Natural Remedies

Colloidal Silver, Vitamin D Protocol for Colon Cancer

on Jun 07, 2022| Modified on Dec 25, 2024
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Colloidal Silver Vitamin D

by Art Solbrig
June 07, 2022

Disclaimer: Art Solbrig, an independent contributor, offers information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by Art or by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

Colon Cancer: An Anecdotal Report 


I am writing this to make an anecdotal report of a friend who had outstanding results in treating her colon cancer effectively. I am not endorsing what she did; I am only reporting her condition, treatment, and results. Colon Cancer is a severe life-threatening condition, and you should always consult with your oncologist regarding any treatment you are considering using.

Around Thanksgiving 2021, a close friend came to visit and brought his sister with him, who I will call Iris. While we were talking, Iris told me that she had just been diagnosed with colon cancer ("CC") and was very concerned. She told me that they also found lumps in her breasts and were going to schedule further testing to determine the lumps' status.

I told her that I was aware of 15 or so supplements that studies have shown potential to fight colon cancer and might be helpful as adjunctive treatment to her oncologist's treatment plan and asked if she wanted to know about them, and she said yes.

I told her only about five supplements because five supplements are doable, but compliance becomes a problem with 15 or more supplements. She agreed that 15 might be more than she would be able to take, but she felt that she would be able to handle five supplements.

I emphasized to Iris that she would have to get her oncologist's approval and supervision because any of the five supplements could react badly with his treatment plan, which could be very dangerous for her. She said she planned on starting as soon as her doctor approved her five supplements.

I don't see Iris often and mainly only hear about her from my friend, her brother. In February of this year (2022), he told me that she was not able to take two of the supplements because she could not tolerate them, and he also told me that she had not ordered one of the supplements, so that meant she was only taking two of the five supplements.

Recently I attended the funeral of a friend's mother, who had passed away. I ran into Iris at the funeral and we got to talking. She smiled at me and said, thank you! I asked why she was thanking me, and she said that she no longer had colon cancer and the lumps in her breasts were gone.

I asked her what happened, and she said that she had only ended up taking two of the five supplements, and apparently, those two had worked. Iris told me that she went back to the oncologist for the appointment for testing of the lumps in her breast, and the lumps were gone.

They also determined that she no longer had colon cancer. She mentioned to her doctor that she was now having chest pains, and he said it might be heart problems and referred her to a heart specialist. She is currently waiting for that appointment.

Vitamin D and Colloidal Silver Daily Dosages

Iris told me that the two supplements that she did take out of the five were vitamin D and Colloidal Silver ("CS"). I asked her how much she took of each one.

She said that she took 10,000 IU of vitamin D every day and 10 mg of CS every day. This dose of CS is equivalent to a 16-ounce or 500 ml bottle of 20 ppm CS every day.

She told me that she drank a bottle every day for an entire month and then stopped. This is the same dose that I normally use as a maintenance dose in myself after doing one week of a loading dose of 20 mg per day when trying to fight pathogens in my body.

These higher doses are based on the amount of blood in the body, the amount of silver that has proven to kill pathogens, and the amount of silver absorbed through oral intake.

She didn't do a loading dose as I normally do, but she did use the same maintenance dose that I often use.

Studies show that CS has demonstrated the potential to fight Colon Cancer, and I will list several of these below.

I have no way of knowing whether the CS and or vitamin D is the reason for her remission, but she told me she didn't do anything else, and studies clearly show that Colloidal Silver is active against Colon Cancer in testing. Iris said to me that while she had ill effects from two of the five supplements she tried, the vitamin D and CS gave her no problems.

Colloidal Silver for Colon Cancer Studies

Here is a study link showing that CS is active against CC :

Here is a relevant quote from the study. AgNPs is the acronym for colloidal silver nanoparticles.

