Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

Distilled Water, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 07/12/2011

Amy and Max. I have been drinking about 3 to 4 liters of distilled water per day for the past 19 years. Let me assure you that I am not near death, nor do I have constipation. My daily bowel movements can vary with the number of full meals I have the previous day but 3 a day of each is the daily average. Max, I think your comments about skin and scalp improvements and the ACV gives a better understanding of what is going on. The ACV is helping with the candida overgrowth throughout your body(which was causing the dry and flakey scalp and skin), but without a serious input of probiotics there is not enough good bacteria in your gut to balance the bad and to allow proper digestion to be maintained. Although yogurt can supply some probiotics, you would need to eat probably the same amount as your water intake to be effective. I strongly urge you to puchase and use a good 6 or 8 strain probiotic from the refrigerated section of a good health food store. Following the directions on the label should alleviate your problem.

Distilled Water, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Max (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/24/2006

I've been a vegetarian for many years. And although I'm not 100% vegan, I rarely eat dairy (except yougurt). I get plenty of exercise and I don't smoke and I rarely drink (red wine once a month). In spite of all this, I have been suffering from CFS for the last 7 years. Through diligence and hard work, many of the symptoms have slowly faded away. Recently, I got one of Kevin Trudeau's books and in that book he talks alot about the wonders of apple cider vinegar and pure distilled water. I've also researched this on the net and it all seems to be true. So for the last two weeks I've been drinking 8 full glasses of distilled water everyday and I've been taking 2 tablespoons of vinegar a day. I've noticed some obvious improvements. The most significant thing that I noticed is that I no longer have such dry skin and my scalp isn't flaky anymore. Also, it seems I'm sleeping better and I don't crave sweets has been lessened. Nonetheless, in spite of all the good news, I've been experiencing something that's totally unexpected and very unusual. I'm constipated. I've never had a problem with constipation. Even in my worst days with CFS I was never constipated. But now, every other day it seems I'm struggling to get something to come out. This is really baffling to me because I'm drinking more water than ever before and I have more energy, yet I'm suffering from constipation. Do you know what may be causing this?
