Health Benefits

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trish (England) on 11/23/2017

I am 2 days in to using raw apple cider vinegar for my french bulldog who has allergies (not food related) she is currently on 16mg of apoquel a day I have reduced her tablet to 8mg, and giving 1 teaspoon twice a day in her food as she does not drink much water. so far so good, she has practically stopped chewing her feet, can't believe it hope it continues. Her weight is 18.90 kg so she is on a diet as well, I have also made up some kefir which I will include in her food starting today.

I will keep her on 8mg of apoquel for a week and gradually start reducing it, say every other day to see what happens.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Geri A. (Alberta, Canada) on 08/27/2017

Editor's Choice As soon as I see my scottie chewing and licking her paws excessively I know she's having an allergic reaction.

I use 3 tbsp. ACV mixed into 1 tbsp. water and wipe down the feet of my scottie when she has an allergy flare up. Twice a day for 3 days and she is over her problem. Then I root out which of my grandchildren is sneaking her a treat that she is reacting to. Also, when she is scratching or biting at herself, which is very seldom, I add half a cup of ACV in her rinse water after her bath. Stinky but effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juliendbq (Dubuque, Ia) on 05/31/2017

At my wits end, I googled "Aloe Vera", hoping to find an answer to our 9-year-old Boston Terrier's constant chewing on his feet and scratching. He was so distressed and it just ripped my heart out! I found some information that might have been of use, but next on my mind was to google "ACV" for his allergies. Wow, did I score! I immediately game him some canned pumpkin with 1/2 t. of ACV. Within 1/2 hour, there was very little chewing, in fact he fell asleep! All the gourmet, gluten-free dog foods we've tried didn't have the success that the ACV did! That was Monday night--by Tuesday morning his skin looked so much less irritated/inflamed. Thinking I was seeing what I wanted to see, I asked my husband who agreed that his skin looked soooo much better. Hopefully, his raw patches will heal so that I can spray his feet and armpits.

There is a great (old) book extolling the effects of ACV, honey, garlic, etc. and their benefits to us, and a wide variety of animals. I'm not sure if it can still be purchased, but it is so worth it! If anyone would like the title, I can check on it later today or tomorrow.

Incidentally, years ago I was part of a Cairn Terrier rescue group. Rather than giving itchy, dry skin dogs frequent baths, they recommended dusting them with Gold Bond powder and gently working that in. Also, it was suggested that itchy dogs and those that chew their skin be sprayed with equal parts of Listerine and water ... very soothing. ACV, being more natural, that the Listerine, would IMO be a better choice. (I don't have a bottle handy, but I would think Listerine has sugar as an ingredient.)

EC: We're guessing the book is DC Jarvis's book Folk Medicine!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christy (Fair Oaks, Ca) on 08/11/2011

I just wanted to say that I have a shit-zu that I got when she was 1&1/2.she was surrenderd due to allergies. Thoughout the years I tried EVERYTHING... Every quality food and even things made with a novel protien source like kangaroo and bush baby. she would either have a reaction within a few hours or be ok for a couple days then really react bad. I have even made her food myself from things like goat. Like most others here docs always just said its allergies. So we do the whole protocal of meds. Allergies would always come back.

I think she has been doing the yougert/probiotic and Apple Cider Vinegar spray on her coat for a week now and shes a different dog. Shes ALWAYS had hot spots and flaky skin with sores on it. And her skin was always red like a tomato and hot, now it alsmost as pale as mine!!! No flakes, no sores. I have her on nonstarchy veggies & olive oil right now with calcium added and in another week I will try a high quality single source food and see how she does. Its such a relief to see her enjoy her life and not just itch/scratch and chew herself raw. I AM SO ANGRY THAT NO VET EVER KNEW ABOUT YEAST!!!

I am going to print out the info here and take her to see her vet to get groomed in a few weeks and show them how great she looks. She has almost died twice from alleregy meds like atopica and ketochenazole(spelled phoneticly) and to think it was all needless. I aslo soak her feet in epsom salts and baking soda mix every other day for 10 min. I thought id do this since her feet were always the worst. Then I spray the acv/h2o mixture on her and just rub it in. Aslo im bathing her in tea tree shampoo since its anti fungal(once a week bath).

Oh and that site the great dane lady has a homemade remedy for ear that sounds great and I will be using that soon. Just google great dane lady and you will find her. She has a whole protocal for the yeast thing and tells you what veggies and meats are ok to use and which ones arent. She also says the thyroid need to be tested since they cant get over the yeast if their thyriod messed up. I am sooo greatful for this site. My molly has suffered all her life-shes 14 now, and now she can have some itch free years. She seems perkier and more spunky too after staring this protocal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pete (Union Beach, Nj) on 01/24/2011

Try a raw food diet ex. BARF, your dog's allergies will subside and overall health will improve. I have a black lab who has Allergies, the meds the vet gave didn't work. Someone suggested a Raw food diet, my dog has never been healthier... No more scratching or sores, small stool and a shiny coat. Just read up on it before you decide to do it.

