Thanks so much for advice, egg compress and ACV worked wonders and my cyst has gone, so thrilled
Egg Compress
My chalazion began when I returned from a camping trip and realized my upper eyelid was red and swollen. I had some antibiotic eyedrops left over from a bout with pink eye that I used a couple times daily. The swelling and redness went away after a few days and I thought all was well... but noticed I could now feel a tiny bump on my upper eyelid if I touched it with my finger. It wasn't visible and it didn't hurt, so I just ignored it.
Two months went by and the tiny bump that seemed dormant the whole time suddenly started growing, and my eyelid again became red and a bit swollen. I found earth clinic and decided to try applying apple cider vinegar (which I heated up in the microwave, soaked up with a cotton ball and pressed to my eyelid for 5 minutes a few times a day). I didnt have "with the mother" ACV so I used some western family 5% acidity ACV. After day 3 of this, MY EYELID BECAME EVEN MORE RED, SWOLLEN, AND IRRITATED. And the bump seemed bigger than ever.
I immediately stopped using it and went to the doctor. The doc said I had a chalazion and I would have to see a specialist to get it lanced (they turn your eyelid inside out and cut open the chalazion to let it drain. heal time supposedly = 2 days). I decided to try some other natural cures before resorting to this, so I went out and bought the works... "with the mother" ACV, silver hydrosol (colloidal silver to drop in my eye), Activated charcoal capsules, and fankincense essential oil. I began with only using silver hydrosol drops five times daily. This seemed to take down the swelling and redness of the eyelid, but didnt do much for the bump. I proceeded to try all other above treatments, as well as FINALLY trying a warm moist compress 3 times daily. THE WARM MOIST COMPRESS REALLY SHOWED RESULTS!!!
Heres what I did that really seemed to work...
BOIL AN EGG- this acts to retain the heat for the warm (more like hot) compress
WRAP IN A COTTON SHIRT- you may want to fold over a couple layers of material, then take away layers as the egg cools off so the contact is always nice and hot (don't burn yourself, but you want it to be as hot as seems reasonable)
DIP THE SHIRT COVERED EGG IN THE HOT WATER- to get it moist, the steamy warmth feels great on your eye and I'm convinced helps.
APPLY TO YOUR EYELID- I would kinda push the bump around with the egg while I did this, to kinda massage it and stimulate it.
I did this 3 times daily and immediately after would rub some frankincense oil on the eyelid. On the third day I could really feel the bump on the inside of my eyelid, like the skin was hardening and becoming slightly more abrasive on my eyeball. It literally felt like it was about to pop from the inside! The next time I applied the egg compress, I swear I felt the blocked oil duct in my eyelid open up, and the chalazion felt like it had popped. I looked in the mirror and the bump (that was about the size of a small pea) was considerably smaller, and there was gunk in the corner of my eye that easily wiped away. Over the next 2 days my eyelid felt much better, and I continued applying the egg compress, each time getting more gunk out of my eye and the bump becoming smaller and smaller until it was gone!
I really encourage anyone suffering from a chalazion to be persistent with the egg compress, I think off all the treatments out there this is the one that really produces some real results!!!