Top Natural Remedies for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Essential Oils
Posted by Beth (Hamilton, Ohio) on 12/03/2010

My father has early Alzheimer's. People with this disease often have problems with sun downing and getting to sleep. We have a little bottle of lavender oil he rolls on his wrists in the evening and before he goes to bed. I was pretty surprised, it really seems to help! Also, he can be a real cranky pants in the morning. For the heck of it, I had him use his lavender oil then, too. It helped tremendously! I've heard other aromas help, too, but have only just started with this. If anyone has any tips, please let me know! Anything to avoid his being over-medicated is a blessing!

Posted by Sarah (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 07/07/2010


There is a statement someone posted on Earth Clinic that soy milk may help Alzheimer's, or help prevent it, is untrue, and could be terribly damaging if people follow it. There is very overwhelming evidence that eating unfermented soy, such as soy protein or tofu, can help TRIGGER Alzheimers, not prevent it! The recommendation to drink it "in case it may help" is sheer nonsense, and sheer suicide for those trying to avoid getting Alzheimers!

Two foods that appear to help PREVENT Alzheimers are coconut oil (unhydrogenated) and Turmeric (the spice)

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 05/05/2010

Hi Raquel: I think you are really onto something here! It takes a lot of energy to suppress negative emotions. If she spent her life with an emotionally abusive/neglectful partner, maybe she did want to check out. Her moment of clarity is a snapshot of her marriage of all thoes years. Wow so sad!

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Shining Star (Gainesville, Fl) on 05/04/2010

I do not think the body-mind connection for Alzheimer's Disease that I spoke about is something that is seen. It is felt. The feelings are never seen but they are out-pictured in the body. Feelings of insecurity, hopelessness, powerlessness, boredom even boredom. Who can see a feeling? Each of us wears a mask do we not? But knowing how this observation would not be received in the spirit it is intended, I posted it anyway. It is leading edge and you will see more and more people beginning to explore this as science and medicine fails them. One can not explore someone else's insides or feelings but the results are out pictured in the body and mind. One lady I took care of had not spoken in 5 yrs and had a feeding tube in her stomach. I worked with her and observed. One day she stood up (been on a walker shuffling) and started talking. I called her husband who was golfing and asked hime to come home and witness this miracle. He refused. She took the phone and told him he had done her wrong. They talked for a few minutes and then it was over. She passed a yr later and then him a year later. He never spoke of that day to me. They were married for 52 yrs. He told me that when he quit smoking her took a cigarette from her mouth and told her she was quitting and she never said a word and quit smoking. He was amazed at this even though it had happened over 20 yrs earlier. This is a perfect example of what my point is. This lady worked all of her life, appeared at social functions and retired with plenty of money. Outside she appeared to have it all.But see what I mean? I have had 3 more cases that with close observation though looking different produced the same Alzheimer's Disease which means lack of ease.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Tricia (Ireland, Ireland, Ireland) on 04/29/2010 84 posts

I'd have to disagree as well. I have worked with the aged and seen patients from pre to post alzheimers and could't see a definite trend in dominence. I have seen couples get it and hit a point where they didn't know each other.
There was one couple, very gentle people, who didn't know each other. If you asked him who she was, he would say he "didn't know her at all but from everything he heard she was a very nice woman altogether." Posing the same question to her she thought he might be a new neighbour. But if she saw any of the nurses or doctors or helpers going too close to him she would violently attack them and tell them to leave him alone. Walking away she would keep shouting that they fancied him. She couldn't tell us why she did it. And it never happened with anyone other than her husband.

The original attraction was still there.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 04/28/2010

i'm sorry but i completely disagree with this assessment. i'm sure you have seen many cases of Alzheimer's Disease, but i have seen only two up close and personal. my mother and my aunt. these women ran their household with a strong hand. every aspect of there lives were their responsiblility and i would have to say they were the dominent one in their marriage. if anything i think that maybe an emotional burn out of handling everything took it's toll on these ladies.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Shiningstar (Gainesville, Fl) on 04/28/2010

Alzheimer Disease. The body-mind connection.I have worked with people who have been diagnosed with this condition on a personal level in health care setting. What I have witnessed is that the dominent one, in a marriage or relationship, never has this Alzheimer's Disease condition.It is always the one that is the dominated one. I have seen them come out of the condition for short periods of time when they are removed from their mates company. People who stay in relationships because they feel like they have to stay for religious reasons (keep the family together;don't ever leave, ect) find relief from the toxic feeling of helplessness and escape by creating this condition. A warning to all of us to be equals in our relationships with friend and family. If anyone is interested I will be happy to give exact casees and what I learned more completely.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Do silver plated utensils contribute to Alzheimer's? Three old ladies I know with memory impairment/Alzheimer's have that old fancy silver plated silverware, and use it.

