Natural Remedies for Angular Cheilitis Relief

Vitamin E
Posted by Christi (FL) on 10/24/2022

Hi there! I used vitamin E oil on a Q-tip and it healed up my angular cheilitis the two times I had a bout. I do know I have Sjogren's mouth dryness so perhaps this is why the remedy worked. It was my underlying cause. However, I had also taken a mushroom complex for a couple of days and this triggered my first bout. Sugar triggered another bout. My guess here is that I'm loaded with Candida. I have also lived in a mold home.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/19/2020

I believe angular cheilitis condition is from low b vitamin, I had it when I stopped my vitamin bs for a while.

Over The Counter
Posted by Deanna (Illinois) on 12/25/2015

I swear by Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda do take care of alot of aliments, but I found NOT for this, maybe too strong? irritated, made it worse for the cracked corners of mouth ...what worked for me was Cortozone 10 in the OINTMENT not the cream...90% better next day 100% day 3.

I believe mine was caused by old lipstick. Suffered for 2 weeks plus, complained to my friend about it, who said try the ointment not the cream... worked.

Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E
Posted by Vonnie In Ireland (Wicklow) on 09/19/2012

I found a really good remedy for angular cheilitis on another website. In a small jar or tupperware tub, something with a sealable lid: Mix 2 tablespoons tea tree oil, 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil and and mix with 1 and a half tablespoons vaseline. (I didn't have any vitamin E oil to hand so I took 4-5 vitamin E capsules and squeezed the oil out of them) Mix it up really well to combine the oils with vaseline. Gently rub into the cracks regularly (about 4-5 times a day). Try not to get it actually inside your mouth as the tea tree tastes pretty nasty and tends to make everything else you eat and drink taste nasty too! Within 10 mins of first using this the stinging had gone from the cracks at the corners of my mouth. By the next day the cracks seemed to be "healing" and by the third day the cracks were gone and so was the pain. Miracle! Keep this ointment in the fridge for use when needed. The above recipe makes quite a bit and you only need to use a small smear at a time. Also taking a multivitamin with vitamin Bs in can help prevent recurrence of the problem.

Posted by Honem00nrs (Jacksonville, Florida) on 02/07/2012

I have had angular chelitis problem for years and I was always giving a prescription called dental paste. I decided to try plain yogurt with the acidophilus and took a q tip and applied to the corners of my mouth in a clump before bedtime and when I awoke it was completely cleared up :)

Posted by Sarah (Ottawa, On) on 05/04/2010

After reading this, I've tried yogurt for my chelitis and it WORKS!!!! You can't go out with it though. I used organic yogurt, just a little pea size to cover it, never washed it, it gets dried up and you can peel it off. Even after the first application, I can see it started drying and size getting smaller. I used several times a day and left it on before going bed. It is cleared totally!!! Now, whenever I see that redness accumulating at the corners of my mouth I dab the pea size yogurt on it and it gets cleared immediately... Thank you, thank you!!!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Rascal (Vancouver, Wa) on 04/30/2010

I had a growing spot of angular chelitis on the left side of my mouth, and had tried fungal cream and constant application of all natural lip balm. After about three works, I started to get desperate. I eat a really balanced diet and didn't think I could be B deficient, but I bought a B complex and took one at dinner one the next morning, the crack had healed considerably and was not as painful. Two more B complexes later and a little lip balm for the dryness and I am back to normal 100%.

Posted by Wendy (Farmington, MI) on 06/26/2009

Hi, I don't know what causes Angular Chelitis, but I usually put yogurt on mine to make them go away. Sometimes it takes a couple of applications, and I wouldn't go out wearing the yogurt :), but it works repeatably for me.Wendy

Avoid Peppermint Products
Posted by Maya (Treasure Coast Florida) on 11/08/2017

I'm so glad you mentioned toothpaste! I just got a new brand.. from a health food store.. what I noticed is it's super foamy (unlike other natural brands) this may very well be the cause of my AC which is extremely rare for me to get.. in fact I don't remember last time I had it and was so surprised when it developed just the other day!

Avoid Peppermint Products
Posted by Healthy Girl (Mesa, Az) on 07/13/2017

I battled angular cheilitis for over two years. I tried anti-fungal creams, B-complex vitamins, turmeric, different essential oils, yogurt, ointments - you name it, I probably tried it! It came on so suddenly that it had me stumped. At times it would get better and then flair up again, although not as bad as the first time I came down with it. I think I have finally solved my problem:

I believe I have developed an allergy to the peppermint oil in my toothpaste and lip balm. I also think that Xylitol makes it come back. Recently, I started brushing my teeth with straight baking soda and salt and then I gargle with peroxide. When my lips start getting chapped, I put Vaseline on them, although I still wear lipstick just about every day. It has now been two months and no peeling or cracking at the corners of my mouth. I think cheilitis can be caused by many different things whether it is an allergy, fungal or a deficiency.