>>>  Notably, AgNPs altered all phenotypes or functions of cells in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, our research provided a new paradigm for revealing the killing mechanisms of AgNPs against colon cancer cells from single-cell biophysical aspects, which could advance AgNP-based nanotechnology cancer therapy. <<<

Here is another study :

Here is a quote from the study :

>>> The findings indicated that the green fabricated AgNPs have the potential as a promising approach toward the colon cancer therapy.  <<<

Another study :

Here is a quote from the study that suggests that the effective dose of CS is doable in humans :

>>>  SRB assay expressed biomass-stabilized AgNPs as effective cytotoxic particles against HCT116 colon cancer cells, and the IC50 was measured at 1.7 µg/mL. Annexin V apoptosis assay further confirmed that the AgNPs induce apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. Experimental evidence manifested that the AgNPs arrest cell cycle and expressed entrapment of a greater number of cells in the Sub-G1 phase, further verifying the anti-cancer abilities of AgNPs.  <<<

Another study, this one testing both silver or gold nanoparticles against colon cancer cells, and an important point that this study makes is that CS also uses the generation of reactive oxygen species ("ROS") as one of its many methods of action to fight cancer. Many chemotherapy drugs also use ROS as a method of action to destroy cancer cells, but generally, the drugs create more ROS, which at high levels can also significantly damage normal cells :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' The results of the present study suggest that herbonanoceutics-mediated synthesis opens a new era for cancer therapeutic application, which combines the active ingredients of plant extracts and the benefits of nanosystems. The overall results demonstrated that the biologically synthesized AgNPs have more antiproliferative activity in comparison with PS extract and Au NPs which may be due to induction of apoptosis in the HCT-116 cancer cell line. Moreover, our result confirms that the new adopted synthesis method ensures the dual benefits from phyto ingredients which further enhances the effectiveness of advanced nanomedicine. ' <<<

This next study is interesting because it also shows that CS that has been capped has stronger anti-cancer effects in other forms of cancer such as breast and bone cancer as well as colon cancer. Capped colloidal silver means it has been made using a capping agent like gelatin.

Here is an important quote from the study :

>>> Capped silver nanoparticles (cAgNPs) showed excellent anticancer against MCF-7, HCT-116, and MG-63 cancer lines as compared to AgNPs. These cAgNPs showed less toxicity towards normal 3T3 skin fibroblast cells. The cAgNPs also showed the excessive release of LDH, which confirms the increase in the apoptosis of the cancer cells by using the IC50 concentration on dose-dependent manner. The DNA analysis showed complete fragmentation of treated cells when compared with a marker on an agarose gel. Hence these cAgNPs could be used as an effective antitumor agent but needs further cytotoxic studies and target drug delivery to avoid the toxicity on normal cells. <<<

Another study shows the anti-cancer potential of CS against CC :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> MTT assay reveals that AgNPs had shown good anti-cancer activity against HT29 cells with the IC50 value of 150.8 µg/mL. Based on the study findings, it is concluded that AgNPs synthesized using rhizome of Z. officinale and C. longa have potential anti-cancer properties. '<<<

This new study ( April 2022) is important because it goes into very significant detail about multiple methods of action and multiple pathways by which CS fights CC. I do not believe this is a complete list :

Here is an important quote from the study :

>>> The predictive analysis results indicated that the administration of AgNPs causes dysregulation of genes related to cell-cell adhesion, cytoplasm, centriole, and carbon metabolism, which contributes to anti-cancer activity. It was determined that the deregulation of hub genes GAPDH, ENO1, EEF2, and ATP5A1 causes cellular apoptosis and antiproliferative and antimetastatic effects. Finally, hub genes and immune cell infiltration were related, finding a positive correlation between ATP5A1 with CD4+ T and dendritic cells. Similarly, a positive correlation between the ENO1 gene with CD4+ T cells was observed. Alternatively, a negative correlation between GAPDH and NK cells was discovered. These findings are fascinating since the administration of AgNPs impacts these genes and, in turn, the infiltration of cells of the immune system to promote the anti-cancer activity in CRC. <<<