Posted by Ruma (Calcutta, India) on 08/19/2009

Hi Connie. I am afraid that I'm not knowledgeable enough to answer the technicalities of your questions!

The Indian diet has changed but it's a complicated point because diet is entirely determined by one's social and economic class. Rich people tend to eat too much and do too little exercise, as a result of which they are plagued by many of the lifestyle diseases of the West (such as type-2 diabetes).

Poorer people don't have the money to eat properly - too little protein and vitamins in their diet - and just carbohydrates to fill themselves up. Even lentils, traditionally the protein for the poor, are becoming very expensive for the very poor in India.

The principles of the Indian diet are excellent and many can and do follow these principles, so it is not as if we have lost our traditions entirely!

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 08/15/2009

Thank you for your input, Ruma!! Could you tell us, is the water fluoridated and/or chlorinated there? What do you know about excitotoxins and free glutamic acid consumption in India? Has diet changed there like it did here in the USA from mostly homegrown, home-cooked food mostly free of pesticides and preservatives, to a lot of store-bought premade processed food? What would you say might be the cause of the rise in Alzheimer's disease in India?

Posted by Kasturi (Mountain View, California, USA) on 07/04/2009


All "research" that claims a low incidence of Alzheimer's in India is ERRONEOUS! Especially, it is amusing when westerners make this claim based on whatever "research" they managed to do. Let me clarify a few facts about India:

1) Majority of the doctors (not to mention the layman) in India are woefully unaware of Alzheimer's. Only in the last decade has awareness been introduced through campaigning.

2) Statistics in India about Alzheimer's is very skewed because of non-diagnosis and mis-diagnosis. Not surprising if even doctors are unaware of this ailment.

3) Longevity in India is around 60 years for men and 65 years for women. Put simply, they don't live long enough to get dementia or Alzheimer's.

4) In India, parents live with their sons as a rule. So, even the real Alzheimer cases are "kept under wraps" by the family and not really admitted to a nursing care facility. It would be tantamount to "abandoning" your parents or "exposing" their dementia to the world. Just not the Indian culture.

I am currently caring for my mother who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's after I brought her with me to the US. Prior to that, my father and relatives were complaining that she is acting crazy and is really difficult to get along with. But nobody even thought of it as a possible mental condition, they just attributed it to her "evil" nature. Sounds horrible, but that is the sad truth in India. Mental illness is often brushed off or ridiculed as if it is a personality trait. That is also why India is not very advanced in Psychiatry. Not because Indians don't magically have depression or other psychiatric issues. It is just that the society is not tuned in that well to these ailments.

Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Fico (NY, NY) on 02/10/2009

thank you so much for your imput, I'm really looking for personal experiences before use it and your comment is of great help. nevertheless i'd like to deep more into this issue.

lithium carbonate is more toxic, it needs high levels in order to cross the brain barrier.

if lithium aspartate has that toxic effect, what is your experience with lithium orotate?

Low dosages of lithium have been found to be safe.[9] Dr. Jonathan Wright suggests 20 to 30 mg. of lithium aspartate or lithium orotate daily as an appropriate dose to stop brain aging. This is 1/3 to 1/6 the dosage of lithium carbonate used to treat manic depressive disorder. Dr. Hans Nieper of Germany has learned that lithium orotate or lithium aspartate penetrate cells more effectively than lithium carbonate so smaller doses can be used. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily along with 400 I.U. of vitamin E ensures that no lithium toxicity can develop

By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
May 5, 2004

recent research has shown that low doses of lithium preserve and renew[1] brain cells. Eight of ten persons given lithium showed an increase in brain grey matter of 3 % after only 4 weeks. By promoting brain cell regeneration and increasing brain size lithium can function as an anti-aging nutrient for the brain.

