In a bit of shock. Only one person on this site recommended castor oil so far, so I tried it on a whim. I'm not sure if I have neuropathy or gout but I have burning feet. The edge of the heel is the most painful part, more along the sides than in the back. Today my feet have been hurting for 6 hours because I wanted to avoid taking a Tylenol or other pill for it. I rubbed a small amount of castor oil and the pain and burning subsided within 10 minutes. I'm not sure how long this will last but I'm amazed.
I also massage Castor Oil at nights to stop BURNING feet - It really works- Hope this helps.
Thyroid Link to Burning Feet
Stop the thyroid madness is a good source of information on hypothyroidism, make sure to get your actually levels (TSH, FT3, FT4, preferably also aTPO) and don't just listen to your doctor when they say "Your levels are fine". Mine were "fine" and I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and lived a miserable life until my levels finally got bad enough to become out of my lab's range. 95% of healthy people have a TSH below 2,5 and yet labs still say you're fine if you're at 4.
I feel absolutely awful with a TSH anywhere close to 2,5 even. I need to be at 1 or around it.
Recently, night after night I found myself lying awake at night, unable to fall asleep and thinking of putting cold cream on my feet because they felt so warm I couldn't stand it... turns out it was a Hashimoto flare, and my TSH got above 5 again. I increased my hormone dose and the problem went away.
Throbbing Feet
Pantothenic Acid (B5)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Many complaints here regarding this issue. Simplest way is to use ACV.
Cut supporters off your cotton socks - wet in ACV - put on socks all the night - wet it again if you wake up at night - do the same at day time & when going outside - you will see great improvement on the second day - also you'll get rid from feet odor completely & is good source against fungus.
Calcium, Magnesium and High pH Water
Curious if your feet only burned or did you have signs of Fungal issues. I ask because I do and know my minerals are off. I have both issues
Calcium, Magnesium and High pH Water
I did research and believe Dr. Hulda Clark's analysis is right on. She said it's acid in the foot built up because the kidneys are not filtering uric acid and other acids. She said to take calcium pills and magnesuim /potassium pills. And fix the kidneys.
I have started a couple of days ago with the calcium, mag/potassium and am taking kidney glandulars. Also, I buy a couple liters of high ph water, like 10 ph to up my alkalinity. And it's worked.
I have not had burning in my feet for the past several days. Usually night times are the worse, it's like my feet are on fire. And I have had no burning for the first time in a year. Also, the numbness in my feet is getting better, less numb.
The acid connection is it. Also stress produces cortisol, which makes acid (lactic acid) and this also can be a problem. I take ashwaganda to lower cortisol.
I think the calcium and magnesium and the high ph water made the largest difference. Fix the kidneys. I also take a heart glandular as well. The glandulars I got online but they were first given to me by a "nutritional response" therapist. This is the best therapy I found. But it costs a couple hundred dollars every 3 weeks, which I don't have. So I just get the glandulars they use online. But if I could go back and get regular muscle testing with that therapy, I believe it would fix alot of my health issues. As it seems like according to Dr. Robert Morse that acids are the basis for many health issues, including the fact that our kidneys and adrenals need support due to high toxins we are exposed to regularly.
Throbbing Feet
Black Tea
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Dear Rsw from Uniontown, Oh: Regarding regulating stomach bacteria, I remember taking a probiotic but can't remember the name. Sorry about that. You can find a holistic practitioner that can recommend one or you can get one at the drugstore, but it won't be all natural.
Dear Timh from KY: Thank you. I haven't heard of toxic blood. I'll start working on the cleanses.
Throbbing Feet
RE increase circulation.
You ask is there a way to increase circulation in feet...yes...see my last post to you....It is using the Natural Vit E., a wonder for increased circulation. Try it (as I outlined) for six weeks and see if it helps. I bet it will. All I can say is the use of E is just what I'd do in your situation.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
This feet pain problem is something to do w/ toxic blood, from my perspective. My feet are very much a reflection of my liver health. This is why I recommended gallbladder cleanse and NAC/Melatonin, and Milk Thistle. I occasionally use a strong magnet therapy over my liver and afterwards my step is lighter, and my blood pressure lowers. Kidney cleanses are also recommended for blood purification.
