CBD Oil plus Massage for Dupuytren's Contracture
I believe mine is in the early stages and was pointed out to me by my massage therapist who specializes in Chinese medicine and reflexology.
I believe the condition is linked to an autoimmune disorder, in my case Rheumatoid Arthritis. I thought the pain and stiffness were just the beginning of the formation of arthritic nodes, but my therapist said no, if I let it go on, my fingers would bend inwards and would not be able to be released. I thought "Oh nuts. Dupuytrens" and got right on it.
I began with applying a drop of CBD oil to the nodes and working it in by massage. At first it hurt a lot, and the nodes were quite pronounced and hard. But the morning after I could see they were quite reduced in size and seemed to be softening. Also the pain was quite noticeably reduced.
I am continuing with the CBD and massage. I use a small rounded pebble to work between my palms. I'm on day four of this course of therapy and the nodes are about 80% reduced in size and pain level.
80% hence 4 stars not 5. Will continue.