Lithium also accomplishes the following benefits for brain cells:

Lithium enhances DNA replication which is the first step to formation of new cells.
The damaging effects of excitotoxins. (monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame (Nutrasweet) etc. can be blocked by lithium.[2]
Animal research shows that lithium can decrease the areas of cell death after induced strokes by 56 %.
Lithium protects rat brain cells from the. increased levels of brain cell death caused by anti-convulsant drugs (Dilantin phenytoin , Tegretol, carbamazepine etc.)
Lithium may protect against adverse effects from mood altering drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, 'uppers"and "downers", and marihuana all of which cause brain damage with long term use.
Abnormally functioning signaling pathways may become repaired by lithium.
The aluminum felt to be a possible cause of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). is chelated[3] by lithium so it can be more easily removed from the body.

Research has suggested that lithium blocks the secretion of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease and prevents damage from pre-existing beta amyloid. Overactivity of the brain cell protein tau contributes to death of neurones in Alzheimer's Disease. Lithium inhibits this tau protein damage and the formation of the neurofibrillary tangles seen in AD.

I'm looking for natural neurogenesis boosters, like THC from hemp, but it is illegal in US.

Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/10/2009 391 posts


I don't like lithium aspartate it's an excitotoxin much like aspartame. It may reverse, but only temporarily. Therefore the preferred lithium needs to be lithium carbonate, lithium citrate being the safest one. Long term use does more harm in aspartate form then good. Aspartate, MSG and aspartame are all excitotoxin. The beta amyloid is a toxicity of high level exposure of metal zinc, and hence 1000 mg of L carnosine and some small amounts of EDTA to remove zinc, as well as other metals is the cause of the alzheimer. Scientist found beta amyloid removes heavy metals, but in excess, beta amyloid becomes a problem. Therefore it makes more sense to use those that gives energy to the brain without the excitotoxins such as drops of methylene blue which is protective of the cell's mitochrondria systems, and the removal of heavy metals such as cilantro and carnosine and perhaps drops of sodium thiosulfate, or even chlorella to help remove the heavy metals. Potassium citrate will further alkalize the brain so the brain can heal. i don't believe in lithium aspartate because I have received several years ago that while initially it helped alzheimer, the condition later on became progressively much worse. It was from the excitotoxin of the aspartate.


Posted by Fico (New York, NY) on 02/09/2009

Cure of cognitive impairment of down syndrome may help Alzheimer's sufferers.
Changing minds is a protocol to treat the cognitive impairment seen in down syndrome. After only 13 weeks of treatment the IQ start to rise. Here you can find the protocol, a documentary trailer, testimonies and research:

and here you can see other fragments. Watch nichole who has a dual diagnostic of down syndrome + alzheimer.

keep in mind that The connection between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease is complex. Studies of the brains of people with Down syndrome reveal that, by the age of 40, almost all develop the brain changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.

I know the protocol use 2 prescription drugs, but one is no necessary, the other one is prosac, and its main use is for neurogenesis= creation of new neurons with strong synapses. so there is possible cure for the cognitive impairment, and the article about the lithium is very interesting, looks like it does the same as prosac. exercise stimulate neurogenesis and THC also.

changingminds's protocol

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba - In 2003, Stanford University discovered the main culprit, GABA receptor, an inhibitor, was ON continuously in individuals with Down syndrome. (View details) The result was- it did not allow the nerves in the memory area of the brain to fire. To get the proper level of GABA, a GABA antagonist was used to turn it down. (View details) Ginkgo Biloba is a GABA antagonist which has been used for over 4000 years (View details)

Prozac (Fluoxetine)
Prozac - The University Of Maryland School Of Medicine treated Down syndrome mice with prozac for 24 days (2006). It increased neurogenesis (the formation of new nerves) to a normal level (View details). This is like increasing the hardware on your computer. It allows you to run more complicated software. In fetuses with Down syndrome, neurons fail to show normal dendritic development, yielding a "tree in winter" appearance. This developmental failure is thought to result in mental retardation (View details)

Focalin XR
Focalin XR is an ADHD medicine that increases focus and decreases impulsiveness and hyperactivity. It is a mild stimulant. As our children improved, we became increasingly aware of their inability to attend to the tasks at hand.

Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid that makes up 50% of the cell membrane. The membrane is the lining of every nerve cell that carries our signals. We are trying to heal the brain by growing new neurons and allowing them to fire. Giving PC is like bringing the bricks to the construction site when building a house. (View details)

Formulated with a 4:1 Ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in Liquid form or Softgel pills.

