Natural Remedies

Colloidal Silver, Vitamin D Protocol for Colon Cancer

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Ionic Silver Vs Colloidal Silver
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 11/10/2022

Also - remember that the "smurf" guy drank a gallon of Colloidal Silver brewed with salt, every day!! That is bad, just all bad. And look what it did! He was probably paid to do that by BigHarma as a turnoff to the masses about Colloidal Silver (it worked). Smurf guy even admitted he drank too much of it. Nobody needs that much, but what he drank was actually called Colloidal Silver Iodide. There is information out there about the dangers of brewing CS with salt (to speed up the process, what a ridiculous reason! ). Don't do it. Get or make the good stuff only. Please.