Here is another study where they used different dosages of CS to determine the effectiveness of each dose to fight CC, and they showed that CS dose-dependently was toxic to CC cells while also decreasing cell viability :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> Silibinin assisted silver nano-particles had a spherical shape with an average size of 10 to 80 nm. SSNPs treatments induced dose-dependent cytotoxicity with a concomitant decrease in the cell viability in human colorectal cancer cell line. SSNPs treatment induced p53 protein expression and this could be the possible reason behind the apoptotic changes observed in this study. Thus, SSNPs is a potential therapeutic candidate for in vivo evaluation in the fight against colon cancer. <<<

And another study which is interesting because it shows that in rats that were chemically treated to induce CC, CS returned the rats back to normalcy :

Here is a quote from the study :

>>> M. oleifera nano-extract restored levels of the hematological and biochemical measurements in addition to levels of tumor and inflammatory markers to normalcy in both of nano-extract simult- and post-treated groups. Also, it minimized severity of the histopathological alterations in the simult-treated group and prevented it completely in the post-treated group.

The nano-extract prevented the qualitative and quantitative alterations in the different electrophoretic patterns in addition to restoring levels of the gene expressions to normalcy in both of simult- and post-treated groups. <<<

The following study is significant because it clearly demonstrates that CS is synergistic with 5 Fluorouracil, one of the most commonly used chemotherapy drugs :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> In this study, it has been shown in vitro that the use of successfully biosynthesized Vv-AgNPs in combination with 5-FU exhibits synergistic cytotoxic, antiproliferative, apoptotic, and oxidative effects against HT-29 cell line. <<<

One last study and this is a very important one because it reveals that the growth inhibition effects of CS is 34.5 times higher than chemotherapy agent Carboplatin and it also clearly shows the low cytotoxicity of CS to normal cells and tissue at cancer toxic doses :

Here is an important quote from the study :

>>> In summary, the results obtained in this work show that a high amount of PVP used as a coating agent to obtain AgNP formulations, independently of polymer length, generates a wide therapeutic window for selective cytotoxic agents to BALB/c mice compared to the first-line chemotherapeutic agent, carboplatin. <<<

It should be noted that PVP is also a capping agent like gelatin is a capping agent.


These studies and many many more studies illustrate that Colloidal Silver is a potent anti-cancer agent and not just for Colon Cancer.

My impression based on these studies is that it has a better safety profile than most cancer drugs at the dosing level needed to fight cancer. Given that the current cancer treatment standards have been in place for many decades and come with some serious side effects that include death, the time is long overdue to start looking at options such as CS by the medical and scientific communities in actual people with cancer.

The safety profile of CS is already known. People around the world are using CS for many different purposes, and Iris is a perfect example of how CS was employed to extremely good benefit by her.

I can't say that this will work for everyone with colon cancer, but the studies show it is effective in multiple tested colon cancer cell lines at dosing levels that are doable in humans. I have been using these higher dosing levels of CS such as Iris used and have not had problems with it. On the contrary, it has worked well, and I have used it with no apparent side effects. How much more proof is needed to make CS a mainstream treatment in many forms of cancer?

If Iris contacts me again with any updates, I will post them.


Where to Buy Colloidal Silver

We are pleased to announce that since the fall of 2021, Earth Clinic manufactures and sells 20ppm Colloidal Silver on Amazon (available with Prime Shipping) and the Earth Clinic Shop. We plan on offering quarts of concentrated 320ppm colloidal silver this fall (2022) to make it cost-effective for high-dose colloidal silver protocols like the one mentioned above by Art.


About The Author

Art Solbrig is a researcher who has been reading scientific studies and testing natural remedies for over 30 years searching for useful studies and alternatives that apply positively to human health issues and natural treatments using minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, combination treatments, and other alternatives to improve the quality of life of others by writing about his findings and test results in places like Earth Clinic. He documents and writes about many of his experiences in helping others. Art is a native of sunny California.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Colloidal Silver Dilution

Posted by Kat (Knoxville) on 06/27/2022

Hi Art,

I wonder if you could help me with a dosage question? I have CS that is 120ppm, and I'm not sure how to cut that down to the 16 oz. of 20ppm. Should I take 3.33 oz. per day? Or dilute the 120ppm CS by 1/6th to make it 20ppm? Math is not my forte - help! And thank you!

