Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Diarrhea

Boiled Milk
Posted by Carole (Bridgewater, Nova Scotia) on 12/19/2008

This quick, safe and easy "cure" for diarrhea is ideal for adults, children and even babies. It is a remedy passed down through generations and never fails. I've used it myself, for my son, my husband and just about everyone I've ever known has found relief. What is it? Boiled milk. Simply measure out a cup of regular milk on the stove (not in the microwave) and bring just to a boil. Allow to cool and remove the skin off the top. You can drink it while it's still a bit warm. Ideally you would use 2% milk or even homo (skim milk might be too 'thin'). If you have diarrhea with gas, nausea and/or lots of gut noises, add a few pinches of ginger powder to the milk while heating it. For babies, they should be at an age where they can drink cow's milk. A cup of boiled milk should be enough for anyone at any age and you can drink as much as you want. Why the milk works only when boiled is a mystery to me - but it's easy enough for anyone to try and tastes good too. Results should be within an hour or less.

Boiled Milk
Posted by Carole (Bridgewater, Nova Scotia) on 12/19/2008

This quick, safe and easy "cure" for diarrhea is ideal for adults, children and even babies. It is a remedy passed down through generations and never fails. I've used it myself, for my son, my husband and just about everyone I've ever known has found relief. What is it? Boiled milk. Simply measure out a cup of regular milk on the stove (not in the microwave) and bring just to a boil. Allow to cool and remove the skin off the top. You can drink it while it's still a bit warm. Ideally you would use 2% milk or even homo (skim milk might be too 'thin'). If you have diarrhea with gas, nausea and/or lots of gut noises, add a few pinches of ginger powder to the milk while heating it. For babies, they should be at an age where they can drink cow's milk. A cup of boiled milk should be enough for anyone at any age and you can drink as much as you want. Why the milk works only when boiled is a mystery to me - but it's easy enough for anyone to try and tastes good too. Results should be within an hour or less.

Posted by Kjell (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/01/2008

Diarrhea Remedies: Use of calcium montmorillonite clay, especially with silver nitrate can be a very good way to resolve the bacteria, and bowel irritation and help absorb extra fluids to form a more consistent stool. Use a premium, food-grade product that is made in the USA.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Piper (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 11/28/2008

There has been a bad virus going around laying people up with diarrhea for two, three day straight. I got hit hard and fast last night. Couldn't sleep, of course, and found this site. Tried the ACV (two tablespoons in a coffee mug of warm water). Tossed and turned for twenty more minutes and then fell fast asleep and sleep good all night. Haven't had any since and today was Thanksgiving and I really over did it. So that is a testament to how well this works! Note: is very nasty going down the hatch, however. Great site, saved my holiday.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Piper (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 11/28/2008

There has been a bad virus going around laying people up with diarrhea for two, three day straight. I got hit hard and fast last night. Couldn't sleep, of course, and found this site. Tried the ACV (two tablespoons in a coffee mug of warm water). Tossed and turned for twenty more minutes and then fell fast asleep and sleep good all night. Haven't had any since and today was Thanksgiving and I really over did it. So that is a testament to how well this works! Note: is very nasty going down the hatch, however. Great site, saved my holiday.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawna (Central, Ohio) on 11/22/2008

I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar in a last ditch effort after not having relief from several doses of Pepto. After researching the internet, I found this site and decided to try the ACV. My stomach stopped turning within about 15 minutes.

I took several doses of 2 tablespoons in 8 ounces of water. I did this for several days until I didn't have a weak stomach. I'm not sure if I should have taken it that often, but I did what I needed to. I've reccomended this to my co-workers who all think I'm crazy, but it works!

Thank you for posting, I'm so glad that I tried the ACV. (I've also read on this site that ACV will help to lose weight, if you use it sparinglty. I've not tried this, but thought I would share my new insight.) Thank you!

Banana Peel
Posted by Betty (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 11/20/2008

Banana Peel for dysentery: Years ago, fearful of getting dysentry on our travels to europe, our doctor reassured us that we did not have to worry, as long as there were bananas available- he said to eat the white portion of the banana skin. Over the years we have used this method for this purpose. Start out by using about 1/3rd of the inner skin and increase if needed .. It really works .It has a slightly stringent taste, which can be masked by mixing it with peanut butter or jam.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Miami, Florida) on 11/17/2008

Thank you so much!!! your post just saved me from being stuck in the restroom all night :) worked quick too

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miriam (New York, N.Y.) on 11/04/2008

I've been a fan of earth clinic for almost 2 years now, and finally I can contribute to the feedback! About 3 hours ago I had horrible cramping in my belly. So I went to the bathroom, and lo and behold I had a bad case of diarrhea. I had to go a couple of times. However, I still didn't feel 100% after. So I started thinking about what I ate or if my dog being sick vomiting earlier had anything to do with it. Naturally, I went right here to look up remedies for diarrhea, and good old apple cider vinegar came up! I already had a bottle of organic ACV with the mother (I know.. don't mention labels.. lol), which I have been taking on and off for the last year and half. I took 2 tbls with a glass of water about an hour ago, and now I feel great! Where there was an uneasy feeling and gnawing pain in my lower abdomen, now is replaced by a relieving and soothing, almost cooling, sensation. And NO MORE DIARRHEA... WHAT A RELIEF!!! =D

