Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Granny On The Go (Waco, Tx) on 12/30/2012

Editor's Choice My CFS started when I was a freshman in high school, 1957! I had a really bad case of the flu. Although I finally got up and went back to school I still ran a low grade fever every day, My glands were swollen and painful, my throat sore, and I felt ill, all the time. I kept a sinus infection and bronchitis at least half of the time. It lasted 5 years that time. I relapsed a couple of years later after falling and hurting my back. It stayed with me that time until I was 38 and had myself tested for allergies. By that time I had Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, couldn't eat most foods, and was sensitive or "allergic" to most chemicals and medicines. After being treated for Candida I finally regained my health, at least to a degree. I was given a heart medication in November '06 that brought on a relapse. I hadn't been able to shake it this time no matter how much time I spent in bed or what health supplements I take (and I take a lot of them). Lol AND THEN I READ ABOUT COLLOIDAL SILVER IN EARTH CLINIC!! I was skeptical at first, and only used it in a mixture of salt water for my sinuses. That worked so well that I decided to take some by mouth. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but I was being very careful about the dosage, and I am well aquainted with Jarish Herxheimers so I didn't want to overwhelm my system with die off. But when I started taking a teaspoon or more of CS 3-4 times a day I began to get better. My sinus infection got better right away, so that my immune system wasn't fighting virus, and Candida, and infection at the same time. I finally decided to try my hand at making my own CS as I could see that I would never be able to afford enough of it commercially to ever get well. I checked Amazon and found some. 9999 silver, got a gallon of distilled water, went to the hardware store and got a lantern battery and 2 small alligator clips. I had some copper wire here at home. It is an extremely primative (simple) method that works fantastically. As I was able to take more CS, about 3 tablespoons a day, divided into 3-4 doses, I felt better and better. My health began to improve by leaps and bounds, as did my back pain, etc. ( I was taking Vicodin and pain shots in my spine) just to be pain free enough for the sleeping pills to work. But, still I lacked something. So I tried some L Lysine..... Which seemed to be the missing ingredient. Not only is my health greatly improved now, but the vitamins, minerals, herbs and other concoctations I take actully STARTED TO WORK!! Instead of seeing a small improvement from what I was taking, I had to cut back on some supplements because I was seeing the kinds of improvements that other people talk about when they start a supplement. I am not well, yet. But, I am better than I have been in years. I no longer take 3 different herb products, Vicodin, a muscle relaxer, 10 mg of Ambien (or more), melatonin, and liberal amounts of alcohol to make them work just to go to sleep at night, and throughout the night, because I was going to wake up several times a night and couldn't go back to sleep. You can't heal if you can't sleep! I am now sleeping through the night, without waking, (for the first time in years! ) by only taking some Valarian, Hops, and half a muscle relaxer. Since drinking very much alcohol always gave me an aversion to alcohol, I am pleased to be able to skip that item altogether. If you've never found yourself at 4 AM having never gone to sleep that night, and sitting in the kitchen with a double shot of 40 proof in a glass, telling yourself that if you throw it up you'll just have to do it again (big sigh and a grin)... Because it triggered a memory of my mom telling me the same thing when she gave me castor oil! Ha ha Now don't be fooled, I still have to take some Diflucan from time to time when I've over indulged in sweets. The holidays are all the more difficult when you think because you are better you can handle the wheat and sugar. I can, a little, but thinking about ever getting where I can eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) is insanity talking. And, if you eat wheat and sugar several days consectutively, you may relapse, like I do! Grrrr I realize that I must stay on my allergy diet to get well but am able to tolerate more of regular foods when I do eat off my diet for a meal. Other people may not have the immediate results I've mentioned. I have come to realize that the vitamin C palmitate I take and the Allergy Multi that I take are free of most common allergens and make a large difference in my health. The vitamin A that I take is vitamin A palmitate, I am allergic to carrots and fish. I take chelated minerals when I take separate minerals. I take CoQ 10, and L Carnitine for my heart problem (aortic valve). But, all the extra supplements I was taking were only helping keep me alive. I have been battling CFS for 55 years, years longer than CFS has been even recognized by some of the more astute medical establishment. It was called Nuerasthenia in the first edition of Adelle Davis' book, Let's Get Well, in the 50s. All that was recommended as a cure at that time was bed rest, preferably in a clinical setting, good nutritution, and importantly, no stress whatsoever. Oh yes, a little psychiatry to help you get over being a hysterical female. LOL I will be happy to have my email address published in EC if I can be of any help to those who have spent their life being called a hyperchodriac, drug addict, and just a plain old nut case, as I have. Contact me at ladylauranwaco(at)yahoo(dot)com. I cannot prescribe, or suggest treatments. But, I can tell you what has worked for me. I will be the first to tell you all bodies don't work the same. But, nobody should have to spend most of their lives sick and be degraded for being ill. I assure you, your friends and family don't have a clue what you are going through, nor does your doctor!