Replied by Art
2391 posts

Hi Kat,

Math is not my forte either, but I will give it a shot. Your 120 ppm CS solution is 6 times the strength of an equal amount of 20 ppm CS. So if you take one ounce of your 120 ppm and combine it with 5 ounces of distilled water, you should have 6 ounces of 20 ppm CS. Similarly if you take one cup of your 120 ppm CS and combine it with 5 cups of distilled water, you should have 6 cups of 20 ppm CS. Also similarly, if you have a 16 ounce bottle of 120 ppm CS and add five 16 ounce bottles of distilled water to it, you should have six 16 ounce bottles of 20 ppm.

I am more accustomed to diluting 320 ppm because that is what I mainly make and I use tablespoons of the 320 ppm and add those to specific amounts of distilled water to achieve 20 ppm dilutions.


Ionic Silver Vs Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jen (Australia) on 11/01/2022

On the one hand, Art, your story of this woman's success with CS is fabulous news...However, I have now switched to Ionic silver NO longer colloidal as it was said that the CS especially if used in higher doses can and will turn your skin / grey blue. and that is irreversible... so as we did not want this color we changed to Ionic silver as even my health food store owner told me that the owner of the other Coloidial silver brand... that he still sells to people that want this..... is taking larger quantities and his skin has turned blue.... from experience the silver I also a successful one stop shop for any woman with painful breast cysts >>>> definitely no need to see any "expert" as this taken for say 2-4 days will remove all discomfort, and worry.

I would be interested to hear more of this "treatment"!! And any side effects!!??

In good health Jen

Replied by Art
2391 posts

Editor's Choice Hi Jen,

There is not one single documented case in science of a person getting argyria from using silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and when you understand how argyria develops in the first place, it makes sense that you wouldn't get argyria from AgNPs because the particles are too large to be able to easily enter cells, a critical step required for the development of argyria.

Silver ions are significantly smaller than AgNPs and these ions can enter into cells because of their very small size, but once inside the cell they can bond to other molecules in the cell and once they bond, they are then too large to be able to ever exit the cell and that is why argyria is irreversible. These combined molecules can be photo reactive and change color when exposed to various light sources such as the sun and if the cells containing these molecules are close to the surface of the skin, it can give the skin a bluish gray color. This is similar to the process involved in the development of old polaroid pictures. Once the photo was ejected from the camera, the photo reacted with the surrounding light in the room and slowly developed over the period of about a minute or two.

The person who is famous for argyria is Paul Karason, but at the time that he was popular, he was making his own silver at home and at that time, making AgNPs at home was not common at all unless you were a scientist with access to a lab, which he wasn't. What ever he was making, it was capable of causing argyria, but he was taking massive amounts of it everyday. He kept taking what he was making even after he started turning blue and this got him on many talk shows which made him famous. Why would anyone continue to take something that he knew was turning him blue?

By comparison, a friend of mine who had HIV and no insurance took 16 ounces of yellow 20 ppm AgNPs everyday for two years to control his HIV until he could get insurance again. He did not turn blue or get argyria.

I myself have been using AgNPs as needed for years and I have not turned blue. Even silver ions when taken at dosing levels that most people would use to treat different ailments is not enough to cause argyria. It takes very large amounts for long periods of time that most people would never use.



What a great detailed explanation. Thank you... the info I have is from a trustworthy source... so I shall if I may, print out your explanation and hand it over to the person who told me otherwise!!??

2391 posts


Ted is a brilliant man, but there are some things he is wrong about in what he wrote that you linked to. Argyria is irreversible and there has been no research to date to show otherwise :

In a description Ted says the following :

' However, there is ANOTHER way, that DOES NOT REQUIRE you to wait for three days to fully digest the free Silver. When I make a batch of colloidal silver, using the silver wire or silver rods as an electrode using any D.C. adapter, the BEGINNING solution is distilled water with a 0.5% H2O2 concentration, which is 1/2 percent H2O2 concentration, or approximate amount such as one tablespoon (plastic spoons!) of 3% H2O2 in a 1 or 1.5 liter of colloidal silver is generally sufficient, to prevent any free metal silver form occuring. '

What he is describing is not colloidal silver as he used no reducing agent and using "any DC adapter" without also using current limiting will not allow you to accurately know what parts per million batch you are making.

