Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Link
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 05/04/2011

Fluoride is hidden in medications and also "natural health products" vits, supplements, and even if you eat organic produce its probably been watered in fluorieded water! And then washed in fluorided water! We have to be ever vigilant, this is allowed by law and doesn't have to be printed as a health warning. Then theres the packaging issuse, how many people are aware that most organic ready prepeared veg or salad, has been washed in chlorine bleach and of course flourided tap water! I am talking from experience, because of nerve damage, Fibro, (which my consultant told me, ME, fibro, and cfs, are all the same illness) some of us have it to a degree that we're not aware we have it, and by God! Some of us fear death before cure as we can't un-wrap slice, or cut our food up, pour or hold a glass of water, sit, wash, or dress with no help. Get in or out of bed, open mail, med, vit, or supplement containers? The only way to be sure is to grow it, raise it, kill it and cook it. Even organically raised animals are given tap water to drink! I have spent thousands on electrical appliances to peel chop, grind, what ever, and I can't switch them on or off, and the vibration is hell! I've had a hip replacement, my other one needs doing, disc detereation, arthritis, neuropathic nerve pain all over my body, I was a supreme athlete, but amonghst the locals I was know as that fit girl who was always drinking tap water!!! That and the drugs I should never been given in the first place wreaked my life!! So please, by all means share your trials and experiences, but don't be so self santimonious! I'm sorry your unwell, but its true, theres always people with no help worse off than yourself!!

Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Link
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 04/07/2010

Hello, I believe that you are onto something about the fluoride poisoning and chronic fatigue syndrome. At the same time that I became ill, I started noticing spots on my daughters teeth. Unfortunately, I have not only dealt with chronic fatigue but extreme mood swings, mental illness, etc., I think all a result of fluoride poisoning.

I started a detox recently and started drinking distilled water, immediately within days I felt better on the distilled water. I then started to detox my body using kelp and that has helped my body too.

I also have added the alkalyzing protocols of Teds's, adding baking soda to my acv or lemon twice a day and that has even further helped the chronic fatigue.

I'm in the process of getting a filtering system put into my home, I would recommend others look into this! This fluroide is killing people and the cities keep adding it back to the water, I don't understand it!

Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Link
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

Please make sure you read Jason Uttley's important article on Chronic Fluoride Poisoning. This article pinpoints fluoride as a very likely cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. A MUST READ!
