Ted's Remedies
I would appreciate if you would list out a program that would help me heal of what to take when. I feel I am making some progress but also think it is spreading ( I realize that sounds contrary). Thank you for your time and caring.
Hi Sue, it would be helpful to know what treatment you have had so far- conventional eg radiation- etc ovaries removed? What's your diet like? The Plant Programme by Jane Plant comes highly recommended as do many others. What's your blood work like? White cell count? Lysine is recommended as it increases the immune system and White blood count so it is said to stop cancer spreading. Iodine is often recommended to kill the breast cancer but there are lots of others. Kind Regards.
(Stevensville, Montana, Usa)
Do you think that the medical professional would accept any blame for these events?
Dear Sam,
What a sad story. Sad but true. And likely played out many times over.
Thanks for sharing a sobering story.
~Mama to Many~
This is an obvious example of a win/loose game. I like the scenario where there are no losers. Referencing to war, Bruce Springsteen said "Nobody wins unless everybody wins".
A few yrs ago, I gathered statistics from obituaries from regional newspaper and came up with a mean average death of 75 (to the best of my recollection as I have those stats written down but cannot now find them but am presently searching). From my local paper last two editions here are the numbers: 11 deaths 51 being the lowest and 95 the highest # and a mean average 67.5. My recent interest in recording these stats was stimulated by one edition obit of 6 deaths with 4 reported in the 50's category.
The information is from the book "Nutritional Medicine: Fact & Fiction" by Dr Igor Tabrizian (Australia).
Chapter 8 Strangers in the night: Xenoestrogens and health.
Dr Tabrizian's web site is: www.nutritionreviewservice.com.au
I nearly cringed reading your well written message. I started this journey long ago myself. Irregular periods, put on the pill, still irregular bleeding, then a hysterectomy leading to severe menopausal symptoms. Then I met a doctor, who specializes in women's health who told me about Xeno hormones. My whole life changed after following his advice, which was get rid of all products containing fake hormones! No more symptoms, no more discomfort. My own gynecologist had never even heard of a Xeno hormones. Every doctor should know. I bet I wouldn't have needed a hysterectomy if I had met Dr. Eckhart earlier.