That post by Ted appears to have been made in 2007 and like all of Ted's posts, they are not static and as time passes and new information is brought forth, Ted always updated his protocols as the science dictated. I feel certain that if Ted was still posting and updating his protocols as was his usual, his writings about colloidal silver would have evolved and would look significantly different today than they did 15 years ago.



Also - remember that the "smurf" guy drank a gallon of Colloidal Silver brewed with salt, every day!! That is bad, just all bad. And look what it did! He was probably paid to do that by BigHarma as a turnoff to the masses about Colloidal Silver (it worked). Smurf guy even admitted he drank too much of it. Nobody needs that much, but what he drank was actually called Colloidal Silver Iodide. There is information out there about the dangers of brewing CS with salt (to speed up the process, what a ridiculous reason! ). Don't do it. Get or make the good stuff only. Please.

The Brand Coated Silver

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 06/08/2022

I wanted to share with the EC community interesting feedback I got on the brand Coated Silver, which offers 20,000 ppm (parts per million) Colloidal Silver. Most brands, including EC, offer 10-20 ppm Colloidal Silver for comparison. We thought this brand might be a good option to post about as the extraordinarily high concentration could be more affordably diluted down to the mg dosage in Art's colon cancer protocol for those who don't make colloidal silver at home.

Yesterday I emailed Kephra, the founder of the colloidal silver/colloidal gold forum and undoubtedly one of the world's leading experts on CS and CG to get his feedback about the extensive scientific claims made on their website, which I read here:

Kephra replied: "I am pretty sure it is a scam. Even the description of the operation is incorrect. Silver ions are not exactly the antibacterials. To be effective, the silver ions must be created when the silver nanoparticle gets within atomic distances to the bacteria. This happens with silver nanoparticles because the nanoparticle and the bacteria have opposite electric charges. Opposites attract. Ions are positive charge the same as bacteria, and therefore would repel and not contact the bacteria. When a silver nanoparticle is attracted to a bacteria, the difference in electrical charge causes a nano lightning bolt between them and burns a hole in the bacterial membrane causing the bacteria to essentially bleed to death. The voltage difference is on the order of 1 million volts per meter. Once the nanoparticle burns the hole. it also creates a silver ion which enters the bacteria through the hole it just burned.

I really doubt anyone's ability to make a stable solution with that much silver. 20,000 ppm is 20 grams of silver per liter."

A member of the forum had this reply to Kephra:

"I've heard this explanation from Kephra before, but the part I don't understand is that he says silver ions and bacteria are positively charged. When I look at the literature regarding the charge of bacteria, it looks like most bacteria are negatively charged:,charge%20of%20bacterial%20cell%20walls.

"Most bacterial cells possess an overall negative charge at neutral pH due to the presence of peptidoglycan, which is rich in carboxyl and amino groups. Teichoic acids containing phosphate-rich components also contribute to the negative charge of bacterial cell walls."

Kephra replied: "I know this is confusing because of the way the charge is measured.

A silver nanoparticle itself is negative because of the free electrons on its surface. But these electrons attract positive ions in what is called the slip layer. The slip layer is what is actually measured as zeta potential. So from the standpoint of zeta potential, the nanoparticle is positive because it's that layer of positive ions surrounding the particle that is actually measured.

The same holds true for the cell surface and surface of bacteria. So if a particle or cell surface is actually negative, it will test as positive because of the slip layer. For any of this to make sense, everything should be measured the same way but they are not."

Thought I would share this feedback with the community.

Replied by Bill

As regards my own use of colloidal silver or nano silver, I would always use nano silver that had a solution concentration of 10ppm with a nano particle size of 10nm or less. There are good reasons for this.