Of the tens of thousands of molecules that make up the life of a cell, Phosphatidylcholine (PC) stands apart; probably the most important one of all. BodyBio PC is made of only pure phospholipids which automatically form liposomes in the watery environment of the body, but it goes one important step further.... it is also formulated with the essential lipids at a 4:1 ratio. Most PC currently available has an EFA ratio of ~12:1. BodyBio PC not only has a higher concentration of PC, up to 66% but also maintains EFA concentration at the preferred 4:1 ratio, a BodyBio exclusive.

Body Bio Balanced Oil
Body Bio Oil - There is a growing body of evidence that inflammation and degeneration go hand in hand. This oil provides the body with the building blocks to reduce inflammation and improve health. Link to references

4:1 Ratio of Organic Sunflower and Flax Seed Oil Blend in its Virgin State. Fatty acids are not only good for you -- they are ESSENTIAL! One of the very best supplement programs includes additional Essential Fatty Acids of Omega 6 to Omega 3 at a 4:1 ratio. This special formulation of organic sunflower and flax is now available as BODYBIO BALANCE!

Folinic Acid/ B 12 (methylcobalamin)
Folinic Acid/ B 12 (methylcobalamin) - Dr. Jill James has a detailed study looking at methylation and the need for these nutrients in the patient with Down syndrome. (View Details)


  • Ginkgo Biloba - The dose is approximately 2.5 mg/lb for the dry herb but must be adjusted on the basis of clinical response and tolerability.
  • Prozac - The dose needs to be adjusted in the range of 5 mg to 20mg/day on the basis of clinical response and tolerability.
  • Focalin XR - dosage should be individualized according to the needs and responses of the patient
  • Phosphatidylcholine - depends on age, check table below
  • Body Bio Oil - depends on age, check table below
  • Folinic Acid/ B 12 depends on age, check table below


Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Fico (NY, NY) on 02/09/2009

Alzheimer's cured with lithium aspartate???

Lithium, the rediscovered (missing?) element for your brain's regeneration
The Misunderstood Mineral

By Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.
(Reprinted From "Nutrition and Healing"

excerpt: There are many other research findings that also strongly suggest that lithium will protect against potential Alzheimer's disease and slow the progression of existing cases. Researchers have reported that lithium inhibits beta-amyloid secretion, and also prevents damage caused by beta-amyloid protein once it's been formed.20-23 Beta-amyloid peptide is a signature protein involved in Alzheimer's disease: the more beta-amyloid protein, the worse the Alzheimer's becomes...

Lithium Orotate - Alzheimers Disease, Aluminum, Fibromyalgia: Is There a Relationship?

excerpt:Chris D. Meletis, N.D. reports in Vitamin Research News, "Studies show that lithium, in general, inhibits the atrophy of the hippocampus. Atrophy of the human hippocampus is seen in a variety of disorders including Alzheimer's disease."(1)

Posted by Ruma (Calcutta, India) on 02/05/2009

It is NOT true!! Cancer is not rare at all in India, though certain types of cancer are rare (such as colon cancer). Also, Alzheimer's is getting more and more common - one of my aunts suffered from Alzheimer's before she died.

But Turmeric is a powerful herb - it is a purifier of the blood and it is very good for you. It is best eaten in its raw form, and also does wonders for the skin if you make a paste out of the root and slather it over the face.

It really is an amazing herb but one needs to be careful before making claims about the occurrence of cancer!

Posted by Suzanne (Rotterdam, Netherlands) on 02/05/2009

In India alzheimer is almost non existent and cancer is more rare, especially male types of cancer. Researchers found that it has to do with the consumption of large quantities of turmeric (also known as kunjit) in the curry. Especially the combination of chilly powder, turmeric and cauliflower and broccoli seems to do the trick. If you prepare a curry don't just use the herbal mix form the grocery but add your own paste of vegetable oil (arachide, sunflower or sesame oil), chilli powder and turmeric powder. Wash and cut the cauliflower and broccoli and let them sit for 15 minutes before cooking, as this improves the health benefits.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Jim (Tacoma, Wa) on 01/23/2009

Alzheimer's seems to be caused by the herpes virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see for yourself--

Posted by John (Glasgow, UK) on 07/19/2008

Drinking coffee has been tipped as a possible way of delaying and even preventing Alzheimer's disease in previous research. However these studies have only ever involved a small number of people and were reliant on participants remembering how much tea and coffee they drank earlier in their lives.

