I've had a few chalazion in my right eye for quite some time now, over a year. I've tried everything; apple cider vinegar, epsom salt, hot compresses, steam facials, etc. One day, I found a post (on here, actually) about activated charcoal. I've heard a lot of great things about its benefits, so I decided to try it. I mixed about 3 tablespoons of activated charcoal, 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (ground), and added about a half cup of water. I let the mixture sit for about 15-20 minutes to thicken. It should have the consistency of a paste. I got a paper towel, put a spoonful of the mixture on it, folded it over to enclose the mixture, and placed it over my eye. I also put a sandwich bag over the towel to prevent the mixture from drying, and wrapped gauze around my head to keep it in place. I slept about 7 hours with it on my eye, and when I woke up, I noticed my bottom eyelid got bigger, and when I pulled down my eyelid, I noticed whitehead-like spots. I decided to continue the treatment, and I've been doing it for 2 days now. So far, a few of the chalazion (chalazia?) have popped on their own. I'm going to keep doing this every night before bed & hope they're all gone within the next few days.
By the way, I found all needed items on Amazon. Activated Charcoal powder, ground flaxseed. IMPORTANT: Do not mix activated Charcoal with anything metal. The Charcoal will pull the the impurities from the metal.
Activated Charcoal
To treat a chalazion, I opened up an activated charcoal capsule, mixed with hot water, put on bump left for 30 seconds or so, washed off with baby shampoo and hot cloth. Noticed a big difference immediately. I thought to do this because it works with my white head zits, so thought to give it a try. After a few days, the bump was almost entirely gone. Someone else on this page mentioned a charcoal poultice too. Charcoal is known to absorb toxins, 5 times its own weight.