We've also had a similar conversation on EC about colloidal silver usage for vs. the Ebola virus way back in 2014. Here's what Ted from Bangkok had to say about using colloidal nano silver:

"Department of Defense know already the cure for Ebola. It is nano silver not colloidal silver at 1 to 10 parts per million to be effective, any more is not effective. Must be prepared at very high voltage DC at least 300 v DC at 10 degrees celsius. The size should be between 1 to 10 nanometers prepared in a refrigerator set at 10 degrees Celsius under dark conditions with very pure water. Most colloidal silver is actually ionic silver and you need colloidal silver. This is a proven technology which has been declassified by the government. Colloidal silver of nano sized operate on quantum physics. So it is not about pushing high ppm it is about the size of silver which can be exposed to ultraviolet or indigo violet range to further the size down to nanometer without being exposed to broad light band. So most colloidal Silver out there is in fact ionic silver. There are many ways of producing colloidal silver of nanometer but I simply don't have the time to test them. Ted"


My own views are completely based upon what Ted has said about using CS as well as being based on some critical research carried out by Janice Speshock and Saber Hussain in 2009 at the US Air Force National Laboratory:

From the above research, they discovered that:

  • 10ppm was by far the most effective concentration of CS used against viruses.
  • 10nm nano size was the most effective CS particle size.
  • Uncoated silver nano particles were much more effective than protein coated nano particles silver.

In the above research, it was found that CS was effective against many viruses -- including HFV, EBV, Enveloped RNA viruses, Marburg virus, Candida, Lassa fever virus etc etc.

Ted also advised putting several drops drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the his colloidal silver, which helps to prevent the unwanted clumping together of nano silver particles that result in much larger silver particles that will, in the end, be less effective. Smaller nano particles can easily be disseminated and distributed to the peripheral tissue regions of the body whereas larger clumped nano particles cannot travel to the body's peripheral regions to successfully reach ALL tissues.

I will always go by what Ted from Bangkok says, which is also supported by just one piece of very valid government research (see above link). Therefore for me, I would always make sure to buy and use CS at a concentration of 10ppm and with a 10nm particle size (or less) -- nothing else will do!! And I would also probably add 2 or 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide -- as recommended by Ted -- to my bottle of colloidal silver to help stabilize the CS to make sure that unwanted clumping of the silver nanoparticles never occurs.


If you already have 20 ppm or higher colloidal silver, it can be diluted down to 10 ppm if that is what you want. If you have 20 ppm CS, just add an equal amount of distilled water to it and you will have 10 ppm CS.


Vitamin D and Colloidal Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Earth Clinic on 06/07/2022

Don't miss Art's new article and extensive research on the two supplements that helped a friend's sister with colon cancer!

Thank you so much, Art! ❤️

Replied by Jim

A friend 87 yrs old makes and drink CS. Been doing at least 30 yrs. Recently had a section of his colon removed due to cancer. Drinking CS is BS.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

The issue with constantly drinking CS is that you're constantly bathing the digestive tract in active anti-biotics that, until they are flushed out, kill and continue to kill microbes. I don't know if silver kills friendly flora or not BUT starvation absolutely WILL. If you eliminate the "bad" guys, you also eliminate the "good" guys that feed on them.

"Bad" guys aren't bad. They're "good" guy food and "good" guys eat a LOT which is why "bad" guys repopulate so fast after a round of anti-biotics. "Good" guys reproduce slower and their population is controlled by how much food is available. No food, no "good" guys.

In addition - I suspect the most critical issue with aging is the lessening of physical activity - or, what I call the anti-rebounding effect. Physical activity/rebounding generates white blood cells which have no problem killing off cancer so, the less you move, the less natural cleaning and maintenance gets done.

Replied by Art
2391 posts


Normally people use colloidal silver in very small doses of teaspoons or tablespoons. Iris was drinking 16 ounces of 20 ppm CS or 30.7 tablespoons everyday and I doubt that three or four teaspoon or tablespoon dosing of CS will have the same effect.

Another consideration is that there are many different concentrations of silver in CS. I saw a product the other day that was only 3 parts per million and I have seen 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm on up to 20, 000 ppm. The point being that the amount of actual silver that you are getting is what matters.

