried that I've soaked my clothes or that I'll have an accident in public.

It's a matter of patience, ladies. You have to have patience and you must believe you can heal. My body let me know at every turn what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right, and your body will tell you, too. Slow and steady wins the race, girls. Just keep taking care of yourself and stick to your cures, they work, trust me on this one!

I'm a new woman, I can go out in public without worrying, I can go visit my friends more now, I can sit for long periods of time without worrying about leaving a spot if you know what I mean, I'm just very happy right now!

Thank you Earth Clinic for your advice, I am so happy to have found this site. I am also so happy to be able to share and encourage others in finding their cure.

Natural is the way to go, it has been for me and I really hope it is for you, too!

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