I am Eastern European who lives in California. I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's Contracture on my left hand palm about 5 years ago at age 48. It was progressing rapidly with growing knot on my palm and ring finger. Over two years ago I started low carb diet and about 16 months ago I got even stricter and begin Ketogenic diet. Amazingly within couple of months knots on my hand went down as well as contracture and pain. Looks like knots continue getting smaller and there is absolutely no pain or contracture. I can freely move my fingers and my hand looks normal except for small area on the palm where there is still small visible knot. Truly amazing considering that my doctor told that contractures will get worse and worse and eventually will have to operate on it. I truly believe that keto diet is the cause for improvement as I experienced other benefits in my health as well.
Dietary Changes
My 79 year old mother totally reversed her dupetryn's contractures and fibromyalgia by following the Epigenetic diet formulated by Dr. Jack Kruse. She started the diet almost one year ago and her symptoms started to get better after just one week of following the diet. Now, only if she strays from the diet does sometimes the pain and other symptoms return on the same or next day. She just has to go back for to eating that way and in a day the symptoms go away again.
My mother had fibro for almost 20 years and DT for the last 4 or 5 years. For me it has gotten rid of knee joint pain and swelling. I can always tell when I am not eating right because the joint pain comes back. As soon as I eat right it goes away again.
The more stricter you can adhere to eating this way the quicker your results. This is a way of eating that you can do for a lifetime without problems. It works for most people. If it doesn't that means it is time to see a professional because there might be something else going on.