Lastly, Iris was using CS that was capped and in two of the studies I highlighted, they showed that capped CS was more effective than uncapped CS at fighting colon cancer cells.

Iris was apparently using the dose that was effective for her and that is no BS.


(Austin, Tx)

Hi Art,

I'd like to know how Iris took this 20 ppm colodial silver with 8 oz distilled water. Was it drunk in one sitting, first thing in morning on empty stomach, and nothing else for 20-30 minutes? Or was it consumed throughout the day in between meals? I'd like to try the vitamin D + colloidal silver myself but want to do it properly. I'm not afraid of the other comments, and if it doesn't work, its not going to hurt me. I also have some food grade hydrogen peroxide, I'm happy to add a drop if you think that may help as well.

Replied by Laura

Great article. Thanks for posting. Any idea what the dosage of CS would be at 10ppm? I read in one of the links you provided that many factors depend on the PPM and that if you go lower, there could be adverse consequences. Thoughts?

2391 posts

Thank you for saying so, Laura!

I think with CS, as with other supplements and prescription medications, too low of a dose may be ineffective and too high of a dose may be toxic and the right dose may achieve the desired effect.

With 10 ppm CS, that is half the silver content of 20 ppm CS. So you would take twice as much 10 ppm to be equivalent to a 20 ppm CS dose. It is the amount of total silver that is important. If you had 40 ppm CS, you would take half the dose in order to equal a 20 ppm dose. Here are some equivalent amounts of silver as examples:

4 ounces of 320 ppm

8 ounces of 160 ppm

16 ounces of 80 ppm

1 quart of 40 ppm

2 quarts of 20 ppm

4 quarts of 10 ppm

8 quarts of 5 ppm

These 7 examples above are all delivering approximately the same 40 mg of silver.


2391 posts


Animal studies indicate that CS can kill good gut microbes, but the gut microbiome can recover once the CS usage is stopped. In the case of CC, given that it can be fatal, you have to figure that into the equation also. Iris only used high dose CS for one month and then stopped.

I almost never recommend taking CS continuously through life as you might take vitamin D, especially at low dose as that can allow for bacterial resistance to CS to occur. There are already some bacteria that are resistant to CS. CS has shown benefit in dealing with bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics such as MRSA and VRSA. It would be nice to be able to maintain this benefit from CS for many many years to come.


(somewhere, europe)

Cindy, after restarting my own version of rebounding, the surge in energy the day after, is quite amazing! Thank you. (My version is simply heel lifts, coming down hard(ish) after each lift. Just about 10 or 20, two or three times a day did the trick for me.)

2391 posts

Hi Robyn,

Iris told me that she sipped her 500 ml or 16 ounce bottle of 20 ppm CS throughout the day. She never mentioned anything about further diluting it with 8 ounces of distilled water.

It is a fine line with HP and adding it to CS. Too much HP can potentially breakdown the CS and cause agglomeration of the silver nanoparticles which can turn the CS suspension a gray color, especially if the AgNPs have a weak or no capping agent. Once it turns gray, it is no longer effective. I generally never use the two together for this reason.

From my point of view, I had recommended she take other supplements with the AgNPs and vitamin D, but she was unable to tolerate the other 3 supplements and consequently stopped taking them. Had she told me that early on, I would have suggested three other replacement supplements to potentially improve her chances for recovery, but she only told me that much later and did not seem open to the idea of 3 replacement supplements.


Vitamin D and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jeff (Georgia) on 06/07/2022

She drank 16oz/day of CS? $63 (including tax) per day. $1900/month

Replied by Art
2391 posts


Yes, that is what she used and yes it is expensive in comparison to other supplements. I think she was trying to see if it would help because she told me she was afraid to go the chemotherapy route. If you are comparing it to chemotherapy and the current standard of care for CC treatment, I imagine CS would be at the bottom end of the cost scale. She didn't skimp on cost and she told me she also got a capped CS product because I showed her the studies that I listed in this report that showed that capped CS was more effective than uncapped CS in the studies. I also use capped CS when I use it. Bottom line for Iris is she is happy with the results she got and glad she tried it before going ahead with her oncologist's therapy.