Or go grain free... not as good as raw but a better alternative than reg dog food.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Myrtle Beach, Sc) on 08/25/2009

i think this site is greattt. our 8 yr old schnauser has been scratching so much the people downstairs could hear the thumps he made under the bed. his (un)favorite passtime is scratching and chewing himself raw,anywhere and everywhere on his body. if you were to talk to him, he would tell you that he is notttt a dog. he thinks hes a human. he hasnt touched anything hangin around on the floor since he was a puppy---the house could have no floor space with junk all over it(which it doesnt) but if it did, he wouldnt touch it. he only plays with or chews his stuff. but when our son talked nasty to him., he ferreted out our sons favorite toy, chewed it up, walked over to our son, got his attention, dropped the chewed toy, gave our son a look that said take that!, and walked slowly away while our son screamed and cryed because his favorite toy was soo chewed up beyond recognition. i told my son how sorry i was but that titan was telling him too: respect me! do not yell at me. people say dogs dont have a revenge streak--i say bull! yes they do. needless to say our son hasnt yelled at titan in 4yrs. this is a dog who will find a pill on the floor and come get me to pick it up(he wont touch it). this lil schnauser never sniffs people except for their feet, but when he sniffs you, then you better get to the doctors right away. he kept sniffing my chest(and like i said he never sniffs people) and less than a week later, i had pertussis. he started sniffing my sons groin area, the next night my son complained of pain in that area---he had a bladder infection. titan started sniffing my husband, and my husband had a kidney stone attack a couple days later. he is a veryyyy intellegent dog. if the cat gets out of the house, he comes and tells us. when my daughter was a teenager and tryed to sneak out of her bedroom window in the middle of the night way down the hall he told us. anyway, you can see hes a special lil part of family. anywayyy i tryed everything for his itching. you name it , i tryed it. nothing worked., but this afternoon after reading your site. i gave him a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with the mother--the good stuff. and lo and behold--- after about 15 minutes----hes quiet and relaxed sitting there like he owns the place--as usual lol buttt with noooo scratching. i have to say, i cant believe it, acv actually worked when all the vitamins,minerals, drugs ,cremes etc didnt. nowww if someone can pleaseee tell me how to get him from running out the door when we open it, i wont have any problems with him. he got a lil certificate from a training school yrs ago, but when he got home, it was like---im home now so i can do what i want. hes veryyy well trained, but racing out of the house when the door is open has become a real problem--any suggestions for a frustrated owner and a schnauser who thinks hes a human???? againnnn thank you!!!! for this site

EC: What an amazing dog! Thank for these great stories!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deb (Harrisburg, Pa) on 08/19/2009

Editor's Choice ACV is wonderful! My Shih Tzu was suffering with his allgeries this year. He lost all the hair off his ears. It must be the new area I am living in. A new hot spot was breaking out everyday. Well, I gave him a bath, then used 1 cup of ACV to a gallon of water.

He slept peacefully that night. Since then I have applied a half and half mixture of water and ACV using a spray bottle on his hot spots and around his ears. The areas of his skin are almost healed. I could not beleive how fast it took after the bath.

I tried using the spray mixture a day or two befor the bath, that did not have the same affect. Be sure to bath the dog first using the ACV mix last then rinse it off.

I am still spraying him every day. He doesn't really like it especially. But all the redness has left.

I am recommending this site to all my friends!

I also tried another remedy that worked for dog coughs, 1 tbl honey, 3 drops of peroxide and 1 cup of water. the cough vanished.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Belmont, North Carolina) on 07/31/2009

I've tried everything for my Yorkies, they scratch & bite all over all day, I've tried Tea tree oil with some help, but Now I Have Found the REMEDIE!!!!
Give you dog a bath with a good shampoo, put it on washcloth, thats makes it great for washing, face, belly, butts, they will love it. Then rinse, condition if needed, rinse again with clean warm water, make sure to rinse, belly, feet, and botton well, don't leave standing dirty water in bath on feet.let water run out of tub.

Then take a CUP & 1/2 of apple cider vinegar in a gallon of clean warm water, it might take more than a gallon, mix correct, rinse all areas,don't forget feet, try not to get in eyes, this will stop RED SPOTS, SCRATCHING & BITING FEET. Plus will make coat soft & shiney. Plus mix a spray bottle,1/2 ACV & 1/2 Water, to spray if itching between baths!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by afghanhound911 (San Francisco, CA) on 06/25/2009

We have had a horrible case of the itchy witchies this allergy season. Everyone of our guys has been itching, scratching and all have flakey skin and 2 have had chronic ear infections.