Posted by Chitown Girl (Chicago, Il) on 10/27/2008

OMG!!!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! To all of you, for these posting, I have been suffering for the past 4 days five nights and I had tried everything, was starting thinking I had to go to the emergency room and thought there was something seriously wrong with me. But I came across this website and and tried the Turmeric tea out and OMG!! Thank you is all I can say God Bless you all, for your info on this matter. Thank you, I can leave my own home and not worry of feeling sick or nauseous and the cramps! Thank you Thank you :)

Posted by Gordon (Columbus, WI) on 10/25/2008

Not sure why I haven't shared this remedy before for diarrhea. I have used it for years with success. I just take an apple with skin on and shred it. I eat anywhere from 1/2 to all the apple. It has cured diarrhea every time. I have used this remedy with success for more than 10 years. Doesn't matter what brand of apple but I tend to use one that isn't real sweet.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Rae (Pearl City, Hawaii) on 10/07/2008

Pickle Juice (remedy) for Diarrhea:

My family has been using this remedy for years and years. It really works!!! This remedy is used when you have a bad case of diarrhea. Just take at least 3Tbsp. of pickle juice (from the regular plain Dill Pickles jar) and right away you'll start to feel better and you won't have to worry about running to the bathroom. It really works wonders!!! Good Luck!!!

Posted by Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 10/07/2008

I had a stomach problem similar to yours some years ago (most things I ate gave me a terrible stomach ache and diarrhea.). I suffered from this condition for more than an year, and did not find relief with allopathic treatment. Finally what cured me completely is Ayurvedic treatment. It was a simple treatment and gave me complete relief in a few weeks.

The ayurvedic treatment just comprised of having a couple of medicines (one kashayam(potion) and 1 leham(a paste)) couple of times a day for around 3 months. The kashayam was to clear out infections and soothe the stomach, whereas the leham was to aid digestion. After 3 months, I was given another leham to strengthen the stomach.

I found relief right from the first few weeks. The treatment was very simple. The brand of Ayurvedic medicine that I used was 'Kotakkal Arya Vaidya Shala'.

Apart from trying ayurvedic medicine, you could do yoga pranayam also, particularly Kapalbhati pranayam (start by doing for 2 mins, then increase gradually according to comfort and do daily for 20 minutes.) Here is the video link to see how it is done:
http://knowyoga.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kapal Bhati Pranayam

Good luck! Do post back on what cured you.

Posted by Crystal (New York, NY) on 10/03/2008

It sounds like Crohn's disease. My sister suffers from this, so I am somewhat familiar with what you're going through. Unfortunately, my sister hasn't found any natural treatment for it and is on medication. I guess it's not the best thing for your body, but it stops the diarrhea and at least she can eat a normal diet. I wish you the best.

Posted by Michele (Melbourne, Florida) on 10/03/2008

This will probably stump everyone, but I have had bad 'rhea for over 20 years. It has hindered my life, in a way, that I won't date or travel with anyone. I've been to the doctor and a few days ago given a prescription for a stomache infection because I was cramping. Medication is done and I still have the rhea and the cramping. I have not eaten or drank a thing today and it started out semi-solid and within 4 trips to the bathroom, it slowly went right back to the 'rhea. I can't even tell you how this has taken over my life. I am afraid to go places and when I do, I know where the bathrooms are on my route. PLUS, I have now gotten as low as buying adult diapers and bringing extra clothes with me even when traveling within my own town. I am going to try the Tumeric but I'd like to know, is it good for just a day or will it keep it away?

Posted by James (Summit, NJ) on 09/23/2008

Recently I went to India. When I returned I started to have diarrhea. I thought it would go away in a day or two but it did not. After five days of misery I went to the CVS and bought keopectate. Didn't work. I tried a vegetable diet, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, nothing worked. Now it's ten days and I'm fifteen pounds lighter, weak, and finding it hard to keep hydrated not to mention that going to the bathroom was now agony. I was ready to go to my doctor/hospital.

My wife who was still in India told me to take Tumeric. There was a big container of it so I mixed a heaping teaspoon in a glass of water and drank it down. Slightly bitter but I liked the taste. The next morning I took another dose and that was it. My stomach settled right down and a day later it was gone. Really amazing.

Posted by Benita (Atlanta, GEORGIA) on 09/16/2008

I had a very severe sore throat. I tried the ACV with honey & garlic and it helped a great deal. I added lemon juice to the mixture for good measure. Also when, I had "the runs", I used Tumeric and it was almost working immediately. So this is a YEA for home remedies.
