Thanks for posting this. I am on a similar protocol and also noticed reduced hand tremors.
About 12 weeks after starting the Lugol's, I too noticed pain in the kidney area. I stopped the Lugol's temporarily, reduced my protein intake, and the pain went away. However, during the intense pain period, I went in for an ultrasound and cysts were discovered on my kidneys and one on the ovary. Followed that up with an MRI and discovered the cysts on the kidneys were gone but that I had an infection above the kidneys, diaphram area, and was offered antibiotics to clear it up, which I declined.
Although I developed this alarming condition (kidney/gallbladder area intense pain flare ups) it occured simultaneiously with the clearing up of my years long chronic fatigue syndrome. One of my theories on why I developed the infection was that I'd centralized a body wide low grade infection. Another was that taking Lugol's internally was stupid and causing an infection.
One of the things that I think helped with the kidney/gallbladder flares was the olive oil/lemon juice detox (I did a two day detox which required juice fasting then no eating for 24 hours except for citrus juice and olive oil - then released at least a cup full of gravel/pea sized stones.)
I remain perplexed about whether Lugol's internally is a good idea but the infection is clearing up. I am still taking Lugol's internally, but just a little ( a drop of the 2% solution few times per week) and am also painting it, especially on areas with moles to see if they clear up. Considering also changing to iodoral. Would love to hear feedback from other readers on experiences with kidney pain after taking Lugol's.
But, as for the main subject of this post, my tremors also disappeared after starting the Lugol's and magesium citrate.
Iodine, Multiple Supplements
At age 66 I have gradually developed a tremor in both hands over the past 10 years. It was just something I thought was normal aging and mostly ignored it.
Two and one-half months ago my wife and I started taking 50mg of potassium iodide daily, and a month later made our own 5% Lugol's solution, taking 50mg a day of iodine in that form instead of the potassium iodide. Just a week ago she switched to four 12.5mg Iodoral per day and I continued with the 50mg of Lugol's internally, plus have been paint the palms of my hands daily with Lugol's solution. Additionally we have been taking 3000mg vitamin C, 400mcg selenium, 500mg niacin, 1,000mg tyrosine, 1,500mg DL-Phenylalanine, several forms of magnesium (magnesium chloride, magnesium asporotate, magnesium oxide), 50mg zinc, 100mg B6, 1000IU Vitamin E, 5000IU vitamin D3, a good quality health food store multiple vitamin/mineral plus 1 teaspoon of Real Salt. We just added a tablespoon per day in a glass of grapefruit juice of diatomaceous earth last week for the silica.
We started this regimen for a number of reasons. As for me, I would wake up tired and need a two hour nap every afternoon. I had no energy. I have an enlarged prostate. I have Dupuytren's constricture in the palm of both hands affecting the tendon of the ring finger. My memory kept getting worse. I have almond size cysts between the muscle and skin, one on my hip and one on my arm, plus a few other smaller similar cysts. I have trouble keeping my weight normal.
The first six weeks I had no side effects, but then developed pain in my kidneys and stiffness in my finger joints plus random weird feelings around my body, after which I upped the detox efforts (more magnesium, more real salt, added diatomaceous earth). The side effects are diminished to non existent now.
I have noticed that I can already straighten the fingers in both hands which I could not do before. The lumps in the palms of my hands are noticeably smaller. The almond size cysts are smaller but still noticeable. My energy level is fantastic by comparison to before; very few naps, plus plenty of energy for gardening and getting out. I am sleeping longer between trips to the bathroom, and am having mostly beautiful, intense dreams almost every night. My mood is now one of pleasure rather than dullness.
But the big surprise is that my hand tremors are suddenly 95% gone. I wasn't even paying attention but my wife pointed out to me that my hands were hardly shaking any more. I can hold them steady with no support; no more food falling off my fork; no more spills when I put down a cup. I can again sign my name and it looks like my signature. I wasn't going through this regimen for my tremors; but, I don't know which part of what I am taking cured them.
Tyrosine breaks down to l-dopa and dopamine. L-dopa can be absorbed into the brain, and along with B6 will then convert to dopamine. This may be what did it. But DL-Phenylalanine also breaks down into tyrosine so this is also probably involved. Plus the iodine, the deficiency of which I was treating, could well be involved. Plus iodine helps eliminate fluorine, bromine, mercury, lead, and arsenic which could be involved. I had been taking magnesium for years in a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement, but in my new program I was taking more magnesium and in different forms.
I am sorry I can't be more clear on what out of the above cured my tremors, but the answer is in there somewhere.