Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

Hypothalamus Glandular Pill
Posted by Dutchie (Toronto/Amsterdam) on 08/28/2014

How I cured my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome virtually overnight:

Let me just say I'm a 38 yr old male, I been suffering from CFIDS for almost 15 yrs now. This is a very frustrating disease. You go through periods where you'll feel well, then you'll go out and play some sports, and the next day you are so exhausted you cannot get out of bed.

So how did I cure myself?? Well, it wasn't by going to doctors, although they were helpful here and there. But to cure yourself you most likely won't get it from a pharma script, at least that was the case with me. You need it from a natural source.

Every CFIDS is different, so I can't guarantee this will work for everyone. If you have Lyme disease this may not work. But it might help some people who are going through the same thing I was.

The main reason why people suffer from CFIDS is because their hormonal system is out of whack. Hormone comes from the Greek term meaning “to spur on”. If your body isn't producing hormones at an optimum level, you will most likely have very little energy and feel tired all the time.

The master hormone gland in your body is the Hypothalamus gland. It controls the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and all other sex hormone glands. Anyone who has CFIDS will tell you besides feeling tired all the time, they also probably don't feel like having sex very much.

So how do you fix your hypothalamus gland if it's not functioning properly??! Real simple answer. You take a hypothalamus glandular capsule or pill once or twice a day. There are only a handful companies who sell hypothalamus glands in North-America. They should come in strengths of 500 mg. You take 1 or 2 of these a day, and within hours you'll start to feel your energy building up again.

To get the full benefit you need to take it for a few months. Then when your body has recovered you can gradually wean yourself off by cutting capsules in half, or even down to 1/3 a capsule.

You can also after a few weeks add adrenal glandulars, pituitary and/or thyroid glandulars to see if that makes a difference. I did notice my recovery went a bit quicker when I added the adrenal glandular.

All these glandulars are available on “google shopping” for a reasonable price.

One of the theories out there why so many women get CFIDS is because in some women the contraceptive pill can throw your hypothalamus out of whack if you take the pill for a long time. But that is just a theory so far, no scientific proof.

I got CFS after taking cortisone pills for a skin problem I had. It even says right on the official website that cortisone can depress the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. In my case that axis never quite returned to normal, and the only way to fix it was by taking the glandular pills

See here:

Long-term effects have included hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity suppression, Cushingoid appearance, hirsutism or virilism, impotence, menstrual irregularities, peptic ulcer disease, cataracts and increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma, myopathy, osteoporosis, and vertebral compression fractures

15 years I suffered with this disease. I'm glad I finally kicked it to the curb.