This latest study showed that cognitive decline was significantly less among people who drank three cups of coffee every day. These findings add weight to the body of existing evidence suggesting long-term caffeine intake may have a protective effect against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

It is too soon to say our morning coffee or afternoon cup of tea is anything more than a pleasant pick-me-up. It is important to now research further how caffeine consumption impacts on dementia risk.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/01/2007 391 posts

Dear Diane: Actually, the Alzheimer's Disease problem has a lot to do with free heavy metals (from pots, pans, cans, aluminum foil, canned foods, metal packaging of foods, etc.) or excesses of free heavy metals of a certain kind.

This does not conclude only of aluminum, but also excess free heavy metals of zinc, copper and sometimes iron.

Most scientist view beta amyloid protein, which is found in the victims of Alzheimer's Disease patients to be high of zinc in amyloid beta deposits, when in fact these are more involved in the heavy metal removal from the brain.

The simple reason is that all free heavy metals are very oxidative a high concentration of something as copper and zinc, much like electrodes you find in batteries to help generate electricity from the electrolytes is very much analogous to the blood electrolytes and the copper, zinc and aluminum in generating electrical currents, removing the electrolytic properties from the blood electrolytes and actually shorting out the brain with electricity, causing a cell death in large amount, but may be protective against other viral and bacteria invaders just the same. This is how I prepare antiseptic solutions of copper and zinc, which kills virus and bacteria because of the uniqueness of copper and zinc to have electrical flows acting as an electrode, thus shorting out the virus and the bacteria in solutions. However this is bad news if free zinc and copper are found in high amounts in the brain, where we try to remove Alzheimer's Disease beta amyloids, but in excesses are completely overwhelmed and in such excesses, the oxidative properties of copper, zinc, aluminum and iron causes neural cell death.

As to the question of why certain metals, especially copper, zinc, and aluminum for example are implicated in Alzheimer's Disease I need some basic understanding of galvanic potential, galvanic corrosion, and electrical potentials of these metals to understand, where one metals act as an anode and another acts as a cathode. Once this is understood, then you know how these metals corrode the brain, or actually rusts the brain cells as excess heavy metals such as zinc, copper, and aluminum is very oxidative.

A simple dramatic example, is when you prepare your cooking, of something as innocuous as baking or even using ketchup on an aluminum foil, can cause them to increase the bioavailability of certain metals that are dangerous to the body.

One simple example concerns "lasagna battery" or cell, where a salty food such as lasagna is kept in a steel baking pan covered in aluminum foils. Kept overnight, the aluminum forms small holes where the salty lasagna is in contact and the food becomes covered with corroded aluminum. This is an example of galvanic corrosion, because the metal occurs whenever two metals of different kinds are in contact with the lasagna electrolyte, the two metals act as an electrode and a electrolytic battery it becomes.

The electrodes of two terminals of the battery becomes connected with the lasagna electrolytes as aluminum touches the steel, the electricity is shorted out and an electrical current occurs causing a chemical reaction on the surface of the metal that it contacts.

Now just imagine what happens if those free heavy metals were inside your brain. The Alzheimer's Disease brain gets shorted out as aluminum/copper or aluminum/zinc, or copper/zinc electrode connections occur. Since aluminum is quite high in electrochemical series, an aluminum becomes dissolved metal ion from the galvanic corrosion. It is the same if you cover your meatloaf with aluminum and ketchup creating a puddle of gray aluminum that you can accidentally ingest. But what happens if these very free metals are found inside your cell right now shorting out your cells with aluminum and copper or aluminum and zinc or even copper and zinc. When it shorts out, or the "shorting out process", this would lead to cell death or apoptosis that scientist note to occur in presence of free hydroxyl radical from the iron, zinc, or even copper. One French scientist years ago, was surprised to find why the sudden short lifespan amongst certain villages where drinking water were high in copper from the copper pipes they used, despite a healthy lifestyle.

Looking further on this Alzheimer's Disease phenomenon, it is best to close the issue with a person who watches T.V. Monday night Football (are they still doing it?) eating salty peanuts, potato chips and drinking beer. As his salty lips contacts the beer can with aluminum, the lasagna effect becomes apparent. The aluminum, while it is LOW in the beer can sudden increases tremendously as the lid on the beer on the opening is an exposed aluminum, suddenly shorts out with the saliva high in salty electrolytes.