Increase your nutrition status as well as antioxidant status thru supplementation. Dave's recommends are well advised and worthy of your efforts.
You must do some cleanses. Some methods are very taxing but some are not. Suck 3 menthol cough drops back-to-back daily for 1 wk to melt cholesterol stones (of which almost everyone, to some degree has). Take one spoon of Milled Flax Seed daily to cleanse the colon (of which almost everyone has a dirty one to some degree, especially if you are over mid-life). Garlic is a very good antiparaside and blood purifier. Cilantro/Coriander herb chelates heavy metals from the body. ACV is good for many conditions and helps almost everyone who uses it daily.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Given the symptoms you posted to me;
Magnesium deficiency and circulation problem. If me, I'd get on 500 mg of magnesium (any kind) and Vitamin E (natural E; d alpha tocopherol). Start with 200 iu daily and increase to 400 in four weeks; then add to 400 another 200 four weeks later.
Mag and E compliment each other. I'd get up to 1, 000 IUs daily of E. Also I'd get on arginine. (Why? You referenced heart issues and salt matters. You can consume salt if you get Mag.) The fact that you lighten up on salt and the heart is improved is conclusive (in my book) you have a mag deficiency. Other things you mentioned suggest lack of circulation is the main problem; so again I'd get on E. E will definitely help with circulation. And adding Vitamin B3, niacin would not hurt. 250 mg; will cause a slight flush; read about it on the internet.
Throbbing Feet
To stimulate the body's natural detox you need to boost Glutathione by supplementing NAC, and Melatonin (before retiring). Milk Thistle herb will strengthen the liver. Brocolli Sprout Extract or I3C will boost detox also. Any antioxidant supplements will help. Almost forgot, do also consider alkalizing remedies.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
I have a slight swelling on the left calf and a slight egg-size swelling above my left ankle. Most wouldn't notice it. I can't ride a bike or recumbent bike at the gym because the next day my feet hurt worse. Xrays from chiropractors show slight fusing on 1 disc but nothing to cause any problems especially since I don't have back or leg pain. I thought the source of the problem might be in my lower back or pelvic area for 2 reasons, one when I get on the floor and door stomach exercies/crunches, my feet hurt worse the next day and also
I use a kegel exerciser you squeeze between your thighs, not for the intended reason, but because it tightens the stomach, buttocks and saddle bag thighs. Doing that exercise makes my feet hurt worse the next day, but I do it periodically because it makes my thighs smaller! My hair has been thinning for about 25 years. Blood tests show my thyroid and endocrine system a little off but nothing drastic. I've been taking natural supplements for hair loss through a holistic healer which has helped. I have allergies all year - flower pollen & mold. That's about all the symptoms I have. I'm pretty healthy. I get a cold about once a year.
Throbbing Feet
I responded to your first post with my suggestions and after reading Timh's suggestions, re read your post and follow ups. Know what? I think it would help if you gave us some more symptoms. There must be some more issues or symptoms to help you narrow the scope. We're sort of "shootin in the dark." And you've had LOTS of suggestions. Could you please list OTHER issues ... maybe or maybe not related. LIKE; meds you're taking; tingling in hands; throbbing in legs; vision problems; cold hands and cold feet (not just throbbing) etc. Anything to narrow the possibilities. Throbbing legs/feet could be onset MS. I've found over the years use of AEP (DR. Adkins go to for MS) is the charm for helping that. (Just PART of the MS protocol.) But we have no reason to suspect MS unless your symptoms pointed us that direction. Please...fill in the blanks.
Throbbing Feet
For healing of the intestines, first be sure to treat any infection or possibly parasitism as this damages the lining.
Second, Zinc & Vit-A are very important defense nutrients. As for actually stimulated epithelial lining regrowth, I have found a combination of DGL & Allantoin the best remedy.