First I tried switching their diet to a high quality non grain food, no luck. I then found a site that recommended rinsing in a 50% water & 50% Raw Apple Cider Vinegar solution. I first bathed them with an Aloe and Tea Tree shampoo followed with the rinse (leaving on for approx 5 min) rinse well and apply an oatmeal conditioner (again, rinse well).

After the first bath we had some residual flaking but less itching. We repeated the proceedure 2 weeks later and I am happy to say that the flakiness is all gone and itching is minimal. In addition we are now feeding a white fish & sweet potatoe kibble supplemented with extra virgin olive oil.

For the first time in MONTHS, we are one big happy itch free family!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kristen (Oklahoma City, OK) on 06/09/2009

To Gloria from San Antonio - I know the chances are slim that you will see this, but I put ACV on my chihuahua's neck twice a day and it has greatly helped her eye allergies!! It's not a total cure all, but it has provided her so much relief. I'm a believer!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Melbourne, Florida USA) on 04/30/2009

Apple Cider Vineger and dog allerigies: I have a 6 year old beagle mix that has been dealing with allergies for as long as I've had him. I have taken him to the vet several times, spent tons of money on shampoos, sprays, creams, special food and NOTHING has helped. I came across this website and it suggested using Apple Cider Vinegar for hot spots and allergies. I thought, "why not?" and tried it on Baxter. I used an old water bottle (12 oz) and filled it half with water and half with ACV. I took a few paper towels, soaked it and started wiping Baxter down. Within minutes, he stopped itching and he has been able to rest and not scratch all the time. Thank you SO much for this amazing advice! Baxter is no longer miserable and when he's happy, I'm happy, and so is my wallet!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Murray, KY) on 10/09/2008

After reading the articles about dogs scratching and chewing their feet, I read over and over about using apple cider vinegar as a spray. I was at the point i had to try something, I tried a 50 50 acv and water and also within the first hour i saw results, i use it now at least one time a day and sometimes two, my dobhie/lab mix has been chewing and scratching for 3 years and this is the best i have seen her, i have made numerous visits to the vet, shots and have been giving all sorts of pills i do believe this has given her more relief than anything. i started also about 3 weeks ago giving her a fish oil capsule 2 times a day. pleae if anyone has a problem try the ACV/water solution for your dogs sake. thanks for all the folks who recomended this. from the bluegrass state

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virginia (Cushing, OK) on 08/07/2008

FLEAS/TICKS and ACV: Full Strength ACV on dog that was scratching constantly. His hair under his tail and on his abdomen had a red tint to it (he is white) and I am not sure it wasn't some kind of mange problem too since it had a terrible odor which wasn't helped by bathing. After spraying him down with full strength ACV the odor dissipated and his scratching has stopped. I sprayed him for 3 consecutive days at first but skip a day or two now. Thank you for saving me a vet bill...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Miramichi, Canada) on 07/10/2008

My little Venus has been going nuts with itching and biting..had 2 spots size of toonies on her with a scab, one with hair off and bald. She is on a regime from vet for fleas etc. In desperation, one hot day I sprayed apple cider vinegar and water {half and half}all over her skin and especially on those 2 spots. She stopped scratching for about an hour and a half. So we now put 5 ml/ 1 tsp. mixed with a tsp/ water in a 5 ml. syringe and shoot it into her mouth once a day. She wouldn't eat if we put it in food or drinking water. VOILA!!! NO MORE ITCHING AND BITING

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lauren (Norridge, IL) on 04/22/2008

I can't thank you enough for your remedy on your website. My Yorkie has been suffering on and off, mostly on, with smelly, itchy, swollen feet. I've tried everything....medicinal sprays, ointments, special shampoos, socks, washing with and hairdryer on low, antibiotic, and the list goes on.

In desperation, I searched various website, but (they are mostly selling something) and found yours. Your suggestion (simple and safe) I thought so I tried it. It was 2:30 in the morning when I found your remedy, and wouldn't sleep anyway for the licking, licking he was doing only making it worse and throwing up from all the medication he licked off when he pulled the socks off. I had some Acv in the pantry. I dissolved 1/4 cup in pint of water. I first washed and rinsed squeaky clean what was left on his feet from medication. I held his paws over the sink and poured the solution on his feet one-by-one. I could actually see the inflammation disappearing and the swelling going down. Could this be possible!? Am I seeing things I want to see and believe this will work! You bet it did!!!! I put some Acv dissolved in water in a spray bottle just in case he starts licking again.

He hasn't and slept through the night. Me, too.

I am very grateful and wish i found your site sooner. Needless to say, I'm happy and so is my Yorkie and I can't thank you enough!

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