Prostate - Enlarged
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Relief

Multiple Supplements

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Posted by Enzo (Miami) on 06/07/2020 4 posts

4 months ago, I sadly discovered that I have an enlarged prostate. Usual symptoms as everyone else. Up all night peeing. Weak pee stream. I've managed to reduce it probably by 80% in 4 months.

This is how I did it. Firstly, Like everyone else, I did my research. On my condition and on medications, supplements and surgeries. Once I gained all knowledge, I started treating it with supplements.

This consisted of....... Saw palmetto (2 pills 450mg each. Taken morning, noon and night. Curcumin 3 times a day. Lycopene 10mg twice a day..morning and night (with food) L-glutamine scoop added to a glass of water. Essential pill a day. Apple cider vinegar...two tablespoons per glass of water. ....3 times a day.

This has literally shrunk my prostate. My pee stream is a lot better (85% better) I wake up once now during the night instead of 5 times. My urethra could still be more dilated and am thinking of taking Nitric Oxide for that.

Hope this helps you guys as I know from experience that this condition has also a negative psychological affect.


Update: June 6, 2020 at 21:22:

So sorry, I forgot another important thing that I do for enlarged prostate.

During my research, I discovered a company called “Butt Candy”. Yes, you read that right… lol Basically, they make suppositories that are made with supplements that you put up your butt. They were pretty expensive and I thought, I could make my own. And I did. I thought I should attack my prostate issues from both ends, orally and anally. This is how I do it. Very simple and easy. I use coconut oil (organic only). I use 3 heap tablespoons of coconut oil in a coffee cup. Add the same supplements that I mentioned in my earlier post. All the supplements are either in powder form in capsules or oils, so easy as you just open the capsules and pour into the coconut oil. I also add (which you don't have to do) black seed oil (about 30 drops) And the oil from Lycopene soft gel supplement. I put in the microwave for about 12 seconds till it melts the coconut oil and you mix everything together then I pour it into silicone Ice tray. Not the conventional square shape, but a shape that will be easy to slide up your Butt canal. Mine looks like a kit-Kat stick shape I've tray. Perfect size and shape to slide in. After pouring your solution into the ice tray, place in freezer to set and before bed, slide one in. I believe in combating the problem from both ends. The results have been amazing.

Oil Pulling

Posted by Pjjp75 (Chicago, Il, U.s.a.) on 04/03/2010

I have been suffering from frequent urination for awile. I know that my prostate is enlarged.This week I started oil pulling with sesame oil. Is that the right oil and are there any other real remedies for this problem? I have tried some other supplements from the health store which have not helped. I also have hypothyroidism

Replied by Pjjp75
(Chicago, Il, U.s.a.)

What kind of oil pulling is good for the prostate gland or frequent urination?

Olive Oil, Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robinhood 47 (Janesville Ca) on 06/19/2024

Prostate helps, Olive oil and Honey !

One thing that helps, to not get up 2-3 times a night to pee, what I have been doing and it works. Is to take 1 Tbsp of olive oil, and 1 Tbsp of honey, before bed. I don't drink any thing after 8 PM and just pee before bed time, they around 5-6 Am when I get up. I used to get up 2 and sometimes 3 times at night. Now I sleep straight through all night. It was after the second to 3 day, and I do it every night now, works for me hope this help you :)

Replied by tony


Which brand of olive oil and honey do you use?

Thank you

Onion Juice

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jwel2nd (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 03/31/2021

Fresh Onion Juice for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Onions are a very powerful cure. If you have a juicer, 4 medium size onions are enough. Prepare yourself --- it is not tasty. Prepare yourself --- you will possibly see a significant decrease in symptoms the next morning --- I did.

Onion Juice
Posted by Kenneth (North West) on 12/14/2020

I hear onion juice, taken in a quantity of 33cl, three times at 21 days interval each can destroy all toxins in the prostate.

After the 3 doses, you do not take it again until after 10 years. No water should be added to the pounded onions. After the pounding you collect it in a neat cloth and squeeze the juice into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. 8 0nions could be pounded.