From my personal history, the pain in feet began as I was stricken w/ aplastic anemia; within a few days the pain became very bad-to-intolerable. Pain meds didn't help much as I my gut was so damaged that absorption was very poor and I also had severe Candida. As a last resort to relieve the pain, I began using cold water foot baths then soon needed to add ice. My feet were burning w/ pain as the ice water quickly turned to hot water. This situation continued in severity until I needed F.B. 24/7. The 30 min trip to hospital without ice water was such severe pain as I screamed all the way. A Morphine I.V. beat the pain but I had large holes blown thru the my feet as well as damage to the bottoms or soles. Dr's said foot problem was frostbite, but from visual comparison to photos of Frostbite, well, no comparison. I somehow survived the ordeal and learned how to walk again (with help from walker or cane) about one yr later. Looking back, the only logical explanation was confirmed by heavy metal manganese poisoning. I also have immune dysfunction that may exacerbate the situation.
Hope my story helps to solve your riddle.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
I forgot to mention I already tried the Ionic foot bath and it didn't help my throbbing feet. But at least I've got the impurities out of my system due to a series of Ionic foot baths.
Throbbing Feet
Mineral, especially Epsom Salt foot baths I take daily.
For heavy metal detox you can take Ted's recommended amounts of Sodium Thiosulfate without the prescription or supervision of a dr.
Detox Foot Pads and Ionic Foot Spa will remove toxins from the soles of feet. I use both these daily/nightly.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
The proper way to check for mercury is with a DMPSA [chelater] challenge test. They have you drink some of this, then test your urine for the level of mercury in it, as chelated by the DMPSA chemical.
Throbbing Feet
Throbbing Feet
Re ... throbbing feet issue...
I realize you say everything was checked but the problem sounds like Sickle Cell; at least might be related. Different degrees and different times of onset. Distorted red blood cells are more likely to get "stuck" so one help might be Vitamin E which has been reputed to "slick down the platelets" as well doing the same in veins and arteries.
There are other symptoms you might be experiencing that could confirm SCD. Headaches, chest pains, jaundice and cold hands and feet.
Even if the problem is not red cell related; the problem might be helped by Vitamin E as it will help oxygenate extremities and clean out plaque.
Next, it NEVER hurts to add some magnesium to the system. I'd take Epsom Salts baths; even foot baths would be good.
On the E...use ONLY natural (d- alpha and NOT dl, which is synthetic). Start with 200 iu and work up to 800 IUs over three months.
Also "ginger" foot baths can help with circulation. Cut small sections of real ginger and heat in pot on stove. Pour into foot bath and add warm water. Let soak for 30 minutes. Repeat nightly for two weeks. If improved, repeat three or four times weekly. You would have just demonstrated that there is a circulation problem that must be worked on.
Throbbing Feet
Hammes HP, Du X, Edelstein D, Taguchi T, Matsumura T, Ju Q, Lin J, Bierhaus A, Nawroth P, Hannak D, Neumaier M, Bergfeld R, Giardino I, Brownlee M. “Benfotiamine blocks three major pathways of hyperglycemic damage and prevents experimental diabetic retinopathy. ” Nat Med. 2003 Mar; 9(3): 294-9.
Koltai MZ. “Prevention of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in dogs with Benfotiamine.” In Gries FA, Federlin K. “Benfotiamine in the Therapy of Polyneuropathy. ” New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1998; 45-9.
Calcium and Magnesium
Black Tea
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1
I had it every summer for a few years. Seemed to mostly happen in the evening, not in reaction to walking around or anything like that. I'd suddenly feel like my feet were very, very hot (sort of a hot flash for feet! ) and I'd go rinse them off in the shower.
I improved my diet considerably a year and a half ago. I don't eat anything processed at all. I cook from scratch. I cook with healthy fats (butter, coconut oil, etc. ), eat the healthiest version I can find of meat, veggies, fruit, bread, dairy. Have a look on the Weston Price website for more info.
My burning feet have disappeared entirely, along with lots of other small and large improvements in health. I couldn't tell you which dietary change made the difference to my feet.
Good luck. I hope that helps.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1