Where does one purchase capped CS? Fighting BC. Thank you for sharing your friend's sister's testimony. ~j

Elizabeth T
(Boise, ID)

I have seen the “capped silver” or “capped colloidal silver” mentioned. And that it can be made with gelatin.

1) What would be the layman's term for this product so that I could look for it and purchase it? Is it a gel colloidal silver? Or what is it? Using “capped silver” as a search term online only brings you to studies using it but it is a mysterious substance.

2) Can you use CS and dilute it with something or add to it to create the same effect as “capped” CS?

3). I have seen very little if any mention of structured silver at least, on this site. Would this work as well as “capped” silver?

2391 posts

Hi Elizabeth T,

Capped silver nanoparticles is what is mostly used in studies because it is more stable in animals and humans. By more stable, I mean the silver particles in the colloidal silver suspension are more resistant to agglomeration or aggregation, where the silver particles start to bind with one another to the point where the particles, at the extreme, become so big that they fall out of suspension and can sometimes be seen on the bottom of the container as small dark or black dots. Particles that reach this size that can become visible to the human eye are no longer nanoparticles and are no longer effective as an antimicrobial agent.

There are a multitude of capping agents used in these studies. Some natural plant based reducing agents such as cinnamon can also act as capping agents. Some capping agents are stronger than others and can potently resist agglomeration. A decent capping agent should be able to resist agglomeration indefinitely in storage and these products can look exactly the same even 10 or more years after they are made. The color and clarity of the silver nanoparticles can remain unchanged over a decade or more.

Also importantly, the capping agent can help the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) not to agglomerate in the human body and remain stable, even in the stomach where acid and other molecules can cause aggregation of uncapped AgNPs. The intact capping agent allows the AgNPs to remain stable and of appropriate particle size to effectively destroy various pathogens as the particles come into molecular proximity of the pathogens or actually contact the pathogens and ultimately destroy the pathogens after breaching the cell wall, releasing silver ions to enter through the breach and destroy the pathogen .

The above is a very basic and partial explanation of why capping agents are important and why they are used on AgNPs. The actual process is much more complex. Here is a link to an article that may help you better understand the relevance of using capping agents on AgNPs :

Here are some relevant article quotes :

Interaction between capping agent and AgNPs provide stability over time.

Capping agents prevent the aggregation of silver nanoparticles.

The shape and size of the silver nanoparticles are controlled by capping agents.

Unfortunately, manufacturers of colloidal silver and ionic silver products rarely use a capping agent and if they do, they do not mention it or say what agent was used on the AgNPs. Scientific suppliers will make AgNPs to whatever standards are needed for various trials and studies and these AgNPs are very often capped.

I am not sure, but I think EC still sells capped AgNPs that are 20 ppm and crystal clear yellow in color.


Vitamin D and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Prana Student (Queensland) on 06/07/2022

Art Solberg's article on Colloidal Silver (CS) and Vitamin d3 is welcome news. We have used CS for more than 20 years episodically. We make our own CS so a supply is always at hand. We keep our Vit d levels at the upper end of the range and feel these two things have worked wonders for our aging bodies in resisting several infections and probably rapid abnormal cellular division as well.

I have used CS as a Trojan Horse to ameliorate diverticulitis. As I have to take psyllium husks/powder routinely I used silver solution to mix the psyllium in before drinking it down as a liquid immediately after mixing, followed by a large glass of filtered water.

The fiber in the husks virtually scrapes sludge from the much of the villi of the intestine where bacteria and yeast overgrowth thrive on decaying food in the pockets known as diverticula sacks. This can create dangerous and life threatening infections. The silver content kills much of the excess microorganisms to help restore balance. Excessive use can virtually sterilize the bowel which is bad, so, as I used this treatment on several occasions, it's always complemented with probiotics/ yogurt / kefir and fermented foods like sour kraut.

Replied by Art
2391 posts

Prana Student,

That is a very interesting use of CS! Out of curiosity, does CS by itself have any effect on the diverticulitis?