Pomegranate Juice

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Posted by Johannes (Eastern Cape) on 09/21/2016

A couple of years ago I experienced a weak flow. Heard about POMEGRANATE juice and have tried it. It is 100% pure and must be kept frozen till usage. It worked even for wife's hot flushes. The product is not available in our province anymore so I am searching again. I did not have PSI checked but a friend to whom I mentioned this, said his count dropped a lot.

Replied by Carolinablueskies55

Would you please tell me why should this juice be kept frozen until usage? Thanks


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Posted by Sharon (Ann Arbor, MI) on 03/05/2008

Due to multiple food and gluten allergies, I've had a history of both constipation, and more recently chronic diarrhea. Psyllium capsules taken at night with a full glass of water, or between meals with a full glass of water has been a lifesaver. I find starting with 2 capsules a day of psyllium husk, then working up gradually by adding 1 or 2 capsules a day to a total of about 10 taken in divided doses of 2 or 3 at a time between meals with lots of water gives no symptoms of gas, bloating, or bad breath. After a week or two of this I usually back off to a small maintenaince dose of 3 capsules, which is about 2 grams of total additional fiber a day.

Unexpected side effects for me included the complete relief of menopausal type hormone flucuations and hot flashes because of the fact that the fiber binds to excess hormones like estrogen and escorts them safely out of the system before they can have side effects. For this reason I would recommend it to anyone who was suffering from hormone related cancers including prostate. It may also help in chemo therapy to bind to the toxins of the drugs that are used and to help remove dead cancer cells from the body. Also pysllium can be a lifesaver when a bout of food poisoning or flu occurs because it binds with the toxins that are the byproduct of the offending bad virus or bacterias. For ANY use of pysllium husks , make sure that after your body becomes healthy and regular, see if you can't wean down on the number of capsules you take by substituting high amounts of quality fruit and vegtables into your diet, then let your body have a complete pysllium break and see how you do. You may have fixed the problem. For some of us who are allergic to many grains we just can't get enough fiber into our normal diet and need to add a little extra. Another help has been to add additional enzymes like bromelain and papaya, to the diet to help properly break down foods and repair intestinal damage. It is important to note that pysllium is NOT a laxative and that your body does not develope a dependency on it, but it DOES bind to vitamins, minerals, and medicines so for that reason is best taken on an empty stomach at leaast 2 hours after food or medicine is ingested, and at least an hour before you eat again.

VERY IMPORTANT: Drink at least one extra 8 oz. glass of water for every 2 capsules taken!

Replied by Sl0j0n

Constipation is usually caused by antibiotics destroying microbiome; fermented foods & probiotics can help restore it. The more strains, the better.

Pumpkin Seeds

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Nevada (Los Angeles) on 09/26/2023

My husband has an enlarged prostate and finds that pumpkin seed oil works well for urine flow. He takes at 1 at night before bed.

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Joni (Crete, Greece) on 01/14/2016

My husband had problems with urination in the night. I had heard that an enlarged prostrate had to do with a zinc deficiency. I had read that pumpkin seeds had a lot of zinc in them, so I bought a bag of pumpkin seeds. He's been eating them every evening for a snack and he said that after some weeks, he no longer has problems in the night.

Replied by Carolinablueskies55

WERE YOU ABLE TO FIND UNSALTED PUMPKIN SEEDS? We love pumpkin seeds, but stopped buying the ones at Dollar General & food Lion bc of they are salty. Thank you.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Carolinablueskies,

I am able to find raw organic unsalted pumpkin seeds at Costco. I would imagine Whole Foods or Trader Joe's would have them if you have either near to you.