The same phenomenon can occur just the same as you eat potato chips and the "salty electrolytes" of the mouth shorts out or as the metal braces of teeth, forms a weak electrolytic current with the cheap metal amalgam fillings consisting of mercury and the silver. As the silver forms electrical current with the metal of the teeth braces, the silver gets loose, releasing a toxic mercury. Electrical current ALSO forms whenever the amalgam of the teeth forms an electrical current as the stainless spoons from an electrical current with the silver amalgam freeing the mercury inside your mouth. The salty saliva acts as an electrolyte! A good science project just putting in salty solution with extracted amalgam with a stainless steel spoons and try perhaps with an aluminum spoon - perhaps it can dissolve a lot of amalgam this way - which enters your body in a much larger amount than expected.

Just imagine another Alzheimer's Disease scenario, a housewife cooks a healthy soup (with sea salt) boiling over an aluminum pots using a stainless steel spatula while she stirs over a hot cooker. The electrical current is formed as the stainless steel metals forms and electrical current, freeing the aluminum in your soup. I have always wondered as a child that if left overnight, an aluminum spoon, in a stainless steel pots of soup why this gray color (aluminum!) forms small cloud. Imagine what happens if this healthy lifestyle would lead to Alzheimer's Disease?

Current Alzheimer's Disease researchers are looking at implications of zinc as a role to Alzheimer's Disease, although I tend to look at free heavy metals in general. And if that is not enough, I have as yet to find the source of contamination of many other heavy metals that has found their way into the body that I am constantly seeing, such as uranium, radium, cadmium, arsenic etc. While it is not possible to find them all, what I can tell you is that, excess free heavy metals, especially iron, arsenic, uranium, radium, for example can lead to precocious puberty in children as well as accelerated aging. So the problems of heavy metals is not just confined to Alzheimer.

As a remedy to all this problem is malic acid removes aluminum. But I imagine the pH of the electrolyte solutions (your soup) can very much create free heavy metals more efficiently if the soup pH is below 7, or that it is high in table salt. SALT, should be added last, since the electrolytic salt reacts with every metal cookware, from cooking pans to frying pans to spoons, fork and knives on your dinner table, in presence of another appropriate metal container such as the aluminum and stainless steel. Hence, a salt should be added last when you are about to eat it and not during cooking.

Hence, drinking apple juice (removes aluminum as malic acid chelates out this), but of more importance is the chelating of free metal copper and free metal zinc that is presently being implicated as the cause of alzheimer especially the free metal zinc. The best Alzheimer's Disease supplements I can come out with to do this, is L-Carnosine 500 mg for alzheimer, as well as certain supplements such as oral chelators adding a small amount of EDTA, either sodium EDTA (the ones I like) or other forms of EDTA.

I have found that people generally are low in magnesium with the condition as magnesium is somehow protective and reduces the metal toxicity in cells and studies of people with heavy metal toxicity are more apparent whenever magnesium is low, from the Brazil studies in people with metal toxicity.

It should not be ignored that cooked food should relatively free of salt during the cooking processes, and be added only on the cooking table, but that I should minimized the use of metals during cooking, as well as avoid drinking DIRECTLY from metal cans. The availability of aluminum occurs when the aluminum is exposed during the drinking and the salty mouth contacts the opening, creating a larger amounts of aluminum going inside the body than the aluminum contents found in the beer itself, causing a lasagna effect or even the meat loaf effect, just the same.


Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Raphael (Kent, Ohio) on 10/31/2007

Re Alzheimer's and Aluminum -- I have read that Juice fasting can remove heavy metals. read up on fasting. get some books, check out curezone ETC.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Diane (Foley, Alabama) on 10/30/2007

October 30, 2007: does exposure to aluminum cause Alzheimer's disease? A friend's father (65) just passed away with Alzheimer's. His mother (63) died over a year ago with Alzheimer's. They were both diagnosed within 6 months of each other. My friend said that the nutritionist noted that both parents consumed beer on weekends and drank from cans. (Cheaper) Both parents consumed 6 to 8 soda's a day with cans. His mother cooked meat loafs and meats in aluminum pans for easy throw-a-way. If this is true, is there a remedy to remove aluminum from the body? My husband has quit drinking soda's all together.

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