I hope found my cure - the real test will be when I go to the dentist the end of this month. Hopefully, I won't have a flair-up.

Avoid Peppermint Products
Posted by Diana (Fl) on 01/13/2018

Thank you! I have actually had this since a teenager and I'm now in my 60's. My dentist never knew how to help me. It's not constant but it does flare up. I take a live liquid probiotic which really helps. Lately it has been terrible, hurts like crazy, and the probiotic isn't helping. You just solved my problem I think! I've been drinking lots of Peppermint chocolate coffee's from Starbucks! No more peppermint!

Raw Honey and Garlic
Posted by Calimama (Ca) on 01/13/2016

I had angular chellitis once before and tried the dish soap cure and it worked. This time it didn't.tried rubbing alcohol, diluted bleach, b- vitamins , yogurt, clortrimazole cream-none worked.

What worked was raw honey (menuca if you can find it) and raw garlic. I cut a clove of garlic and rubbed it on the cut and surrounding area.may sting a bit. Then dabbed on the honey.

Do this several times a day and before bed.use a fresh piece of garlic each time..

Cut started healing in 2 days..

You could also make an ointment. Take a clove of garlic and grate it fine in a small bowl or mortar .add a teaspoon of the honey and a half teaspoon of coconut oil and mush.put it in jar, keep in fridge and apply several times a day until it heals in 1-3 days.

Posted by Samdi (Ontario) on 05/07/2014

Hi I have that nagging Angular Cheilitis for years you name it I use it and finally out from unexpected source I got cure remedy for now and for the 50 coming years. it's so simpel and so effective and may be it's in your bath room right now go and search for VASELINE. YES, PLAIN VASELINE! put it on side of your mouth in 2 days Angular Cheilitis will be history. Good luck for all

Over The Counter
Posted by Dan (Aurora, Il, Usa ) on 11/02/2012

I have dealt with angular cheilitis for years now so I will share what works the best and the fastest for me.

When I get the cuts in the corner of my mouth I wash the cuts with liquid dish soap. (Not the kind you put in the dish washer. ) This cleans and dries out the cuts. Keeping the cuts or sores dry and clean is the number one concern here. I then apply hydrocortisone cream maximum strength with water resistance to the cuts or sores. I do this three times a day.

At night I put on an antibacterial cream. The hydro cortisone and the antibacterial cream also seems to relieve some of the pain. That is it! This usually works in 24-72 hours if you catch it early. Treating this doesn't have to be complicated.

Don't touch the cuts or lick the sores. This will make the cuts irritated and prolong the healing. Keep the cuts dry besides applying the cream. Avoid acidic beverages and alcohol.

It's has been the fastest and most convenient remedy I have found. God luck and stay well. I hope this helps!

Sincerely, Dan

Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E
Posted by Lisa (Pa., US) on 02/27/2015

Its working! Tea tree oil, Vitamin E and vaseline mixed together. Amazing!!!

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Bobby (Retford, Uk) on 04/04/2012

I have suffered with Angular Cheilitis on and off for several years. I tried everything - even candida diet etc etc. Nothing seemed to work.

The last month, however, has been very promising indeed. I now look 98% normal as opposed to 80%! I think this is due to me taking 4 flaxseed capsules a day (2 in the morning, 2 at night). But I have also been eating a lot of unsweetened ('greek') yoghurt, more milk than usual, more B vitamins, plus a drop of clove oil a day. Could be the combination but I reckon the flaxseed is the main contributor at work.

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Amy (Orlando, FL) on 03/13/2023

I think erythritol gives me angular chelitis. Went to a dermatologist. She prescribed nystatin ointment and gave me a sample tube of Eucrisa. The Eucrisa reduced the swelling, redness, and cracks, but it came back. So I've started the Nystatin. Anybody else react to erythritol?

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 03/14/2023

No reaction to erythritol that I know of. However, I did have what I believe was angular chelitis on two separate occasions after eating cheap, non organic soy sauce. Once I switched back to organic Tamari sauce I haven't had it come back. However, I recently saw in the news erythritol has been linked to an increase in adverse heart effects. I would use it sparingly regardless.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Tamara (Des Plaines, Il) on 05/12/2010

Castor Oil and Baking Soda didn't help me heal my mouth cracks. I think it just made it worse. May be I wrong. I started taking multivitamin and the cracks started to heal.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by She (Virginia, United States) on 01/23/2014

Oregano oil is very very strong!! It is a good anti fungal, but it needs to be diluted with a carrier oil. You could use coconut oil or castor oil. I think that's what I'm going to try. I'm pretty sure I have the angular chelitis. Bad sores on both sides of my mouth and now little bumps forming around the lip line. Ughhhhhh!! Thank you for all your advice Earth Clinic!!

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