~Mama to Many~

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Anonymous (California) on 08/19/2006

Pumpkin seeds (green, raw, no shells), sometimes sold as product Spanish name "Pepitas", ' increase time between urinations due to an enlarged prostate condition. Also prevents getting up in the night to urinate. I had an estimated 30 min. to 40 min. between urination needs due to my enlarged prostate, about an hour if seated during that time. In the "Green Pharmacy" natural cures book, I learned that taking a small handful (approx. 2-3 Tablespoons) of the raw green pumpkin seeds increased my bathroom urination visits to 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours. The longer times when I tend to be seated at work or driving. Two years ago when I took a Teachers entrance qualifying test, I was able to sit through four hours of testing without getting up! I found that in about five days of initially taking pumpkin seeds, I didn't have to get up at night to use the bathroom. I had been getting up once or twice a night, but now I sleep through the night. I was taking medication, but it had undesirable side affects. I stopped taking the medication, I see an urologist every six months, but my PSA still goes up periodically - I've had two episodes of tissue sampling. The benefit of medication is that you have an increased urination flow, unfortunately you don't get that benefit with pumpkin seeds, and there are no side affects with pumpkin seeds. You must take them daily or the benefits cease in a few days. My urologist is aware of my use of pumpkin seeds and no medication. I am grateful to the Green Pharmacy book for this information - giving me a bit of relief. My friends who where skeptical have also benefited by not getting up at night and getting a good nights sleep.

Replied by RAFI

I would like to ask the person who wrote about Pumkin Seed. what time should eat and how long do we need to eat to see a significant change. thanks you so much

Pygeum Bark Powder

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Posted by v (Ridgecrest, CA) on 02/19/2007

My husband takes "Prostrate Formula" by Real Health Labratories it has 300mg Pygeum bark powder. the highest mg i can find as well as all the other ingrediants men need. Real Lab. 1-800-565-6656 or email [email protected] or web. I will be trying the corn silk reciept for my husband as soon as possible. as well as continue our regime of natural health healing.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Surjit (India) on 03/13/2017

Yes, half of Radish a day works good for improve urine flow and evacuates the bladder well. I eat this every late after noon and feel comfortable for night sleep. I am 65, have enlarged prostate having size 35 gms about

This summer I am going to try Tea of Corn silk which is also heard to be reducing swelling of prostate. Corn is available during summer I shall try this summer.

Posted by Charles (Phoenix, AZ) on 12/20/2006

I had heard a second-hand report that eating radish or drinking water in which radish leaves have been boiled helps shrinkage of enlarged prostrate. I have no first-hand experience. Somebody with enlarged prostrate may want to try the above remedy and report on this web site a first-hand experience if the remedy works.

Saw Palmetto

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Vic. Australia) on 09/18/2010

Hi, My husband was suffering night urination and went to the Drs. for the recomended PSA test. The Dr said they were not reliable and did not want to do one. Symptoms did not go away so started him on Saw Palmetto Berries Herbal Supplement. Within days the symptoms were gone. On the days he missed his night dose he again got up. Three months later if a dose or two is missed still no nightly getting up. I believe we got a good quality one that only has saw palmetto berries (600mg), gelatin, medium chain triglycerides, vitamin E & rosemary oil as the only ingredients. My hubby took the recomended dose of three capsules a day. We found this a cheap and effective remedy (cost us approx. USD$5 for a month, plus postage of course). Love this site, Thanks.

Replied by D0c
(Gauteng, South Africa)

Hi, what brand did you use? Regards

Saw Palmetto
Posted by KEN (RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA) on 01/20/2008

At 40 I starting using Saw Palmetto for BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement of the prostate) to control the life altering affects of not being able to urinate and feeling like you have to pee all the time. I have had genital herpes since 1983 or so. I had stress related outbreaks 1-2 times a month for 2o years. healing time about a week. I noticed, how could I not notice that I have had only 1 very small fast heeling (1day) painfree outbreak in 18 months. I take 450 mg once a day in the morning. I also have oral herpes, oh that is embarrassing to say the least. About six months ago I started using an online product from healing natural oils. www. amoils. com I would also get stress related outbreaks on my lips about once a month, with 1-2 weeks to heal. I rub the oil under my feet twice a day. I would always get an out break after being outside all day. Now I have a high stress outbreak about every 6 months, it does not turn into a blister and heals in 24 hours. No unsightly sores to embarrass me in public. I never get an outbreak after being outdoors or camping. I used saw palmetto a year before using the oil, so I know that the saw palmetto worked for me. Hope someone finds this helpful.

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